View Full Version : Has anyone in Tenerife had dental implants?

mike in chayofa
14-02-2012, 17:06
... or anywhere else in the world, for that matter.

I broke a tooth a couple of weeks ago which had to be extracted. I already had a 'clip-type' denture with three teeth on it, but now that I am missing another tooth, there is no way of securing the denture.

My dentist has suggested that an implant, or implants may be the best solution. He won't know until he has seen the jaw bone x ray (that was taken at Hospiten Sur this morning).

He will then discuss the options available to me.

If you have had this sort of procedure, could you please post for me your experiences. I am interested to know how many implants you had, whether it/they were unsed for 'crowns' of 'bridges'.

Was the impant cat¡rried out and the crown attached straightaway, or did they allow healing time? I understand that the success rate is unaffected by this in general.

What sort of anesthesia did you have; general anesthesia, oral conscious sedation, nitrous oxide sedation, intravenous sedation?

How much pain did you have and for how long after the procedure?

Was the procedure successful? 95% success rate sounds impressive - but there's always the chance of being one of the 5%

What was the cost?

Would you have it done again if necessary?

Thanks in advance

14-02-2012, 17:38
... or anywhere else in the world, for that matter.

I broke a tooth a couple of weeks ago which had to be extracted. I already had a 'clip-type' denture with three teeth on it, but now that I am missing another tooth, there is no way of securing the denture.

My dentist has suggested that an implant, or implants may be the best solution. He won't know until he has seen the jaw bone x ray (that was taken at Hospiten Sur this morning).

He will then discuss the options available to me.

If you have had this sort of procedure, could you please post for me your experiences. I am interested to know how many implants you had, whether it/they were unsed for 'crowns' of 'bridges'.

Was the impant cat¡rried out and the crown attached straightaway, or did they allow healing time? I understand that the success rate is unaffected by this in general.

What sort of anesthesia did you have; general anesthesia, oral conscious sedation, nitrous oxide sedation, intravenous sedation?

How much pain did you have and for how long after the procedure?

Was the procedure successful? 95% success rate sounds impressive - but there's always the chance of being one of the 5%

What was the cost?

Would you have it done again if necessary?

Thanks in advance

i had a serious accident 15 years ago and lost 4 teeth, the roots could not be saved but as they were at the back of my mouth and you could not really see them so when i read 15 years ago that with stem cell advancement it would be possible to grow your own teeth and roots within the next 10 years so i thought i would wait, but 2 years ago i read that although they had successfully grown new teeth in mice it could be another 10-20 years before it would be possible in humans so like you i had the panoramic x ray to check my jaw bone could support such inplant " usually men dont have a problem as they normally have larger stronger jawbone than females, i was a border line case and luckily with deeper implants i was assured it would do. there was no anesthetic except the normal local injections the dentist gives for other treatments, it was not painfull but of couse you could feel what they were doing. it is important that you do your research as most inplants are not guaranteed for life some as little as 5 years, i went for the straumen german inplants with a lifetime guarantee each inplant comes with a barcode so if anything goes wrong they know where the implant is situated. i could have had the crowns put on within 1 month but choose to wait 6 months just to make sure they were secure. there are now inplants that can be put in with the crown at the same time i dont know how good they are. the inplantologist said i could save money by having just 2 implants and then a bridge but i wanted all my teeth to be free standing to enable me to clean them properly. i had mine done in london but i think the prices are fairly standard wherever you have them done as the materials are the costliest part. i consider the result to be succesful.
you have to do your homework on the internet regarding the different implants available. good luck

14-02-2012, 17:48
... or anywhere else in the world, for that matter.

I broke a tooth a couple of weeks ago which had to be extracted. I already had a 'clip-type' denture with three teeth on it, but now that I am missing another tooth, there is no way of securing the denture.

My dentist has suggested that an implant, or implants may be the best solution. He won't know until he has seen the jaw bone x ray (that was taken at Hospiten Sur this morning).

He will then discuss the options available to me.

If you have had this sort of procedure, could you please post for me your experiences. I am interested to know how many implants you had, whether it/they were unsed for 'crowns' of 'bridges'.

Was the impant cat¡rried out and the crown attached straightaway, or did they allow healing time? I understand that the success rate is unaffected by this in general.

What sort of anesthesia did you have; general anesthesia, oral conscious sedation, nitrous oxide sedation, intravenous sedation?

How much pain did you have and for how long after the procedure?

Was the procedure successful? 95% success rate sounds impressive - but there's always the chance of being one of the 5%

What was the cost?

Would you have it done again if necessary?

Thanks in advance

Implants are very expensive Mike and before the crown (false tooth) can be fixed you would have to wait 3 months, possibly longer for healing the whole procedure is relatively painless unless you have complications . Why can't your dentist do a Bridge? not as long term but much cheaper and should still last a good 20 years! Has your Dentist given you a price for implants? the minimum per implant is approx 1100€.:wow:

14-02-2012, 18:43
There is a cheaper type of implant available nowadays. It's a bit smaller than the original, hence cheaper (made of titanium, I think). My dentist said he doesn't recommend the cheaper one as it may not last as long. It is not set so far into the bone and over time may not prove to be so secure. Depending upon your age whether it would be a better option. Mike I'm guessing you're still too young and should go for the conventional implant.

