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View Full Version : I need some help with 'youtube'

08-03-2012, 22:39
here i am i got some good pickup on video games since i canīt post any pictures on the forum every time i post on the forum for pictures it will not post my pics. so i went to youtube. all this time i post youtube on my games collection. not when i hit record from webcam. the picture is so small i canīt even see where to click record. it off screen i only see half of my webcam right side i can see does any browski knows how to makt it bigger it was like this last time i record now so small i really want to show everyone my new pickup on games. since taking pictures on the forum it out of the question. man!! i sure wish i can post pictures again on the forum again.:( even i got my hair spike at well. so does any one knows how on youtube make the screen bigger so i can hit record and yall can see my news games!!
on the small screen i getting i see the word ord for record but just canīt record