View Full Version : How much of your lottery winnings would you give away_

24-10-2011, 16:59
Say you just won £100,000,000 on the Euromillions lottery, how much would you give to:

Close friends
People you know are skint who maybe aren't friends but are decent people all the same

24-10-2011, 17:09
I've rehersed this situation (still not won tho)! I would certainly help some relatives, friends if they truly needed help and people you come across either who I feel are deserving, either because of their circumstances, or because of what they do.

The beggars who no doubt will write in with their 'sad stories' can whistle.

24-10-2011, 17:10
WOW!!! After getting over the shock. A million to each of my close family and friends. 10 million to my parents. And a cool million to Bluemarlin for a new boat and a trouble free life! :D

24-10-2011, 17:13
I have this conversation at least 2 or 3 times a year :)

I would obviously sort out family and friends but also thought about the effect of giving someone a million quid. Would it always be a good thing? What if you ruined their lives!!! I would maybe pay off their mortgage, buy them two nice cars, give them a hundred grand in a savings account, a holiday to anywhere they want and a credit card with a £2,000 a month limit for life.

Charities are a tough one - where do you stop? There are so many of them...

24-10-2011, 17:19
I have often had this dream,thats why buying a ticket is worth every penny.
9 brothers & sisters, 6 children,9 grandchildren, thats a huge wedge gone,a couple of families who are really struggling would get some and the charities also.......and if theres any left im going to spend,spend,spend

24-10-2011, 17:21
I wouldn't necessarily give to charities and wouldn't give, say £1m, to a stranger as it might just be something they can't cope with, but I would give to a stranger such that would make a difference. I have no idea who would be a qualifying 'stranger', but you come across people who perform some kindness - for example helped by Mum when she had dementia, or say, an elderly person where even a few thou would change their lives in a good way. There are talented kids who need a kick-start to fulfill a dream, maybe. I think it'd be a little like "The Secret Millionaire" to search out deserving people, though as I said not those who take the opportunity to write and ask (at least not as a direct result of a letter).

24-10-2011, 17:39
I have this conversation at least 2 or 3 times a year :)

I would obviously sort out family and friends but also thought about the effect of giving someone a million quid. Would it always be a good thing? What if you ruined their lives!!! I would maybe pay off their mortgage, buy them two nice cars, give them a hundred grand in a savings account, a holiday to anywhere they want and a credit card with a £2,000 a month limit for life.

Charities are a tough one - where do you stop? There are so many of them...

good answer.

I would certainly keep it NO PUBLICITY and as far has possible NOT let anyone know

Like you say gidting a MILLION overnight could do more harm than good.

Pay off mortgages, holidays, a new car etc etc but a little at a time.

Added after 4 minutes:

I have this conversation at least 2 or 3 times a year :)

I would obviously sort out family and friends but also thought about the effect of giving someone a million quid. Would it always be a good thing? What if you ruined their lives!!! I would maybe pay off their mortgage, buy them two nice cars, give them a hundred grand in a savings account, a holiday to anywhere they want and a credit card with a £2,000 a month limit for life.

Charities are a tough one - where do you stop? There are so many of them...

good answer.

I would certainly keep it NO PUBLICITY and as far has possible NOT let anyone know

Like you say giviing a MILLION overnight could do more harm than good.

Pay off mortgages, holidays, a new car etc etc but a little at a time.

ONly one charity for me McMillan Cancer...10 Million

24-10-2011, 17:47
The Secret Millionaire i watched that last night and have to say it is a great program.......just being able to work hands on with charities to see up close real people with real problems that is something i would like to do with the money.
Family and friends a bit but not too much.
Anyhow cant see it happening don't do the lottery waste of money.

24-10-2011, 18:08
Family a few millions each
some friends that need it and some good friends that dont would get a hand
Various animal and third world charities (none of the big ones that pay massive wages to CEO's)
Buy fas a diamond collar (just to show off)
go to see Pink and Robbie in concert in far off destinations
Buy a helicopter (because i could haha)
Lots of Vodka
Hire a hitman to hunt down people that are cruel to animals and con old people out of their cash !!!
Lots more vodka xxx

blue marlin
24-10-2011, 18:09
WOW!!! After getting over the shock. A million to each of my close family and friends. 10 million to my parents. And a cool million to Bluemarlin for a new boat and a trouble free life! :D

Awe bless thank you :)

I would make sure my children wanted for nothing and stevem what was it you wanted now i aint buying that boat unless your helping out

Davie Thistle
24-10-2011, 20:24
..........I'd give everybody that 'likes' me a wee something,
( I can count them on one hand!)

and spend the rest!


24-10-2011, 20:42
I would make sure my kids were set up for life, and my old dad would also want for nothing as would my brother and his kids and grandkids. I have a few 'close' friends who I would also see alright. As for the rest of the family and 'false' friends they can do one. There are two charities very close to my heart who would also benefit and they are Cancer Research and The Menigitis Trust, because without these two myself and my daughter would not be here to enjoy the win when it comes ;)

24-10-2011, 22:47
Looks like everyone has some sort of plan then....Family of course. Friends..where would you draw the line? Charities personal. Bit of a life change though..depends what you would call enough....!! My Dad won a few thousand on the Football Pools many years ago and it was enough. Not life changing but brings back memories of the "spend spend spend" lady much the same time. Certainly changed her life!

