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View Full Version : FOUND Does anyone recognise this dog?

04-11-2011, 04:17
This female dog was found waiting outside the shopping Centre at San Eugenio on Friday , she was there a long time and was obviously waiting at the door for someone. Whether the person deliberately left her there or has genuinely lost her, we do not know.
She is about one year old and a Lab alsation cross type dog, very obedient and well trained so she has had a home and has not been straying for long. She is not chipped. There are posters up in the area and the police are aware. If anyone recognises this dog please contact me, many thanks

04-11-2011, 09:38
Good luck with finding her owner. Seems such a nice dog.

carol & steve
04-11-2011, 23:15
Aww how sweet is she...hope someone claims her soon.