My Ma in law had a whole mouthful of implants and did experience a lot of discomfort and pain (not only of the financial kind). I was quoted by a past dentist around £10K, I think, from memory for 4 implants on the top. Sadly, the house extention came first!

Personally, I think they are a good option, but get it done at a good dentist. It's not something to 'go cheap' on i.e. don't trot off to Czech to save a fiver!

14-02-2012, 18:54
I had implants in my upper jaw my teeth were gradually failing domino effect from the outer to inner so it was suggested I have an implant either side of the remaining teeth this was carried out about five years ago and has been a complete success

Was assured that the last thing in my mouth to fail would be implants and remaining teeth are fine also

Discomfort rather than pain during treatment but you must have faith in your dentist

I would worry that your dentist was unable to xray your jaw himself it shows a lack of committment to the task of implants as the correct xray machine is a vital part of equipment

It is expensive and I would be very wary of any treatment costing less than 1500/2000euros a tooth mine cost £4000+

Please ask to speak to previous patients as to their experience

14-02-2012, 18:54
I had one implant a couple of years ago as that was the only alternative except for a false tooth which would have meant I had a plate, just for one tooth !. It was not possible for me to have a bridge as I had no tooth next to it to put a bridge on.

The implant is great , I haven't had problems with it . The implant/crown feels like your own tooth after a few weeks. I had my tooth removed and the screw put in at the same time. I had local anesthesia ( injection in gums) you only feel pressure thats all . An implant does involve quite a few trips to the dentist. You have to put ice on your face for a couple of days to reduce the swelling and take ibropufen but its not really painful just a bit uncomfortable from the swelling.

Implants aren't cheap though as suej has said, 1100 is quite a good price, if that includes the crown. I don't think you could get better than that. Also you need to be careful if the Dentist says much cheaper than this price, the quality of the materials might not be so good or he or she has not quoted the price of the crown ! which on its own is about 400 -500 euros. So make sure you get your dentist to give you a detailed quote so you don't get a shock at the end of the treatment

If you can afford a implant I would go for it , as i said it feels like your own tooth. i will go for another implant if its necessary .

mike in chayofa
14-02-2012, 18:58
......Why can't your dentist do a Bridge?

Because I am now four teeth missing on my left upper jaw, so there's nothing to bridge to.

He may do two implants and bridge between them, but at this stage (until he has seen the x ray) he doesn't know.

At this point I am just trying to acquire as much information as possible before he discusses the options available to me.

Thanks for all the replies to date.

14-02-2012, 19:01
Mike a friend of mine's daughter has just lost her four front teeth due to a motorbike accident. She is having implants so I will ask her about it and let you know.

mike in chayofa
14-02-2012, 19:14
.....I would worry that your dentist was unable to xray your jaw himself it shows a lack of committment to the task of implants as the correct xray machine is a vital part of equipment

He does have x ray equipment, but doesn't have the `head clamped and wrap around' equipment. Should I be worried about this?

He will discuss the options and prices with me when he is in a position to do so.

I am having a crown in the next few days (on the other side of my mouth) and he did discuss the options then - I always thought that a crown was a crown, even though I had four done many, many years ago.

I tore a ligament in my leg before Christmas and although it is nearly pain free now - it has taken a long time - the pain medication has weakened the seating between my teeth/roots and my jaw. Hence the delay in getting treatment. I still don't want to rush into anything until the dentist satisfies me that it is the right thing to do.

So far, I have every confidence in him, and he has treated me for amy years now.

14-02-2012, 19:45
He does have x ray equipment, but doesn't have the `head clamped and wrap around' equipment. Should I be worried about this?

He will discuss the options and prices with me when he is in a position to do so.

I am having a crown in the next few days (on the other side of my mouth) and he did discuss the options then - I always thought that a crown was a crown, even though I had four done many, many years ago.

I tore a ligament in my leg before Christmas and although it is nearly pain free now - it has taken a long time - the pain medication has weakened the seating between my teeth/roots and my jaw. Hence the delay in getting treatment. I still don't want to rush into anything until the dentist satisfies me that it is the right thing to do.

So far, I have every confidence in him, and he has treated me for amy years now.

you do need to have the panoramic x ray for the complete picture also it depends how old you are but a bridge will not last forever and with gum shrinkage over the years it is a false economy so if you can afford it go for freestanding implants.

14-02-2012, 20:00
He does have x ray equipment, but doesn't have the `head clamped and wrap around' equipment. Should I be worried about this?

He will discuss the options and prices with me when he is in a position to do so.

I am having a crown in the next few days (on the other side of my mouth) and he did discuss the options then - I always thought that a crown was a crown, even though I had four done many, many years ago.

I tore a ligament in my leg before Christmas and although it is nearly pain free now - it has taken a long time - the pain medication has weakened the seating between my teeth/roots and my jaw. Hence the delay in getting treatment. I still don't want to rush into anything until the dentist satisfies me that it is the right thing to do.

