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View Full Version : What is a Gherkin

Ecky Thump
09-06-2011, 12:57
I am growing Gherkins, well that's what it says on the packet of seeds, I always thought that a Gherkin was just a small Cucumber that had been pickled, so for all you garden experts, am I growing Gherkins or Cucumbers????

09-06-2011, 13:03
Obviously a Gherkin before it is picked is just a Gherkin, but once it is pickled it is a pickled gherkin :)

Ecky Thump
09-06-2011, 13:06
Obviously a Gherkin before it is picked is just a Gherkin, but once it is pickled it is a pickled gherkin :)

I think you are jerking my Gherkin! :lol:

09-06-2011, 13:11
I am growing Gherkins, well that's what it says on the packet of seeds, I always thought that a Gherkin was just a small Cucumber that had been pickled, so for all you garden experts, am I growing Gherkins or Cucumbers????

According to Mr Google - the gherkin is a vegetable similar in form and nutritional value to a cucumber. Gherkins and cucumbers belong to the same species (Cucumis sativus), but are different cultivar groups :hungry:

Ecky Thump
09-06-2011, 13:14
According to Mr Google - the gherkin is a vegetable similar in form and nutritional value to a cucumber. Gherkins and cucumbers belong to the same species (Cucumis sativus), but are different cultivar groups :hungry:

I just knew that the French were to blame!

09-06-2011, 13:19
I think you are jerking my Gherkin! :lol:

Only if it's pickled:lol:

09-06-2011, 15:18
I am growing Gherkins, well that's what it says on the packet of seeds, I always thought that a Gherkin was just a small Cucumber that had been pickled, so for all you garden experts, am I growing Gherkins or Cucumbers????

Just to confuse you even more a Gherkin is often called a Wally in the London area. (haven't a clue why)

09-06-2011, 15:32
Just to confuse you even more a Gherkin is often called a Wally in the London area. (haven't a clue why)

Probably because it's shaped like one.

Oops, sorry. I thought you said Willy..:crazy:

09-06-2011, 15:36
What is a gherkin?

I am growing Gherkins, well that's what it says on the packet of seeds, I always thought that a Gherkin was just a small Cucumber that had been pickled, so for all you garden experts, am I growing Gherkins or Cucumbers????

It's a tall building in London, you must have seen it! ROFL! :lol:

09-06-2011, 16:21
I am growing Gherkins, well that's what it says on the packet of seeds, I always thought that a Gherkin was just a small Cucumber that had been pickled, so for all you garden experts, am I growing Gherkins or Cucumbers????
It's all to do with size Ecky, and don't let anyone tell you differently!!!!:whistle::)

Ecky Thump
09-06-2011, 16:30
It's all to do with size Ecky, and don't let anyone tell you differently!!!!:whistle::)

I was told the size does not matter.....:p

09-06-2011, 16:44
I was told the size does not matter.....:p

They lied!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:

09-06-2011, 16:51
I was told the size does not matter.....:p

Someone told you porkies then Ecky....:lol:

A Gherkin is a wally
It's a British colloquial term for the gherkin. Originally it was London slang corruption of the word "Olive" but when Eastern European immigrants arrived in the late 19th Century they brought a liking for pickled cucumbers which, like olives, were sold from wooden barrels and also began to be referred to as a wallies (mostly in the east-end of London).

09-06-2011, 16:56
Someone told you porkies then Ecky....:lol:

A Gherkin is a wally
It's a British colloquial term for the gherkin. Originally it was London slang corruption of the word "Olive" but when Eastern European immigrants arrived in the late 19th Century they brought a liking for pickled cucumbers which, like olives, were sold from wooden barrels and also began to be referred to as a wallies (mostly in the east-end of London).

You been on Wikipedia SS - you learn something every day on this forum!!!!;)

09-06-2011, 17:34
Here ya are Ecky:

09-06-2011, 17:50
Someone told you porkies then Ecky....:lol:

A Gherkin is a wally
It's a British colloquial term for the gherkin. Originally it was London slang corruption of the word "Olive" but when Eastern European immigrants arrived in the late 19th Century they brought a liking for pickled cucumbers which, like olives, were sold from wooden barrels and also began to be referred to as a wallies (mostly in the east-end of London).

Always have to have a Wally when you go in the fish and chip shop. Wallies are also big whereas pickled gherkins are smaller. I know what I'd rather have;)

Ecky Thump
09-06-2011, 18:37
Someone told you porkies then Ecky....:lol:

A Gherkin is a wally
It's a British colloquial term for the gherkin. Originally it was London slang corruption of the word "Olive" but when Eastern European immigrants arrived in the late 19th Century they brought a liking for pickled cucumbers which, like olives, were sold from wooden barrels and also began to be referred to as a wallies (mostly in the east-end of London).

Wow!! you are a clever one, there will be no living with you soon.

09-06-2011, 18:42
Wow!! you are a clever one, there will be no living with you soon.

God forbid Ecky,i could not live with you,after all the things Carol as told us shes the clever one having you just where she wants you...............i do like you loads though xxx even if you do grow Wallies in your garden

09-06-2011, 18:45
God forbid Ecky,i could not live with you,after all the things Carol as told us shes the clever one having you just where she wants you...............i do like you loads though xxx even if you do grow Wallies in your garden

Try going to Scotland and asking for Wallies in the chippy !!!!

09-06-2011, 18:48
Try going to Scotland and asking for Wallies in the chippy !!!!

You'll be referred to the dentist then Dave - they're a term for false teeth (in Scotland!!!!):lol:

09-06-2011, 18:50
You'll be referred to the dentist then Dave - they're a term for false teeth (in Scotland!!!!):lol:

Aye. You can eat your wallies with your wallies.

09-06-2011, 19:39
The nicest name for the little ones I like is "courgettes".