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View Full Version : Early snow on Mt. Teide.

19-10-2011, 17:55
Looks like we have snow on Teide,well it certainly looks like it from down here,early or what?

19-10-2011, 17:57
It certainly is snow.
I was just going on here to report it, but you beat me to it. :)

19-10-2011, 18:17
Bit early this year isn't it?

carol & steve
19-10-2011, 18:54
Anyone got any pictures?

19-10-2011, 20:06
It does seem earlier than normal!


Photo courtesy of Tenerife Magazine!

19-10-2011, 21:11
It is a bit early.
Last year we had the first snow on November 26, 2010:


Then a few days later on December 1st we had full coverage:


Havenīt been taking pics today but will have a look tomorrow and if there are no clouds around will take one and post it. :)

20-10-2011, 00:30
Not been able to the see the mountain today but I'm not surprised.

It's felt like the usual summer/ winter changeover for the past 48 hours.

20-10-2011, 06:09
The local farmer delivered my eggs last night and said the snow was a month early and he said we are in for a cold/long winter, In Chio we have the fiesta of San Andres with the new wine (and very mad people on go-carts) but he said it wont be ready in time as the grapes were a month late because of the cool summer.

20-10-2011, 06:38
See you at the fiesta....I'm one of the mad people on the go-karts.

Chayofa Tete
20-10-2011, 07:30
Frost in Glasgow this morning and snow on the higher up hills,also very early for Teide to have snow so it looks like a long winter all round.

20-10-2011, 09:16
Frost in Glasgow this morning and snow on the higher up hills also very early for Teide to have snow so it looks like a long winter all round.

It was 2.5 degrees here in Cumbernauld when I was leaving work at 8pm last night..... Guess it's time for me to look out the socks and shoes/boots and put away the summer sandals!!!!

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

West mids tyke
20-10-2011, 09:43
its cold n sunnyin wolverhampton this morning but looking forward to some proper sun in tenerife in 25 days

20-10-2011, 13:38
Hereīs the view from my front porch today at 1:30 pm....still hazy and with clouds around the peak:



20-10-2011, 19:57
I hate this inbetweeny stage. Bit nippy up here in the hills first thing, well it is when I walk to the bus stop at 7.15 a.m., then by lunchtime down in Fanabe it is hot. What does a girl wear? does the weather not realise what confusion it causes a girl when she has to dress warmer going to work then strip half of it off coming home because the sun is blaring :)

21-10-2011, 08:52
See you at the fiesta....I'm one of the mad people on the go-karts.
And I am one of the intelligent ones that just watches with a wine from the tuck shop