View Full Version : How far should a journalist go?

23-02-2012, 01:51
My daughter is a journalist for a magazine and doesn't have to travel to War Zones which is a great relief. Maybe one day....
The sad story of the death of the two journalists in Syria certainly caught my attention to the crisis there and of course to the dilemma of news journalists to pursue a story and take risks. I have my own views to reveal later but I wondered whether you thought Marie Colvin and Remi Olchik were brave, super-conscientious or foolhardy for this particular situation in Syria.

23-02-2012, 02:05
My daughter is a journalist for a magazine and doesn't have to travel to War Zones which is a great relief. Maybe one day....
The sad story of the death of the two journalists in Syria certainly caught my attention to the crisis there and of course to the dilemma of news journalists to pursue a story and take risks. I have my own views to reveal later but I wondered whether you thought Marie Colvin and Remi Olchik were brave, super-conscientious or foolhardy for this particular situation in Syria.

They were carrying out their own individual T & C,s for being journalists/cameramen or women. No one forces them no one expects them to undertake this course they just see it as their own duty. Many, many years ago I was very friendly with a reporter from Glasgow who, at that time was reporting from Afghanistan, with the mujahideen, in the fight against the Soviet Army. Although I lost contact with him, after divorcing and leaving Scotland, my Daughter told me, some years agom that my ex had found out that he had also been killed in pursuit of news.

23-02-2012, 09:33
but I wondered whether you thought Marie Colvin and Remi Olchik were brave, super-conscientious or foolhardy for this particular situation in Syria.

Yes, they are all these things. Sometimes the mere fact they are there adds to the conflict. However, with the use of twitter, facebook, mobile phones etc do they actually bring anything else to the table that the people who are actually caught up in it don't?

Vortex Wake
23-02-2012, 10:26
Often, reporters 'in the field' are feed their info from back home.

I used to monitor the news agency satellite feeds (and BBC studio talk-back) over 20 years ago, and it was evident then, that 'news reporters' on the ground were often just 'presenters'.

Obviously, these reporters in the field do collect vital collaborative evidence to stories , and strive for a different angle on their subject - but as stated, they a largely responsible for their own actions.

With 'pooling' of equipment and resources, often, the same images and identical text is presented to the viewer regardless of which channel they watch.

23-02-2012, 21:58
This must be a Personal choice.
To be the Best, to get the Truth, to make a difference, and those who are not adverse to underhand Methods.
What We read in Newspapers and Magazines is mostly subjective aft er being Edited sometimes too
I feel that The Actions of These Two was foolhardy and wouldnt have had an effect on the proceedings anyway.
Sorry to say it smacks a little of "Ambulance chasing" which is distasteful.

24-02-2012, 03:17
I have thought long and hard about my response to this thread.

Although I respect some of the journalists who put themselves in harm's way, I have no respect for the majority of that sad profession, or should I say the editors of the same.

As a union official during the strike of '84 I actually witnessed interviews which were totally changed,

One particular interview with Yorkshire TV, in which I was involved was requested, by them, for us to make a statement.

Hours were spent on this, so nothing controversial was said.

When we watched Calendar News at 6 o'clock the only thing that was reported was a casual remark after the 'so called' statement had finished.

With editorial quotes it made the whole statement the complete opposite of what we were trying to say.

That is only one example. I'll never talk to a journalist again..What you say and what they write are worlds apart.

(My personal opininion and does not reflect my status on the Forum)

24-02-2012, 21:41

Not too long ago at a Public Enquiry, I worked hard to prove a Case
The Enquiry went My Way.
The Press credited another Group with the Result. We wernt mentioned.
The Reporter was there part of the Time and presumably listened to a biased account.
As I said earlier, I believe ALL reports are subjective and/or biased.

Further happenings with the Commons and Politicians illustrate this view too

26-02-2012, 14:07
Hi, the UK press is getting a bad name at present, due to phone tapping, although illegal, and unethical reporters, (I won't call them journalists ), explain this as in the public's best interest. Likewise with war journalists they are there to provide 24 news for us. If these employees were in any other industry H&S and company goverence would not allow this to happen.

26-02-2012, 15:19
I don't think I'd be very interested if I picked up my Sunday Times to find the only reports on Syria were Twitter reports sent by 'locals' who definitely only want to put their own views across (and in 140 characters). I have admired Marie Colvin and her reporting for many years and was very saddened by her death. The fact that those injured at the time can't be rescued and that her body is still lying there is an outrage and, if the situation were reversed, there would be riots in the UK and USA.

26-02-2012, 20:13
I don't think I'd be very interested if I picked up my Sunday Times to find the only reports on Syria were Twitter reports sent by 'locals' who definitely only want to put their own views across (and in 140 characters). I have admired Marie Colvin and her reporting for many years and was very saddened by her death. The fact that those injured at the time can't be rescued and that her body is still lying there is an outrage and, if the situation were reversed, there would be riots in the UK and USA.

The point is that She CHOSE to be there.
Death is sad Whoever They may be, and there are more Bodies there with and around Hers
of People who had NO Choice

How about a Riot for those Unfortunates too..?

26-02-2012, 20:28
The point is that She CHOSE to be there.
Death is sad Whoever They may be, and there are more Bodies there with and around Hers
of People who had NO Choice

How about a Riot for those Unfortunates too..?
She felt it was her duty to be there to report on what was happening to the people who have no choice but to be there.

Without her sense of duty (with which some posters on here don't seem to agree), I doubt she would have chosen to be there.

26-02-2012, 21:38
If you choose to put yourself in harms way sometimes you will pay the price. This applies to a lot of professions, armed forces, police, news and people who do business in dangerous places. I think there is a need for on the ground news reported by someone who you respect,Marie Colvin was someone who you could believe and trust to report the truth and for that reason she will be missed!