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View Full Version : Credit Card Size Residence Certificates for EU Citizens

30-11-2011, 13:20
As of yesterday (30 November 2011) the Southern National Police Station Extranjeria have started issuing the new size certificate of registration for citizens of the European Union in Spain . At 86mm x 54 mm the new certificate is much smaller than the present A4 size.

Although more convenient for users and easier to avoid damaging as with the present size document, the certificate is still produced on paper and DOES NOT accredit the identity of the bearer as there is no picture included.
Existing A4 certificates are still valid and will not be replaced unless lost/stolen or become illegible

30-11-2011, 14:15
That,s on paper. For heavens sakes if the old one was easily damaged this will be finished in months, either by water damage or getting dropped etc?????????????

30-11-2011, 18:07
ah, but they've cut their Ofipapel bill by half !

30-11-2011, 18:14
ah, but they've cut their Ofipapel bill by half !
Well ironically they haven't :) it comes off their printer on a flash green coloured A4 , which the officer throws in the bin after he pops the little card sized section out of the middle of it!

01-12-2011, 00:45
Bit like the old paper SS ID number!

05-12-2011, 16:04
I think the majority of us have already taken our A4 paper to the local copy shop, got it reduced (in two parts so that it's on two sides so you can actually just about read it) and plastificated it, just like our passports.......the only problem is remembering where you safely filed the original when you need it on that rare occassion...

05-12-2011, 23:36
If you have it plasticised will it be legal or do you have to keep it intact?

05-12-2011, 23:55
i don't think you're allowed to plastificate the original A4 one.... the one i've had copied/shrunk and plastificated wouldn't be totally acceptable in certain circumstances either ...

06-12-2011, 02:39
Unfortunately they are totally unacceptable when in the offices of any officialdom, health centers, police, lawyers and even when trying to use residence to obtain discounts at the Loro Parque etc. Also totally no-no,s with shops. So, in short a complete waste of time, effort, money and paper! Sorry.

06-12-2011, 03:24
Yes the new residencia is now a credit card size made from.... paper.

They still print it on an A4 piece of paper and pop the tiny bit out of the middle and give you the tiny bit, its the equivalent of giving you the hole from a polo.

And no, you arenīt allowed to laminate it or nothing!

The Mind boggles. :rolleyes:

06-12-2011, 03:30
Yes the new residencia is now a credit card size made from.... paper.

They still print it on an A4 piece of paper and pop the tiny bit out of the middle and give you the tiny bit, its the equivalent of giving you the hole from a polo.

And no, you arenīt allowed to laminate it or nothing!

The Mind boggles. :rolleyes:

But a step in the right direction, now they just need to jiggle the text a bit to fit the photo in and delete the bit that says it's not valid for identification purposes.

Not bad for four years work though. At this rate we will have the old residencia photo card back sometime in 2016.

06-12-2011, 09:43
Why in gods name did they get rid of the old one?

06-12-2011, 14:18
But a step in the right direction, now they just need to jiggle the text a bit to fit the photo in and delete the bit that says it's not valid for identification purposes.

Not bad for four years work though. At this rate we will have the old residencia photo card back sometime in 2016.

i'm sorry for the boring reply, but that made me chuckle :lol: .... I remember having to go to Santa Cruz for renewals and the HUGE queues, omg that was a nightmare .... so those of us with the A4 sheets, do we have to go and get the news ones? aghhhhhhhhhh please say noooooooooooooo :crying2:

06-12-2011, 16:55
Why in gods name did they get rid of the old one?

some expat idiot in andalusia complained about having to get an identity card and messed it up for everyone.

so those of us with the A4 sheets, do we have to go and get the news ones? aghhhhhhhhhh please say noooooooooooooo :crying2:

the first post says not.