View Full Version : Vacancy New company opening in the New Year. Staff wanted..

World Wide Wine
26-12-2011, 16:11
Name of company : Worldwidevineyards

Name of member to contact : Michael Keating

Salary :

Contract : Depends on interview

Job description : All Postions, new company

Working hours : Min 5 hrs a day, 5 days a week.

Working area : Tenerife South

26-12-2011, 18:42
i m looking for a job but where to send cv in pm or there is some other email add

26-12-2011, 19:05
Name of company : Worldwidevineyards

Name of member to contact : Michael Keating

Salary :

Contract : Depends on interview

Job description : All Postions, new company

Working hours : Min 5 hrs a day, 5 days a week.

Working area : Tenerife South

Hello darling, send me some info mate. Would it suit Ashley??? and would she get free samples to bring home lol ;)

26-12-2011, 23:15
On a serious not for the help of members looking for employment can more detailed info be given, ie, types of jobs, permanent, p/t, driving etc etc.
Always thinking of those less fortunate just now. tbh, if I were fit I would be jumping all over this place for a suitable job!

27-12-2011, 00:01
I had a look at the website, not entirely sure what they are offering, Is this direct purchase of wine or investment in wine or what? Entry level for purchase etc...?

I think they also run this website: http://www.consumeract75.co.uk which advertises that it can assist people in reclaiming money lost to timeshare scams. Fair bit about this on the net.

27-12-2011, 09:32
I had a look at the website, not entirely sure what they are offering, Is this direct purchase of wine or investment in wine or what? Entry level for purchase etc...?

I think they also run this website: http://www.consumeract75.co.uk which advertises that it can assist people in reclaiming money lost to timeshare scams. Fair bit about this on the net.

A new variation on landbanking ???

27-12-2011, 16:49
Well I,ve taken the time and effort to read all the information on the sites mentioned and am again at a loss to understand what all this is about. If its supposed to be a company who will get you out of a T/s purchase which you subsequently regretted after purchasing and paying in full then, why not just come out and say that? I know you all enjoy T/s bashing and fair enough for those who actually purchased and were unhappy with it but surely this is not the time or place to go T/s bashing when there are a large number of people on here needing jobs! Or am I wrong? Is it more important to T/s bash and just sit at home on the 'puter waiting for yer dole money to arrive?
Since this has been raised by others I thought it prudent to report that several T/s companies I know of have had the best year for sales and completions in a long time. The resurrection of T/s continues!

04-01-2012, 18:29
hi can you please send email address to send cv
many thanks

04-01-2012, 20:53
A new variation on landbanking ???
Does anyone know the vineyards listed on the website for Tenerife? Idle curiousity on my part.

04-01-2012, 23:40
Nope, but a similar business proposal was shown on a TV Watchdog program last year when a company 'selling shares in a vineyard' were sending clients re-labelled cheap plonk bought from Asdas !! lol

You're basically 'buying a share of a vineyard' but in reality you're paying over the odds for wine from that vineyard with your own label on it

Donna letley
18-01-2012, 16:19
Hi. I am interested to learn a little more about the positions u may have available? I am currently a field sales exec for xerox and have been for 6 years. Prior to this I worked overseas as an entertainment manager for Thomas Cook. I am mostly interested in face to face customer care and sales roles. I am going to be over permanently from 8 th march but will be over next week and am available for the week for interviews.
My contact number is 00447826545883 or email Donna.letley@yahoo.co.uk