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View Full Version : Fixed Phones Denouncing or reporting. What's the procedure?

05-01-2012, 13:26
not necessarily for denouncing just for reporting incidents like late nihght noise etc, which are non-emergency ie not 112.

Is it 902 102 112 ?

05-01-2012, 13:48
Yes that is the correct number to speak to someone in English see here http://www.policia.es/denunweb/den_tel_es.html
But you should be aware that you have to go to the National Police station the next working day to actually sign the complaint which they will have translated into Spanish - you get given a reference number to quote when you phone see here http://www.policia.es/denunweb/den_tel_es.html

05-01-2012, 15:28
There is a full article on the process on the forum already. Just use the search facility, or click here : http://www.tenerifeforum.org/tenerife-forum/content.php?133-Making-a-Denuncia-in-Tenerife

05-01-2012, 16:30
Yes, thanks, seen that, but I'm more interested in just phoning Police about noise than making a formal complaint

05-01-2012, 16:49
Yes, thanks, seen that, but I'm more interested in just phoning Police about noise than making a formal complaint
In which case your Policia Local would be a better first point of call - many have an out of hours mobile number pop into you local police station and check.