View Full Version : What would happen to Tenerife if it followed the proposals before the UK Paliament

28-10-2011, 15:21
as is being suggested. I,ve tried to figure out what would be the effect here. Less Sun in the Morning more in the evening or, have I got it wrong.?:doh:

28-10-2011, 16:00
I think you've got it the wrong way round. What they seem to be saying is that one autumn (not this one) the clocks would not go back so, just to give an example, if you get dawn now at 8 you will still get dawn at 8 in November and then a bit later each day until the Winter Solstice. On the other hand, if the sun sets at, say 20.00 then it will go on doing this, then a bit earlier until the Winter Solstice (do hope you're still following this!). Then the Spring after that Autumn we would go forwards and then backwards that Autumn so two years after the change the Dawn that was at 8 in (say) 2012 would be Dawn at 9 in 2013. Personally I think the Canaries are just too far west for this to be sensible. The only reason the islands are on this time at all are for the tourist industry. I think I read somewhere that instead of being one hour behind mainland Spain as we are now, we should actually be two or three hours behind.

28-10-2011, 17:44
I'd prefer we don't have time changes. It's a pain having to alter the heating timer (ho ho ho I'm in the UK), the cooker timer, the telephones, umpteen clocks, the clock in the car, watches, mobile phone....even then I bet there's one that always gets missed! And for what? It makes little practical difference, except to interfere with your body rhythm, ruining sleep patterns.

OK - compromise. Next time around (March) put the clocks forward half and hour and leave it.

It may be different in Tenerife and I can see there may be other considerations. No doubt people will say. It seems whenever we're there morning breaks about 7.30am (before which it's pitch black outside). Suits me....if it means I could sleep til then.

mike in chayofa
28-10-2011, 18:09
The whole thing is ridiculous. If you look at a map, technically 90% of Spain should be on UK time and not an hour ahead.

On the other hand, travelling westaward, Portugal is on UK time. It just doesn't make sense

Also, Tenerife 'should' be an hour or two behind UK time.

Russia spans eleven time zones and interestingly both Russia and Belarus no longer plan to use seasonal clock changes. Ukraine plans to go back to Winter time

28-10-2011, 18:32
Portugal doesn't change

mike in chayofa
28-10-2011, 18:42
Portugal doesn't change

Are you sure about that? My info is that they change on Sunday 30th like most of Europe.

28-10-2011, 22:20
Are you sure about that? My info is that they change on Sunday 30th like most of Europe.

I thought Portugal was on the same time as UK and Canary Islands (being so far west, etc. etc.). I have just tried to explain all this to some Canarian friends of ours but, although the word for latitude seemed to be latitude the word for longitude ... was obviously quite different!). So we ended up with horitzontales and verticales ... and I've no idea what they thought.

I absolutely hate getting up in the dark. It doesn't matter where in the world I am when I have to do it, I just hate it.

29-10-2011, 12:56
I thought Portugal was on the same time as UK and Canary Islands (being so far west, etc. etc.). I have just tried to explain all this to some Canarian friends of ours but, although the word for latitude seemed to be latitude the word for longitude ... was obviously quite different!). So we ended up with horitzontales and verticales ... and I've no idea what they thought.

I absolutely hate getting up in the dark. It doesn't matter where in the world I am when I have to do it, I just hate it.

Stay in bed longer Cainaries!:D

29-10-2011, 15:06
I was fairly sure but to lazy to look it up.

29-10-2011, 16:34
Stay in bed longer Cainaries!:D

We've got the builders in, Suej, (yes again). And unlike most of my neighbours I don't like to slob about in my night attire during the day time.

29-10-2011, 17:53
It has long been held that the UK is disadvantaged with regard to our difference in time with Europe, Portugal and the Canaries also use GMT but, and this is my opinion that they should be on European Time, Apologies to our Scottish members, but can any of them answer the question, How do the Scandiavian countries cope ? We had 'double summertime during the War and it was tried , I think in the late 80's early 90's. TBH would it really make a difference if the Canaries were on Spanish time ?

29-10-2011, 19:43
Why should the Scots be allowed to veto it? What happened to majority rule and democracy?

29-10-2011, 22:22
Why should the Scots be allowed to veto it? What happened to majority rule and democracy?

But if you had a referendum may be no-one wants to change apart from a few business suits in the south of England? OH says I'm wrong and this what is MPs are voted in to decide but I don't think this was in any party manifesto, was it? (I just hate getting up in the dark as I keep on saying).

29-10-2011, 22:56
Why should the Scots be allowed to veto it? What happened to majority rule and democracy?

Because it was our children who were getting killed on their way to school in the dark..... That was back then - not sure how much of an impact it would have on our children now as most of them are driven to school by their parents in their 4x4's....