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View Full Version : Information needed on school enrolment in Tenerife

06-02-2012, 13:26
I have read through many threads and cant seem to find any infromation on the enrolment process. I have gained information as to what documents I will need for this. I was wondering is there a cut of date that the enrolment form has to be in, do I me and my son have to be in Tenerfie for me to enrole hime or can I do this from the UK before I come to Tenerife. I have emailed the schools to ask similar questions also.
Any advice on this would be great :tiphat:

06-02-2012, 14:19
Hi Margo,

I have just recently asked the same as you, this is what I've been told:-

You all need to be registered with the ayuntamiento (Town Hall) as residents of Tenerife, you need to obtain your NIE before you can do anything - legally anyway!

Once you are registered with your permanent address you need to take your docs to register your child along with the childs birth certificate, passport, medical records and any school reports - all need to be fully translated. You take all these docs to the school, ideally before 19th April which is the deadline for most schools maticulation process (enrolment).

However, a lot of schools remain open until the end of June so you can do it then, but you may not get the school you want due to places being taken already.

I hope this helps.. and please, if I have got any details wrong I'm someone will correct me. :spin:

06-02-2012, 14:20
There is a cut off date but it is announced each year but Mayish.
If you search here there will be a list of papers needed to apply for a place but I am on the phone and the search is therefore more difficult.

06-02-2012, 14:24
Thanks Elaine thats great just what I was looking for :D

couple more questions where do I get these docs translated can this be done in the UK or does it have to be done in Tenerife? Does my son have to be with me or is this something I can do on my own, and lastly :shy: can I apply in more than one school for him incase he doesnt gain a place in one??


Added after 9 minutes:

There is a cut off date but it is announced each year but Mayish.
If you search here there will be a list of papers needed to apply for a place but I am on the phone and the search is therefore more difficult.

So therefore it would be best if I was in Tenerife for the process?? I was a bit unclear by what you meant.

sorry bonitatime :sorry:

06-02-2012, 14:45
Thanks Elaine thats great just what I was looking for :D

couple more questions where do I get these docs translated can this be done in the UK or does it have to be done in Tenerife? Does my son have to be with me or is this something I can do on my own, and lastly :shy: can I apply in more than one school for him incase he doesnt gain a place in one??


Added after 9 minutes:

So therefore it would be best if I was in Tenerife for the process?? I was a bit unclear by what you meant.

sorry bonitatime :sorry:

I am still waiting for these answers myself!! lol!!

I think the child has to be at least resident on the island in order for your 'family book' to be issued, this is also needed for medical purposes but I'm not 100% certain on this... you might be able to do this part on your own (I have asked this question too but I think the answer got over-looked as I did ask 'lots and lots' of questions!! lol!!)

As for going to several schools, someone advised me to phone or email the school you're interested in and see what advice they give you.

As for translating docs, again, this is a question I asked and didn't hear back.. I was just going to ask the school when I phoned up or emailed. I think anyone can translate the docs, as long as they are clear and accurate.. but again, I';m sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong... I hope!! :crazy:

When are you moving Margo and what area?

My family are moving in June, probably San Miguel area. xx

06-02-2012, 14:57
Im the same feel as if im always asking questions :P but suppose thatst the only way you find these things out.

It would probs be best just to take him with me just incase. I'v emailed a couple of schools today so hopefully they'll get back to me soon and we can join our info together and get what we are looking for lol.

My sister lives in costa adeje just now but I want to be a bit more out. I drive anyway. I found flats to be a bit cheaper further out. I'm still trying to get my barings to be honest of where every were actually is but i'm getting there its all kind of coming together. I plan to move round about the same time.

Where is San Miguel near?? What age are your kids?


06-02-2012, 15:25
Not sure about docs for schools as the child I put though the state system was born here

06-02-2012, 20:44
It may be of help if KirstyJay was dropped a PM but bearing in mind she may not answer straight away , failing that try MrsTT who is a Moderator here she may be able to help as well :goodluck:

07-02-2012, 09:12
Most of the information is already in the sticky posts in this forum. You have to read through them to get the bones, but I think it depends where you are going to be living for the Spanish schools. You could also contact Diane McGlone at the One Stop Problem Shop as she has loads of info on her website, and can answer your specific questions. http://www.diana-mcglone.com/ Goldenmaniac is her forum name.