View Full Version : Operation Red Nose

06-12-2011, 22:04
What a great idea for fund raising and preventing accidents by those who´ve been imbibing a little too much Christmas cheer! Book a student driver and his partner who will pick you up after a party and drive you and your car home for you.....while his partner follows behind in his own car....all for free but accepting a small donation which goes towards helping youth sports clubs.

This idea started in Quebec, Canada and is now coast to coast all over Canada. As a matter of fact, my daughter and her family were driven home from a party on Vancouver island recently when their host booked this service for them.

The history is here on this link. (http://operationnezrouge.com/en/about/history.html)

Apparently the volunteer driver goes in a second car with his partner and navigator to the place where you are waiting to be picked up and driven home. The volunteer driver drives your car with you in it and the second driver follows behind. When arriving at your house, your car is parked there and the volunteer driver leaves in the car that was following and goes to his next assignment. The service is free but donations are accepted for funding student clubs.

Here´s a link to explain again how it works. ( http://operationnezrouge.com/en/about/service.html)

I think that´s brilliant! Would it work here in Tenerife?


06-12-2011, 22:58
ermm. . . . .Insurance ?

Most insurer's wouldn't cover that, even if for free?

and no student is driving my car ! Even girlfriend not allowed !

07-12-2011, 00:18
yeh, donation would be 10p :D

07-12-2011, 00:22
Most insurer's wouldn't cover that, even if for free?

A similar idea occurs in the UK where a driver drives your car home with you in it after a night on the drink, packing his little mini-vehicle in your boot or back seat.

07-12-2011, 08:38
Atlantico does your insurance not cover another person driving your car with you in it? Mine does.

Does your insurance cover you if you have a few drinks and then smash into someone?

And these are not student drivers, (ie novice drivers) they´re vetted drivers who are university students in their twenties and working in collaboration with the local police. The point is that it works and works well, saves lives and raises money.

Canarybird :)

07-12-2011, 13:17
i agree with you canarybird. its a good idea and it saves lives and licenses.

07-12-2011, 14:42
yes good idea, but most insurances say other drivers are covered as long as they are insured on another vehicle - ring them and ask

07-12-2011, 19:28
Atlantico I´ve never heard of that. The insurance is on the car not on the driver.

Your comment would mean that my husband wouldn´t be allowed to drive my car unless he was insured on his own car, or my older kids would also have to each have their own cars before they could drive mine. Doesn´t make sense to me.

07-12-2011, 19:42
In the UK, the car is insured but usually only for one or more named drivers. Said named drivers may also be covered for driving another persons car with their consent but are covered 3rd party only. Basically the only person covered to drive your car is either a named driver or someone whose own insurance covers them for 3rd party on anyone else's car...

07-12-2011, 20:10
Well perhaps this drive-you-home system wouldn´t work then in the UK.

In Canada you can allow another driver to use your car without adding his name to your insurance policy as long as he doesn´t do it on a regular basis. If for example, your friend wants to use your car once a week every Friday.......then he must be named on the insurance as an occasional driver.

Otherwise it´s quite alright under your insurance policy for another driver to take the wheel of your car.
He must, of course, have a valid drivers´licence.

Here´s a link that explains the system. ( http://www.ibc.ca/en/Car_Insurance/Introduction/Lending_Borrowing_Car.asp)

Canarybird :)

07-12-2011, 21:06
so, now we know why it isn't going on in UK, but since Spanish cars are insured, not the driver, it'd work in Tenerife (providing they meet the age limit) . . . . . . but still no one's driving my car!

07-12-2011, 23:48
This thread is scaring me.

I know this is slightly off topic but, I have always assumed that my insurance(any driver over 25) applied to anyone, otherwise insured or not.

08-12-2011, 01:04
My car here is insured for any driver over the age of 26yrs, If I wanted to nominate anyone younger than that then I could pay extra and name them otherwise anyone is covered obviously with my permission.

08-12-2011, 10:58
This thread is scaring me.

I know this is slightly off topic but, I have always assumed that my insurance(any driver over 25) applied to anyone, otherwise insured or not.
In Tenerife/Spain yes, correct, but we mentioned insurance for this service to be offered in UK, where insurance is different.