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View Full Version : Oh! The joys of Pan-European flights from Tenerife

19-01-2012, 18:19
The following may provide some advice for members, give others a right good laugh and for others may deter them from ever leaving this Islands shores, Oh! and its not over yet.
Its Mrs. T.,s Mum,s 70th Birthday to-day with a celebration being held in Kishinev (Moldova) on Saturday and while she tries everything not to return to her place of origin she is/was obliged to go this time. So, a couple of months ago, using the services of an on-line booking Agency flights were booked, confirmed and paid for involving four flights in each direction with an hotel booking, in Barcelona, for an over-night stop on her way back. So far so good. Well that is until late last night when I decided to print out duplicate copies of all the flight tickets/bookings etc. Imagine our horror when there was an email yesterday advising of the canx of the second flight on the return trip! No explanation and no alternatives suggested at that time. No in normal circumstances not too much of a problem but when dealing with the only official airline flying the National Flag of a former Soviet State things start to go downhill very quickly! So, after numerous telephone calls it was decided that the problem being on the return trip time was available to resolve the issue. Bed now at 03.00 to be rising at 06.00 to go to TFN to-day for flight number one. So luggage packed and Yuriy plus new Puppy, Sophia in her carry case, and the two of us set sail North. After joining the link road at Carrifor bang! Straight into major road works and various resultant car crashes causing us to be 45 minutes behind an already tight schedule. Anyways I,m thinking "she,s taking one hell of a time at check-in" and finally watch an ashen faced Mrs.T. return to me with the news that her first flight, of four to-day, has been cancelled. Eventually an alternative flight is organised and tickets etc issued only for us to calculate that this flight would result in her missing flight 3. So anotherr flight organised with a different company and tickets issued at which moment its announced that this flight is delayed by 2 hours. OK Quick calculation and just time so because the original booking is with different flight operators her suitcase has to come off the loading area in Madrid and back thru again and Mrs.T. duly deals with this herself only to be told that its been delayed a couple of minutes more and to take her luggage as hand luggage but, you know what?, her suitcase is too large for this so off to the shops in the airport to buy a soft hold all at anything less than 100€,s! Dumping her stuff from one to another she duly leaves the empty case in the shop for her then to be chased by the Guardia re the unattended empty case!! As you may well imagine she is now totally distraught in Madrid airport, crying everything. No-one helping her when nothing has been her fault in any way. So, at 16.20 speaking to her in Madrid just awaiting boarding onto flight 2 of 4 after now 8 and a half hours and only in Madrid! With this flight already a couple of hours delayed it comes down to her being able to board the Munich flight in Barcelona for stage 3 with still a further flight later to-night! So, that,s it at the moment. More to follow but meantime just a couple of thoughts. When booking multiple flights try as hard as possible to engage the same company or subsidiaries. Try only to have hand/soft luggage. And finally, when using the resident discounts for flights to/from the Peninsula, think again if multiple flights are being used. Why? Because they are dealt with in totally different ways from fully charged flight tickets and cannot be inter-changed, altered or any other alterations/changes being made. Don,t ask why. Just is as experienced by the very fragile Mrs.T. who sent a text saying that she has been sick on the flight when boarding and given a blast of oxygen before take-off!!!!!!

19-01-2012, 19:00
Poor Mrs. Timmylish.

Just reading your post made me so glad I am sitting peacefully at home! Hope she reaches her destination safely and has a good return trip.

19-01-2012, 20:32
Yes that sounds like a really bad string of luck, and I'm sorry for her bad experience.

But I know the problems with having to take four flights each way as that's what I have to do every time I go to western Canada:
Tenerife - Madrid; Madrid - London (overnight stop); London - Vancouver; Vancouver - Victoria (Vancouver Island)........and then the reverse on the return trip.

I learned after a few unfortunate experiences to book the whole thing on scheduled flights (no charters) through a travel agent. I would never book online for such a complicated itinerary.
And yes, using affiliated companies that guarantee late or lost luggage will be passed on from one flight to another. It's more expensive but it's a problem free trip.
(Except when there are strikes at Heathrow, as did happen one year.)


