View Full Version : Current Weather in south Tenerife reported by Forum members.March, 2012

02-03-2012, 15:39
I'll start this month's off.

Las Chafiras. 2.40 pm.

Clear skies but a very cool breeze. 23C

Davie Thistle
02-03-2012, 15:44
23! That,l do for me Dad!
Keep it like that till 7th please!! :jumping:

02-03-2012, 20:10
Alot better than the 16 to 18 a Fortnight ago.!!

02-03-2012, 23:15
Wouldn't have called it a breeze.
It was a fully-fledged wind and, yes, it was very chilly.
Found a nice little sheltered spot in the garden and it was fine for a spot of sunbathing.

09-03-2012, 11:02
did anyone else notice about 5pm last night a thick haze come down, very eerie! thought a cilima was on the way

golf birdie
09-03-2012, 11:07
did anyone else notice about 5pm last night a thick haze come down, very eerie! thought a cilima was on the way

los cristianos is covered by a blanket of haze this morning.

09-03-2012, 11:10
los cristianos is covered by a blanket of haze this morning.

That's suspended dust! horrible for people with Asthma or other breathing difficulties! can only see the houses in front of me here!eek2:


Malteser Monkey
09-03-2012, 11:19

Wow Where is LC ??

09-03-2012, 12:11
Up here in El roque its clear, blue skies and sunny! Can see.... the calima below though.

09-03-2012, 12:12
los cristianos is covered by a blanket of haze this morning.

:wow:thanks, wondered what was happening!

09-03-2012, 12:22
Try this link for panoramic views! click on eLive in corner of the little video screen.;)

Malteser Monkey
09-03-2012, 12:24
what link mate

09-03-2012, 12:27
Try this link for panoramic views! click on eLive in corner of the little video screen.;)

Wow it must be bad..I can't see anything...:laugh:

Malteser Monkey
09-03-2012, 12:40
Wow it must be bad..I can't see anything...:laugh:

Who said that ?

09-03-2012, 12:43
cant see a link Suej??:doh:

Malteser Monkey
09-03-2012, 12:44
When she finds her computer again she'll be back with it:D

09-03-2012, 13:02
When she finds her computer again she'll be back with it:D

:D Glad you are all taking notice!!!! Sorry was doing a drive wipe on the pc and logged off for a minute or was that Nodded off!:snore:

http://www.earthtv.com/en/camera-destination/tenerife-spain you need to wait a few seconds for the video to load.

Malteser Monkey
09-03-2012, 13:38
Sorry was doing a drive wipe on the pc

Hope you didn't fall off:D

09-03-2012, 13:58
Hope you didn't fall off:D

Nah! just dropped off Monkey! :D

Malteser Monkey
09-03-2012, 14:06
Nah! just dropped off Monkey! :D


09-03-2012, 14:44
why were you doing a drive by shooting at PC World? :blast:

09-03-2012, 14:50
why were you doing a drive by shooting at PC World? :blast:

To wipe the smile off their smug faces!:devil:

Malteser Monkey
09-03-2012, 15:18
To wipe the smile off their smug faces!:devil:

I'll come with you for a Drive thro.... MacDonalds ?? ooo a chocolate milk shake

09-03-2012, 16:13
Santa Cruz this afternoon as against

This morning in Los Cristianoshttp://img.tapatalk.com/501b62f5-1e2e-e8f9.jpg

Malteser Monkey
09-03-2012, 16:20
Nice thanks for that

09-03-2012, 16:31
I'll come with you for a Drive thro.... MacDonalds ?? ooo a chocolate milk shake

have macdonald over her started doing milkshakes??? liek real thick milkshakes????

Malteser Monkey
09-03-2012, 16:38
don't know mate as it is the last place I want to visit when over there - sorry

Does anyone else know ?

Davie Thistle
09-03-2012, 16:40
24degrees at the mo.
In the Jags bar having a wee refreshment!
Walked fron the heights to lagos de fanabe headn bak now
Mukin fajik so it is!!!

09-03-2012, 17:00
don't know mate as it is the last place I want to visit when over there - sorry

Does anyone else know ?

Nah! I'm too busy with my Big Mac to notice!:devil2:

24degrees at the mo.
In the Jags bar having a wee refreshment!
Walked fron the heights to lagos de fanabe headn bak now
Mukin fajik so it is!!!

Wow Davie that's a long walk! you must be Kukin Fackered!:laugh:

10-03-2012, 10:52
Could everyone keep sending photos of the south and keep me updated on the weather?

Only a few weeks to go until I'm on my way over so getting all excited (as well as nervous, hoping it will be lovely and warm!)

