View Full Version : How can I get a divorce in Tenerife?

06-10-2011, 13:55
hi need advice where do i divorce my husband here or the uk for adultry not sure if grounds a difference help appriciated

06-10-2011, 14:06
If you got married in the UK then you need to start divorce proceedings there and if you got married here then proceed in Tenerife but you really need to seek the advice of a lawyer.

I don't know you but sorry your relationship is ending.

06-10-2011, 14:08
am off to the uk in a couple of weekes will make an appointment thanks

Malteser Monkey
06-10-2011, 14:16
I don't know you but sorry your relationship is ending.

Yes from me too

06-10-2011, 14:38
And me. Hope all goes smoothly.

06-10-2011, 23:37
just an update i have been in touch with a solicitor and if hubby keeps his promise of writing letter admitting adultry should not be too long before am out of the marriage ........:c2::c2::raspberry:

07-10-2011, 16:42
I divorced here in Tenerife and we both used the same council. If you can both work out who is going to get what and agree in writing the divorce procedure is very simple. One trip to the court separately to tell the judge why the marriage has broken down and that it is irretrievable. six weeks later we were free of each other. I will add much cheaper than the Uk for both of you too. I think we paid about €1500 for the whole thing. That was 5 years ago. I hope this helps but I'm sorry you needed advice...

02-05-2012, 13:30
please if anyone has been through a divorce here but who was married somewhere else how long did it take for the divorce to finalise after signing the papers in court thanks

02-05-2012, 16:43
PM sent......

22-06-2012, 11:57
I found this website (http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=Bln5kG0_kT5X3D5GT0AWR5aCSBu_63NAD55DFlGD33JfTrw Hw5hcQARgBILuSqhE4AFDllO6vA2DV1dWCoAmgAeGAs88DsgEV d3d3LnRlbmVyaWZlZm9ydW0ub3JnugEKMTI1eDEyNV9hc8gBAd oBbmh0dHA6Ly93d3cudGVuZXJpZmVmb3J1bS5vcmcvdGVuZXJp ZmUtZm9ydW0vc2hvd3RocmVhZC5waHA_MTc1MTUtTm8tc21va2 luZy1Ib3ctbG9uZy1oYXZlLXlvdS1tYW5hZ2VkLWl0L3BhZ2Uy gAIBqQLz1h82TzS6PsACAagDAcgDH_UDAAkAxPUDAAAAEIgGAQ&num=1&cid=5GiQYS9fOMJapdkHlKNZRGoo&sig=AOD64_34X0i0Y_pX1lUM3tcVxanPggYUHw&client=ca-pub-7784416076742548&adurl=http://www.myadvocatespain.com/divorce-in-spain/divorce-facts-online-service&nm=12&nx=53&ny=10) that has some interesting info about getting a divorce in Spain with some clearly written tips. :)