View Full Version : March against oil

Canarian Weekly
26-03-2012, 13:40
CANARIANS took to the streets at the weekend to show their strength against drilling for oil in the Canary Islands by Repsol. President of the Canary Islands, Paulino Rivero, has recommended that central government “take note” of the events that occurred throughout the archipelago, where feelings are running high. It’s estimated that over 16,000 people [...]

More... (http://www.canarianweekly.com/march-oil-2/)

26-03-2012, 23:04
Hitting heads of brick walls syndrome?

Tom & Sharon
27-03-2012, 13:59
Stupid aren't they.

Tom's in Oil & Gas, and he always says it's just about the only recession proof industry.

27-03-2012, 18:21
Is every bloke in Oil & Gas in the South of Tenerife? lol. I am too, and may be able to help a few people find new jobs when I move over next year.

27-03-2012, 18:42
Why is it sooo bad please explain, will it not bring jobs to the Islands????

28-03-2012, 09:09
The fear is if there is a spill there will be no industry left Tourism will not work for beaches covered in crude
When you see the damage the Prestige did in Galicia you can see that point of view