Vortex Wake
17-03-2012, 09:20
Already 19°C :)


17-03-2012, 13:01
Horrible! Horrible! Dust-sand-and more dust! wind! dry and hot! Anyone else's mouth feel like the bottom of a Budgie's cage? Same for tomorrow! We had some thunder and lightning and some rain up here last night too so thought it might feel a bit fresher today!:spin:

Vortex Wake
17-03-2012, 14:04
Horrible! Horrible! Dust-sand-and more dust! wind! dry and hot! Anyone else's mouth feel like the bottom of a Budgie's cage? Same for tomorrow! We had some thunder and lightning and some rain up here last night too so thought it might feel a bit fresher today!:spin:

Lovely Sue :) Just what I like :D

Will wave out the window at you as I touchdown :D

17-03-2012, 14:29
Have a lovely holiday VW a nice ice cold beer will soon put you right!!! :hello:

Vortex Wake
19-03-2012, 07:22
Good morning !

Thanks Sue .

Currently it is 16 ° (minus 3 at Bournemouth hahaha )


19-03-2012, 16:06
I was over in the South from the 3rd to the 10th March. Although it says it was about 23 degrees, dont be fooled by this as the strength of the sun is very strong.

I have quite dark skin as I have black hair and I stupidly didnt bother putting sun cream on on my first day. Within 3 hours of being at the beach and wondering around Cristianos, I was really badly burnt.

19-03-2012, 21:56
The UV index, which went down to 3 over the winter is currently up to 7 so the sun is able to give a bad burn if you're not protected.

19-03-2012, 22:02
The UV index, which went down to 3 over the winter is currently up to 7 so the sun is able to give a bad burn if you're not protected.

Too true. I went out on Saturday to do my morning job and my hat blew away, I wasn't particularly bothered as there was a cool breeze.

2 hours and I was dizzy and sweating for the rest of the day, not to mention the blister on me bonce...

Vortex Wake
20-03-2012, 08:21
It was 16°C when I got up at 5:30 this morning - I couldn't sleep , so went for a jog (in full hd video :D )


Vortex Wake
27-03-2012, 11:40
Bit cloudy on Las Vistas Playa - has the sun reached Del duque yet ?

27-03-2012, 19:30
Can anyone tell us how the weathers been in the south please? Thanks

27-03-2012, 19:59
It's been lovely during the day but still a tad chilly in the evenings! Rain forecast for tonight (possibly) tomorrow and Thursday!:(

27-03-2012, 21:55
Oh nooooo!! coming out Friday, just looked at forecast and it says rain all week :cry:

27-03-2012, 21:59
Oh nooooo!! coming out Friday, just looked at forecast and it says rain all week :cry:

What weather forecast are you looking on? :confused: I don't see any rain predicted on weather underground.

27-03-2012, 22:07
Oh nooooo!! coming out Friday, just looked at forecast and it says rain all week :cry:

As far as I know there is no rain forecast, even though we desperately need some. It's hot hot hot......

27-03-2012, 22:07
looked at a few sites from google

28-03-2012, 02:03
Talk on Facebook that we MAY get rain, for up to 8 days, as of Thurs......... But as we know, its such a small island, a gust of wind can make it clear, or dull, or wet.......but never for long!

Sunshine Hire
28-03-2012, 02:19
They say the sun only shines on the righteous so lets see what the weather is like on thursday

28-03-2012, 10:02
http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/6297190 suns out in torviscas

Added after 54 minutes:

clouding over now n goin chilly

Vortex Wake
30-03-2012, 06:43
A nice breeze at tfs http://img.tapatalk.com/b2675325-47e9-fdfd.jpg

Added after 17 minutes:

Warmer inside and first to board :D

02-04-2012, 15:32
Just checked 10 day forecast and it says rain for the week. Can anyone keep this up to date and give actual weather report.

02-04-2012, 16:39
This is the site I always use.

02-04-2012, 16:47
Sunny first thing then Went cloudy now sunny again strange weather....i was told it was going to rain for 4 days.

02-04-2012, 17:11
The weather is soooo erratic recently to say the least! today we have had sunshine! Cloud! Rain! sunshine again! I think more rain to come! it's anybodies guess Jackalina!:dontknow:

02-04-2012, 18:06
The weather is soooo erratic recently to say the least! today we have had sunshine! Cloud! Rain! sunshine again! I think more rain to come! it's anybodies guess Jackalina!:dontknow:
sounds like Scotland, 4 seasons in one day! x

02-04-2012, 18:17
Our holiday isn't till the 17th I was just trying to check how accurate the forecast was, thanks.

02-04-2012, 18:29
Our holiday isn't till the 17th I was just trying to check how accurate the forecast was, thanks.

I don' think any of the forecasts are that accurate but this is the Meteorological Office Forecasts! you can pick your area.


03-04-2012, 00:14
lets not complain about the strange weather..Scotland welcomed April like this hahaha

09-04-2012, 22:19
Hows the weather in Las Americas??? thanks

10-04-2012, 20:39
We were so disappointed with our weather. Two weeks of cloud, sun then cloud again, it even felt cold at times. The best day we had was the day we left Sun 8th, hope it gets better for you this week.

15-05-2012, 15:52
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-18068652 Very sad....