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View Full Version : Horrific crash on the M5 motorway in Somerset

mike in chayofa
05-11-2011, 17:22
Seven people have been killed and 51 injured in a 34-vehicle pile-up on the M5 in Somerset, police have confirmed.

Officers said Friday night's crash, which happened close to junction 25 northbound at about 20:30 GMT, led to a "massive fireball" at the scene.

The cause of the crash is not clear but the road was wet and foggy in patches.

People concerned about relatives who may have been involved in the crash should call 0800 092 0410. Police have said the death toll may rise.

Full details from the BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-15606278)

05-11-2011, 17:50
Horrific crash, very very sad for those who have died and are injured

05-11-2011, 19:04
Horrific crash, very very sad for those who have died and are injuredit sent a chill down my spine when i saw it on the news this morning, we are due to go down to exeter next weekend for a few days and my parents thought it was this weekend, so when i checked my phone this morning we had 5 missed calls on there, all of them from my worried parents bless em, it must have been so frightening for all those involved, and they still do not know how many of those poor people perished, or how many will be left with horrific injuries:crying2:, our thoughts are with them and their family's x

05-11-2011, 21:02
I was horrified when i heard.. i lived near there before coming out to Tenerife. In fact i was driving up and down there a few weeks ago when i had to pop back...those poor people were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

05-11-2011, 21:14
We drove home on the M5 last night, northbound after working all last week in Exeter.
It would have been around 6.30pm when we passed junction 25 where the horrific crashes took place just 2 hours later.
We had no idea of the accident until we watched it, much later, on sky news.
My first reaction was 'there but for the grace of god'.It could have been us, wrong place, wrong time, who knows?

The conditions on this section of the M5, at 6.30pm wasn't good. There was patchy fog, lots of spray from previous rain, fireworks & smoke from nearby displays, which not only can cause a distraction, but, added to the fog, just create more smog & add to the visibility problems for drivers.

If all this wasn't enough, not once has it been mentioned on the news that there is absolutely NO lighting on this section of the M5.
Although no-one yet knows for certain what caused the accident, there are probably several contributory factors, but i truly believe that the lack of street lighting plays a big part.
I thank my lucky stars that we were safely home before the accident, but my heart goes out to all those who lost their lives last night, just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
May they rest in peace. x

Ecky Thump
06-11-2011, 09:20
A terrible unnecessary tragedy that has taken the lives of many, my thoughts are for their families left behind, also the emergency services that and are dealing with it.

Maybe a new thread should be opened for people who wish to proportion blame.

West mids tyke
06-11-2011, 09:40
we have friends who live down that way in Cossington, when i saw the news yesterday morning I text him to make sure everything was okay, luckily he came through that section a few hours earlier but did say how bad the conditions were plus 200,000 people trying to get to a fireworks display in Bridgewater, its a tragedy and my thoughts are with those who have lost loved ones and also those injured or still waiting for news.

06-11-2011, 12:32
The Police have confirmed that 7 People died in Friday nights accident, there is much speculation on how the accident occurred, needless to say as HGV's were involved they will get the blame !! unofficialy, the firework display that was happening at the Rugby club which is next to the M5 at the accident spot is being blamed,Smoke and the display could and i mean could have a bearing on what happened,As far as a Poster here has said regarding Street lighting on this stretch, they are correct in saying there is none, but many section's of the Motorway system in the UK are having the lights swithched off during the hours of Midnight to 5am to save money !! There was another 11 vehicle pile up on the M6 last night, no one was killed thankfully, but the stretch where it happened has streetlights,I am old enough to remember when it was a pleasure to drive in the UK, but nowadays it is a nightmare, no-one has time to give way, its me me me !! For those of us that live in the London commuter belt down here in the south, will confirm the drivers down here are a law to themselves, they think that they have the god given right to join the M3 from a slip road and we have to give way !! those of us who know J4a, J4 and J3 will understand