19-01-2012, 20:45
Yes that sounds like a really bad string of luck, and I'm sorry for her bad experience.

But I know the problems with having to take four flights each way as that's what I have to do every time I go to western Canada:
Tenerife - Madrid; Madrid - London (overnight stop); London - Vancouver; Vancouver - Victoria (Vancouver Island)........and then the reverse on the return trip.

I learned after a few unfortunate experiences to book the whole thing on scheduled flights (no charters) through a travel agent. I would never book online for such a complicated itinerary.
And yes, using affiliated companies that guarantee late or lost luggage will be passed on from one flight to another. It's more expensive but it's a problem free trip.
(Except when there are strikes at Heathrow, as did happen one year.)


I agree, CB, using one airline and all its partners is the best route whenever possible and a 'through' ticket. I've missed the return connection a few times when the Iberia 06.20 from Heathrow to Madrid has been cancelled but, happily for me, that's Iberia's problem to solve. But I'm not sure that would be possible to Moldova.

19-01-2012, 20:58
Well, just an up-date now!
Her flight from Madrid to Barcelona took off a further 40 minutes late because some stray dogs were reported to be on the runway and they had to be herded up. Becaus eof that she now knew, sitting on the flight, that she was going to miss Barcelona to Munich and of course was in a terrible state. Whereupon one of the Stewardesses sat with her for half an hour consoling and trying to find out if there were any flights back to Tenerife to-night. Whist doing that and upon landing the pilot apparently asked the control tower if her Lufthansa flight had actually departed and was told "It,s been delayed but the check-in has been closed!" The pilot told the stewardess to go with Mrs.T. immediately they land to see if she could do anything and low and behold because its a Sister company the stewardess obtained permission to open the boarding computer thingy, checked her in and took her to the waiting hall for boarding. The ultimate irony is that the flight she was to be on from Madrid to Barcelona had been delayed because of a malfunction on the aircraft and the relief aircraft wast sent from;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;
TENERIFE NORTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!
So at 19.50 she is boarding the flight to Munich but has missed the flight from there to Kishinev and will have to stay overnight in Munich Airport as there will be only 5 hours after landing before check in to-morrow morning. Not sufficient time to go to an hotel and sleep for 2 or 3 hours! At least she is on the move again.
Oh. and btw my opening comments were to the effect that that her 2nd flight coming back from Kishinev to Vienna had been canx and no alternative flights were available and hotel had been reserved for this journey well Lufthansa are now flying her direct to Munich with connecting flights to Barcelona then Tenerife one day later, all at the end of next week!
That,s all for now Folks!

I agree, CB, using one airline and all its partners is the best route whenever possible and a 'through' ticket. I've missed the return connection a few times when the Iberia 06.20 from Heathrow to Madrid has been cancelled but, happily for me, that's Iberia's problem to solve. But I'm not sure that would be possible to Moldova.

You are absolutely correct. We don,t know either and would certainly not put it to the test!

20-01-2012, 02:11
Next time - the mother comes here Timmy , or use SKYPE!

Chayofa Tete
20-01-2012, 09:04
Oh dear how unlucky can you get I am exhausted just reading the trials and tribulations

20-01-2012, 12:19
Jim. Do you no think I tried that. Unfotunately Mrs.T.,s Dad is in poor health so Mam won,t leave him on his own. As for Skype well we bought them a laptop for her Birthday (sent it recently) and have to say what an improvement over just the phone.
Up-date. I can report that her flight from Munich (Lufthansa) is also delayed by just over an hour so, according to my calculations, she should be landing in Kishinev about NOW! From the time at TFN yesterday that is 27 hrs. just to fly within Europe. Oh the joys!!!!!!!

Added after 1 18 minutes:

Jus spoken to Mrs.T. on Skype. Knackered but safe and well. Unfortunately, during the night, whilst sleeping at Munich Airport she had a jacket stolen from the top of the holdall she purchased at Madrid. No worries.
This last flight was delayed, wait for it................................................ ..............................................due to frozen wings on the aircraft which needed de-icing!!!!!!!!!!!!