View Full Version : Other wild dogs in los cristianos

22-11-2011, 12:17
The wild dogs in los cristianos are no longer staying on the Guaza mountain, they are roaming around the Parque Tropical/El Rincon area late at night and howling like crazy.

Does anybody know what we can do about this ?

As a resident in this area I dont really feel safe going out after dark with my small dog, I am armed with a big stick and a pepper spray but it shouldnt have to be like this.

Any ideas.


23-11-2011, 12:23
We live in that area too, and just to warn you, we were told yesterday that a neighbour of ours had to take their dog urgently to the vet the other day because it had eaten a poisoned doughnut off the street...we wonder if there is someone trying to kill the wild dogs you're talking about by putting things like that about...not very nice but that's some people for you. Just be careful with your own dog and what they eat...!!!

Regarding the wild dogs...it's a very tricky situation and has been going on for ages...