View Full Version : New data bank

Canarian Weekly
26-10-2011, 11:00
Interesting statistics show that 57% of residents of the island were not born here in Tenerife. On the top of the table is the area of Santiago del Teide, where people who have come from outside account for 75 percent of its population. The Cabildo of Tenerife has released these statistics as a database, a [...]

More... (http://www.canarianweekly.com/data-bank/)

26-10-2011, 17:48
I was talking to a friend about this on Sunday. She was commenting that when she was a child all our football players were dark haired but now the youth teams have a range of hair colours.

27-10-2011, 14:41
The Canarian weekly just like the Spanish Press the week before didn't include a link to WHERE the data base can be accessed so here it is if you're interested http://www.tenerife.es/bancodatos/