So far, I have every confidence in him, and he has treated me for amy years now.

Mike I would recommend you see another Dentist to weigh up the price and quality of the work you might be about to undergo. I can recommend Dr Bournay in Adeji, he has all the state of the art equipment and is not unreasonable on price. Lots of people including myself and other half and quite a few who live on my complex all go to him and find his work excellent!

14-02-2012, 20:11
My wife had a dental implant last year, it takes a few months from extraction to completion as a post has to be inserted into the bone and this needs to bed in before the new tooth is attached to it. It is done under normal dental injections, nothing extra. Once the tooth and root are out no more pain as such. Cost about €1200 in all, there was supposed to be some discount as we are with Sanitas Dental and Health bit not sure how much. This was with Excellent Medical and the Orthodontist is very good.
X rays were done at Costa Adeje Hospital

14-02-2012, 20:57
... or anywhere else in the world, for that matter.

I broke a tooth a couple of weeks ago which had to be extracted. I already had a 'clip-type' denture with three teeth on it, but now that I am missing another tooth, there is no way of securing the denture.

My dentist has suggested that an implant, or implants may be the best solution. He won't know until he has seen the jaw bone x ray (that was taken at Hospiten Sur this morning).

He will then discuss the options available to me.

If you have had this sort of procedure, could you please post for me your experiences. I am interested to know how many implants you had, whether it/they were unsed for 'crowns' of 'bridges'.

Was the impant cat¡rried out and the crown attached straightaway, or did they allow healing time? I understand that the success rate is unaffected by this in general.

What sort of anesthesia did you have; general anesthesia, oral conscious sedation, nitrous oxide sedation, intravenous sedation?

How much pain did you have and for how long after the procedure?

Was the procedure successful? 95% success rate sounds impressive - but there's always the chance of being one of the 5%

What was the cost?

Would you have it done again if necessary?

Thanks in advance

Hi Mike, please be very careful and I suggest that you search Google for some of the risks that are now associated with implants.
Any surgery involves risks and I would suggest to you that looks are not that important at your age if it involves you risking your life.
below is a sample of an article on the subject, hope it helps:
"Worries about the implants have emerged since news of a major investigation into them in France was widely covered in the media in December 2011.

The implants involved are called Poly Implant Prosthèse (PIP) and were made, starting in 2001, by a French company of the same name. Implants made earlier by the firm are not thought to be affected.

In a Medical Device Alert in March 2010, the Medical and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) said: " ... most
breast implants manufactured by the company since 2001 have been filled with a silicone gel with a composition different from that approved".

this is not a procedure that you should consider undergoing until you have consulted with your Doctor and most of all , your family and friends who will love you just the same , with or without the implants,

mike in chayofa
14-02-2012, 21:08
Hi Mike, please be very careful and I suggest that you search Google for some of the risks that are now associated with implants.
Any surgery involves risks and I would suggest to you that looks are not that important at your age if it involves you risking your life.
below is a sample of an article on the subject, hope it helps:
"Worries about the implants have emerged since news of a major investigation into them in France was widely covered in the media in December 2011.

The implants involved are called Poly Implant Prosthèse (PIP) and were made, starting in 2001, by a French company of the same name. Implants made earlier by the firm are not thought to be affected.

In a Medical Device Alert in March 2010, the Medical and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) said: " ... most
breast implants manufactured by the company since 2001 have been filled with a silicone gel with a composition different from that approved".

this is not a procedure that you should consider undergoing until you have consulted with your Doctor and most of all , your family and friends who will love you just the same , with or without the implants,

I am not considering breast implants :o just dental implants. I am not considering the procedure (if it is possible) for cosmetic reasons but for functional reasons ie the ability to chew food :D

Vortex Wake
14-02-2012, 23:15
Chocaholic having a 'blond' moment?

15-02-2012, 16:18
Hi Mike, please be very careful and I suggest that you search Google for some of the risks that are now associated with implants.
Any surgery involves risks and I would suggest to you that looks are not that important at your age if it involves you risking your life.
below is a sample of an article on the subject, hope it helps:
"Worries about the implants have emerged since news of a major investigation into them in France was widely covered in the media in December 2011.

The implants involved are called Poly Implant Prosthèse (PIP) and were made, starting in 2001, by a French company of the same name. Implants made earlier by the firm are not thought to be affected.

In a Medical Device Alert in March 2010, the Medical and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) said: " ... most
breast implants manufactured by the company since 2001 have been filled with a silicone gel with a composition different from that approved".

this is not a procedure that you should consider undergoing until you have consulted with your Doctor and most of all , your family and friends who will love you just the same , with or without the implants,

Mike with fake breasts would be a right larf.......

PS - my user name is available for hire or purchase !! xx

19-12-2012, 18:15
There's in a place in Los Cristianos that offers Dental Implants, I don't know about the prices but you can go there and ask some information. The place is Dental Implant just next door to GAES center in Los Cristianos Downtown (next to the church).

I came here, but not for an implant, but for a general treatment. I think i't s a good practice, but you have the last word.
