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View Full Version : Other Can a community turn off water to an owner in arrears with their community fees?

02-04-2012, 16:24
Can anybody advise on problem with administrator and presidente......My neighbours husband is away in UK at moment and she is alone with her young daughter and working during the day. She knocked on my door 2 nights ago to ask if the water supply to my casa was working, and it was, but, she did not have any running water to her casa.....Earlier that evening was the agm and debtors were brought up as the yearly norm....This lady and her husband owe 700 euros, but, are paying off as best they can, so at least making the effort.
Iwas very suspicious about her having no water supply because of the agm earlier in the evening, so,straight away I inspected her metre to see if someone had turned it off.....Hey presto........I have now found out that the administrator and presidente instructed the gardener to turn the water supply off to her casa...I have emailed the administrator for an explanation ,but, they are not answering my emails...There was a water leak outside in the communal paved area on the side of her property and were blaming her and said it was coming from her washer, which was nonesence and I have identified the area of the leak and the gardener is digging it up for repair......MY QUESTION is , as far as I am concerned an administrator or presidente cannot turn basic amenities to your property off and are breaking the law......any help with this as I think she is entitled to take this further in my opinion......:hi:

mike in chayofa
02-04-2012, 16:32
Briefly - No they can't legally do this

02-04-2012, 16:39
....but the usual trick is to turn it down to a trickle!

golf birdie
02-04-2012, 18:29
they can not touch it.

02-04-2012, 19:19
It may depend on whether or not you have your own water contract or are paying it through your communidad.

If your community charge supplies water then they may have the ability to turn you off.

02-04-2012, 22:01
they cannot turn it off because she has children living in the house.she needs t go straight and do a denuncia!! it will then have t be put on.

03-04-2012, 08:25
My understanding is water can't be turned off without a court order
She sould make a denuncia
