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View Full Version : Long working vacation in Tenerife

18-02-2012, 16:34
Hey everybody,

First sorry if some of my english words wont be perfectly written.

I am coming to tennerife in 20. february (yes i know i am late for writting:( ) so i was wondering if there is somebody who will help me out with some info about renting some cheap room or apartment for a month. Next thing is job or something to work.

If anybody knows an option that i can fork for him and have food, bed to sleep and little pocket money would be great.

Thanks for answers in advance :)

Ps.: If i made this thread in wrong section please admins move it.

18-02-2012, 17:21
It's a great idea to come out and have a long working vacation, however you have not mentioned if you are legal or not? You will need an NIE number before anyone can employ you, as they cannot contract you without one. Even if you somehow get a job on the 'black' if the work inspectors catch you working without so much as an NIE then it could mean big fines for you and the bar.

A fine for illegal workers could be the difference between a business shutting down or staying open and there's a crackdown going on at the moment with the new PP government, so you really need to make sure you are legal, otherwise just come for a vacation and forget the working bit :)

18-02-2012, 17:36

I dont really understand you about if "i am legal" . I am coming from EU- Slovenia (not slovakia)
so i hope there will be no problem about staying,moving,living in teneriffe. About work yes i've heard that i will need social number or something like that :). But my biggest problem now is that after my arrive i dont have any arrigement where will i sleep,eat,work...

So if anyone who live there, maybe locals are the best way can help me.

Maybe if someone have the time for a coffe we can meet and chat. I will be very grateful for any information or help:)

18-02-2012, 19:08
You need an NIE before you can work regardless of where you are from. I am from within the EU and I needed one ;) This takes time to get. Possibly allow yourself a week or 2. You will not get a job until you have one, so if you cannot come here without having a job first, and you do not have cash to support yourself for at least a couple of months while you settle in, then I would suggest waiting until you do.

Jobs are not easy to come by for people that have lived here years at the moment. The unemployment rate in Spain is about 30%, in the Canaries it is even higher... about 40%. A business will not even consider employing you unless you a) have an NIE and b) are already here on the island.

Another thing to consider is do you speak Spanish?


18-02-2012, 20:41
mhmmm then probably this will be just vacation... (i dont speak spanish:( ) i thought maybe i will find something to work but its ok, i work when i come back anywayrolleyes2:

Perhaps do you know or anybody else for some apartment (1 month), and maybe good price for car rent, some cheap restaurants...i dont know nothing uhhh:(
I looked alot on internet but i think i can get something cheaper. I have wishes not demands that it will be good if the apartment have internet/wifi small kitchen and maybe sea wiew :)

Any info will be more than welcome.

18-02-2012, 21:57
If you take a look on here in the property classifieds there are apartments to rent long and short term put on all the time. http://www.tenerifeforum.org/tenerife-forum/forumdisplay.php?32-Tenerife-Property-amp-Accommodation

This one springs to mind : http://www.tenerifeforum.org/tenerife-forum/showthread.php?1338-1-bed-apartment-for-long-or-short-term-let-in-Santa-Maria-Torviscas-Bajo-Tenerife

18-02-2012, 23:17
Thanks alot kirsty, i will checked out the accomodation threads, actually open the "emergency one" ,can i send you pm you for a beer or something when i will be there and we can have chat a little?:)

19-02-2012, 00:00
Skydream - welcome to the forum. Make sure you have enough cash coming out here. You will realise that without it you will need to go home pretty quickly. That said, let me know when you arrive and i will meet you for coffee, I dont think you mentioned where you are thinking of staying or going to North or South? Also, what do you work as?