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View Full Version : Watch out!!

30-01-2012, 16:31
The pickpockets were about in force today (Monday) on the Golf.
OH was walking past the bus stop by Pueblo Primavera just as the bus arrived. He spotted a hand dipping into a lady's purse and bravely shouted "Pickpockets".
He then walked swiftly on for fear of repercussions.
At the next bus stop there was a crowd waiting and he warned them in advance.
At the tourist office up the hill towards Las Chafiras he reported what he'd seen, gave descriptions and the girl phoned the police.
Later on we were in a Chinese shop between Mercadona and Romo when he felt someone actually unzip his backpack (should've put it in a locker, I know).
He turned and looked the bloke straight in the eye. He just walked away with no show of panic at all.
They're bold, they're brazen and they're after your money. Watch out!!!!!!!!