24-10-2011, 22:50
Set my family up for life. I only have 2 what I would call "close" friends. The same would apply to them. Nothing for acquaintances and 10% to 3 charities, The Severiano Ballesteros foundation, Conquer Cancer and a childrens' charity

24-10-2011, 23:00
I would give away around 70 million to various people, the rest I would spend with a clear conscious on things that make people tut under their breath and shake their heads...

25-10-2011, 00:25
I would find it very awkward, i would definately see my children and their families are more than comfortable for life, and give to both my sisters, but one of my sisters has a daughter i wouldnt give my used toilet paper to, so it would definately cause trouble there as my sister would give her some of hers that ive given her and that would really bug me, but it would be out of my control.

25-10-2011, 00:57
..........I'd give everybody that 'likes' me a wee something,
( I can count them on one hand!)

and spend the rest!


If you win it, just remember I invited you to my make believe dinner party on the other thread!

Davie Thistle
25-10-2011, 13:47
If you win it, just remember I invited you to my make believe dinner party on the other thread!

your on!
when I winit I'll mind!!

25-10-2011, 14:20
Say you just won £100,000,000 on the Euromillions lottery, how much would you give to:

Close friends
People you know are skint who maybe aren't friends but are decent people all the same

Family - My children would each get a sum of money into their own bank accounts for when they are older..
I would send my mum n dad on an all expenses paid top notch round the world cruise & pay off the rest of the mortage on my dads other property as i know theres not left..
I would give my aunty who is like a 2nd mum to me money without questioning what is was for...

Close friends - i would pay for myself n kids, my best mate, my mate and her 2 kids to go on a child friendly holiday as i know shes in same boat as me and a nice getaway with the kids is worth all the money in the world.

Friends - My exs parents (childrens grandparents) i would give them money too as they have done alot for me n the kids over the years when ive needed thei help.


People you know are skint who maybe aren't friends but are decent people all the same - i cant think of anyone but im sure id see a needy person and put my hand in my pocket...

Charities - i would give money to the ASBAH Charity ( spina bifida), as its a disability that has took the lives of family members so i always do what i can do donate money to them..

the rest would be spent on makin life comfortable as much as poss for me and my children.. Nice clothes/toys etc
I would also put money into a savings account to be left aside for Disney World when i felt they were old enough to appriciate it as they are to young now..

25-10-2011, 14:21
I Like you!!!!! (honest)- actually, I don't know you but I bet if I did, I'd really really like you x

Added after 3 minutes:

I Like you!!!!! (honest)- actually, I don't know you but I bet if I did, I'd really really like you x
The above quote was supposed to be with a quote from Dave Thistle- don't think I've really got the hang of this yet, but I do rerally really like you Dave!

25-10-2011, 14:29
Say you just won £100,000,000 on the Euromillions lottery, how much would you give to:

Close friends
People you know are skint who maybe aren't friends but are decent people all the same

I would start tipping taxi drivers in Tenerife again just to show Fonica that I am really quite fair and not at all stingy:whistle::wink2:

25-10-2011, 19:04
I would make sure my kids were set up for life, and my old dad would also want for nothing as would my brother and his kids and grandkids. I have a few 'close' friends who I would also see alright. As for the rest of the family and 'false' friends they can do one. There are two charities very close to my heart who would also benefit and they are Cancer Research and The Menigitis Trust, because without these two myself and my daughter would not be here to enjoy the win when it comes ;)

Hi Jackie Dearest I'd be delighted to be adopted by you in such circunstances.........will that be cash?:D

25-10-2011, 20:31
i would give absolutely sod all to anybody and just do a runner:devil:, change my mobile number and buy an island in the caribbean and just chill:D

25-10-2011, 21:38
i would give absolutely sod all to anybody and just do a runner:devil:, change my mobile number and buy an island in the caribbean and just chill:D

Like you I wouldn't give anybody owt,but would give everybody the pleasure of watching me spend it.:raspberry2:

25-10-2011, 22:37
I would buy an aparthotel in Tenerife :) It would be for Tenerife forum members only!! It would not charge extra in the school holidays and provide services and standards required by members.

Also I would lease a few aircraft that could fly said members in comfort at a reasonable cost to Tenerife.....it might not be Ryanair prices but the aparthotel and airline would be non profit making and all profits would go to the Cat and Dog charities.

26-10-2011, 00:33
I've only won the lottery once and gave Carol half.

Borrowed it all back the next day to buy a packet of fags..

26-10-2011, 06:48
Hi Jackie Dearest I'd be delighted to be adopted by you in such circunstances.........will that be cash?:D

Of course you can be my adopted Grandad...no worries ;)