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View Full Version : Has anyone attended the Spanish course in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife?

11-10-2011, 21:27
Has anyone attended the Spanish course for foreigners which is held in Puerto de la cruz and run by the University of Laguna in co-operation with the City Council of Puerto de la cruz.
I am just wondering what the course content would be and if it would be suitable for complete beginners.
I also wanted to know if anyone knows where I could purchase the text books second hand. They appear to be very expensive even on Amazon.

11-10-2011, 21:36
there is a book store in santa cruz have 1,000īs new and used name apenga. the book store is right by carrefour in downtown santa cruz. catch 111 and get off the carrefour bus stop you will see a toyota dealer walk across the street where toyota is keep walking pass toyota between aptsment. there you will see a mercenas car place walk left (donīt cross the 2nd strret) bout 2 mins walking is the book store apenga you just canīt miss it

11-10-2011, 22:05
Thanks so much for the detailed directions. I have copied and pasted them and will take this with me when I arrive in January.

there is a book store in santa cruz have 1,000īs new and used name apenga. the book store is right by carrefour in downtown santa cruz. catch 111 and get off the carrefour bus stop you will see a toyota dealer walk across the street where toyota is keep walking pass toyota between aptsment. there you will see a mercenas car place walk left (donīt cross the 2nd strret) bout 2 mins walking is the book store apenga you just canīt miss it