View Full Version : Christmas Day in Tenerife

19-11-2011, 21:58
Thought that this year we'd have a complete break. No more slaving in the kitchen for hours for a 20 minute feast.

Where would you recommend for Christmas lunch for 3 adults and twins aged four? Minimum criteria - plates for lunch must be hot - so that rules out probably 70% of places!

Tom & Sharon
19-11-2011, 22:24
Thought that this year we'd have a complete break. No more slaving in the kitchen for hours for a 20 minute feast.

Where would you recommend for Christmas lunch for 3 adults and twins aged four? Minimum criteria - plates for lunch must be hot - so that rules out probably 70% of places!

The "Original Bistro" Los Cristianos without a doubt!

19-11-2011, 23:56
I would just find a nice Spanish Restaurant and have a meal there, rather than book the UK Christmas dinner in an English place, that way you pay normal everyday prices instead of the over inflated prices normally between 30 - 50€ for nothing more than a Sunday Dinner with a bit of pud and a chipolata thrown in. ;)

20-11-2011, 00:30
In 22 years here I have NEVER been to or heard of a place where you can have a great meal and great service on 24th, 25th & 31st, December, 1st, 5th & 6th January. The staff don,t want to be there but at home with their families/friends. They cannot cope with a surge of people all wanting fed at nearly the same time. The kitchens cannot cope at a level which would be considered normal at any other time of the year It just does not work. The nearest version would undoubtedly be a hot buffet like the best of the "Sunday Roasts" establishments. The really good ones have warmed dinner plates as well. Don,t know how many families I,ve spoken to over these years who fell out because of the disappointments associated with "THE" meal. When I was in that business in Glasgow 30 years ago I did the easy thing and closed! Although people said I was mad I never received any complaints from dis-satisfied clients. Now I have to say that I totally disagree with Andy on this one. Most middle of the road Spanish places cannot cope at the best of times, weddings/anniversaries/funerals et al, so I would not even consider them. So, mate, I might suggest that you really please the kids by staying at home letting them play in their own surroundings and not being dragged about by the two of you. From my experiences of kids and Xmas Lunches they are a no-no. They will only want to eat if there is any time to or there is any room left in their wee bellies. You already know that the twins totally control you when you go out so make life easier on yourself and spend the time in the kitchen doing shifts. Anyway, doing a lunch for 3 people isn,t all that difficult now is it? No stress, no having to dress up to go out and the kids just being downright little bassas, no tantrums in someone else,s dining-room, drink as much as you all want, have a kip if needed and most of all. You know what?
KIDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Think about it. If they are happy you are happy. End off.

20-11-2011, 00:42
Now I have to say that I totally disagree with Andy on this one. Most middle of the road Spanish places cannot cope at the best of times, weddings/anniversaries/funerals et al, so I would not even consider them.

I didnīt say a "middle of the road" Spanish Restaurant, i said a nice Spanish Restaurant.

And after 22 years of being here why compare OUR Christmas day to the amount of custom and work involved for a Canarian Wedding or a Funeral?

The day doesnīt really mean that much to them so they arenīt that much busier than normal, now i have had many good meals in lots of nice Spanish Restaurants, i mean real Spain, ie, out of town not in Blackpool with sunshine aka P de Las Americas or Los Cris and wouldnīt have any worries about visiting any of them on OUR Christmas day.

I thought i was close to the bone advising TIS to stay Spanish on Christmas day but after you telling him he isnīt allowed to leave home i donīt feel as bad now. :)

20-11-2011, 01:18
Crap = Bad
Middle of the road = Nice
Top of the Pops = Fantastic, great, wonderful but definitely not for 2 x 4 yrs. old twins on Xmas Day.
If that day does not really mean that much to them then, why are the vast majority of the ones OUT of town close on the 25th December?
As to comparing I would have thought it obvious that I was equating the numbers of people all wanting served at the same or near to the same time!
The last time I checked OUR (?) Christmas Day is on the same date as THEIRS(?). Both 25th of December each year. The Christian calendar was changed a couple of hundred years ago and now, mainly, only the Orthodox Church celebrates 14 days (7th January or less often 6th January) after the wrongly defined (OURS) calendar because the Gregorian Calendar replaced the Julian Calendar which as we all know was the official calendar until someone in England decided that the Gregorian calendar should be introduced. This of course will be resolved in the year 2100!

20-11-2011, 01:19
Make a nice picnic and go to the beach or even go to Siam (if its open) and have a special time for the family, that way you can relax along with the kids. I have never thought much of Christmas Day here, probably because I was used to a British Christmas Day, so I'm off to Scotland where I will go to a Panto, see Santas Grotto, hopefully build a snowman and generally have a good old time. Whatever you decide have a lovely Christmas x

20-11-2011, 01:32
Make a nice picnic and go to the beach or even go to Siam (if its open) and have a special time for the family, that way you can relax along with the kids. I have never thought much of Christmas Day here, probably because I was used to a British Christmas Day, so I'm off to Scotland where I will go to a Panto, see Santas Grotto, hopefully build a snowman and generally have a good old time. Whatever you decide have a lovely Christmas x

One of the best Christmas days i have had here was spent on the beach in Fanabe with a meal in a "top of the pops" (strangest description i have ever heard to describe a restaurant...EVER) restaurant in the evening.

20-11-2011, 06:56
We normally spark up the BBQ on the roof. Can't beat it. Have to agree with Andy though. A GOOD Spanish or Canarian resturant works for me too :) and you don't spend the usual 20-40 € a head either! :)

20-11-2011, 10:32
Whatever you decide to do i hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas, for me it has to be at home, I make sure all the veg etc is prepped on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day put in the Turkey then go out for a few beers, by the time we're back the side dishes go on to cook and we just sit back and chill out. Everyone helps to wash the pots and clean the pots and this usually means a stress free Christmas dinner for all.

Tom & Sharon
20-11-2011, 10:53
TIS didn't actually ask for a lecture on how everyone else feels he and his family should spend Xmas day, he asked for restaurant recommendations.

My recommendation remains the same. Yes, it'll be more than on any other day, but I'm sure they realised this before deciding to go out.

I'm certain Mrs. TIS works extremely hard all year with 4 yr old twins, and deserves to be taken out on Xmas day, instead of being in the kitchen just like every other day in the year. And what on earth is wrong with eating out as a family on Xmas day?

Give them a break, and answer the question that was asked!

20-11-2011, 10:58
while your all planning your day please spare a thought for all the poor bar owners who will be working along with there staff this christmas day,and next years n the year afters etc etc......:crying2::spin:

20-11-2011, 11:05
You dont have to open you tight wad :tongue:

20-11-2011, 11:19
You dont have to open you tight wad :tongue:oh but i do,i dont get a rent free xmas day,hacienda dont do days off n social will still need paying,besides where can i get drunk if my pubs shut:crazy:would break my staffs heart losing out on the double time and xmas day tips