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View Full Version : Photography Photography Contest in Tenerife

30-03-2012, 21:00

(Centro Deportivo y de Ocio Puerto de la Cruz... aka Alvaro's Tennis Club)

March 11 at 9:00 am until April 15 at 2:00 pm

To increase artistic creativity as another means of leisure and free time.

The competition has an open theme and is open to individuals over 16 years of age, Spanish or non-Spanish, acting on their own behalf.

The photo size must be 20 x 30 centimeters, with the photo mounted on white card measuring 22 x 32 centimeters.

The organization reserves the right to reject those photos which do not respect the above stipulations.

The photos may be in colour or black and white.

Each entrant may submit a maximum of two photos, which must be original works, not having been awarded a prize in other contests, and of course not constituting a plagiarism.

The photos may be sent in or handed directly to our secretary.

It is obligatory that the photos be presented under a pseudonym, in a large envelope, including inside a sealed, smaller envelope on the outside of which is written the title of the photo and the pseudonym of the contestant.

Inside the small envelope should be a paper stating the full name of the contestant, DNI (or NIE), address, telephone and email address if he has one.

In the case the contestant wishes to submit two photographs, he must send them separately,in the same manner, each one in its own large envelope with the smaller envelope with details inside, along with the photograph being submitted.

The pseudonym may also be noted on the BACKSIDE of the photograph,( never the real name of the contestant.)

The photographs should be mailed or handed in to:

By Post:

Centro Deportivo y de Ocio Puerto de la Cruz
C/. Hibiscus 4, Puerto de la Cruz 38400,

The organization will take care to preserve the works which are handed in, but cannot be responsible for possible damages which could occur before, during or after the contest and the exposition.

The submission of entries will finalize at 2:00 pm on April 15th, 2012.

The results of the jury will be publicized on the 22nd of April, 2012 during the celebration of the Dia del Libro
(Book Day) which will take place at our center. All photos which comply with the competition rules will be on display at the Centro Deportivo y de Ocio in Puerto de la Cruz.

The winning photograph will become the property of the CDO Puerto de la Cruz, having the right to its publication or use of the same, always citing the name of the author. The author of the winning photograph shall facilitate a digital copy (a CD) or an email submission of the photo in order to be able to publish it on our Facebook page.

The remaining photos not winning the prize shall be removed by the contestant from two days after the winner has been announced, up to one month after the contest, after which time if they are not reclaimed they will be destroyed.

The organization reserves the right to not exhibit and to reject the participation of those photos which are considered to be offensive to the public.

The act of participating in this contest signifies the total acceptance of these bases, with the organization deciding or interpreting that which is stated above.

The jury will be comprised of prestigious photographers and artists from our islands.

The decision of the jury will be final.

Acting secretary is Maria Maymó Puig.

The prize for the best photograph will consist of a weekend's accommodation for two persons in a marvellous hotel of the Canary Islands.

Facebook link to their event page in Spanish. (https://www.facebook.com/events/359519004088087/)

30-03-2012, 21:12
So a good Photograph wins through merit, but the Author gets credit but the

Royalties belong to the Organisers. in exchange for a Weekend for two..

I do hope a Local Person wins for Publicity purposes.

31-03-2012, 23:44

I checked with the organizers and they do not want any exclusive rights for or royalties on the winning photo, only the right to publish it on their Facebook and web pages.

The author retains his full ownership and copyright on the photo.
