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View Full Version : How do I register dependants with Social Security in Tenerife?

19-04-2012, 06:59
Does anyone know the process to register my children and partner as my dependants in the social system ? Do I need to go to Granadilla and what paperwork will I need ? Any help would be appreciated

Thank you

19-04-2012, 08:54
As far as I remember and bearing in mind it was a long time ago, you need to go to Grenadilla. I Think we took passports, NIE, certificado de convivencia birth certificates and marriage certificate. I dont Think there was anything else.
Please bear in mind if you dont speak Spanish you will need a translator.

19-04-2012, 12:20
You must pre book an appointment now I'm afraid the number is 922 60 14 19 - but they only speak Spanish

23-04-2012, 14:36
Do you have to do this in person or can you send a proxy like when registering a birth?

21-08-2012, 22:05
I also want to know if this can be done by a gestor or only in person.

22-08-2012, 14:14
P.S. And what is the name of the institution in Granadilla?

22-08-2012, 14:50
P.S. And what is the name of the institution in Granadilla?


22-08-2012, 17:21
I am advised that due to the new regulations dependent can only be added at Guimar or Santa Cruz and that it so far more complex now than before!Apparently this only applies to foreigners , no surprise there then . Will post more when I have further info

22-08-2012, 17:40
casabonny, yes, please post when you have further info.

22-08-2012, 17:59
I was able to add my husband at Granadilla, we went in person in the end and it was very simple and done in 10 minutes. This was done end of June. I have an appointment at Granadilla this Monday to submit my maternity paperwork and add my new born baby on, I will let you know the outcome.

22-08-2012, 20:50
I was able to add my husband at Granadilla, we went in person in the end and it was very simple and done in 10 minutes. This was done end of June. I have an appointment at Granadilla this Monday to submit my maternity paperwork and add my new born baby on, I will let you know the outcome.

These changes are due to the changes in legislation re residence rules so were not applicable in June as they're did not come into effect until mid July. Do post and let us know how you get on and I will post when I have more info. you may find though that as your child was born here there will not be a problem , as I assume you have alibro de familia so although not technically a Spanish child he/she COULD be "treated"for want of a better description as a Spanish person . Good luck

23-08-2012, 07:48
What's more complicated is the residence registration and the beneficiary can't now be added without a green residence registration - whatever size. Even a babe in arms. Once you have that adding the child to a working/self employed person's details is relatively simple

EN TODOS LOS CASOS (tanto titulares como beneficiarios):

Españoles: Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI), en el caso de mayores de 14 años.
Ciudadanos de la Unión Europea (UE) o Estados parte del Acuerdo sobre el Espacio Económico Europeo (EEE) o Suiza: Certificado de inscripción en el Registro Central de Extranjeros junto con el pasaporte o documento de identidad.
Ciudadanos del resto de países: tarjeta de identidad de extranjero (TIE) y pasaporte en vigor. Si son beneficarios de titulares de la UE o Estados parte del Acuerdo sobre el EEE o Suiza, deberán presentar la tarjeta de residencia y NIE de familiar de un ciudadano de la UE/EEE/Suiza.


Certificado de empadronamiento en el municipio de residencia del solicitante.
En el caso de personas que no sean contribuyentes del Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas, una declaración responsable de no superar el límite de los 100.000 euros de ingresos.
Declaración responsable de no tener cobertura obligatoria de la prestación sanitaria por otra vía.
Resolución de la declaración de desamparo en el caso de menores sujetos a tutela administrativa.


En todo caso:
Libro de Familia, actas del Registro Civil o certificado oficial que acrediten el parentesco.
Descendientes y personas asimiladas:
Hijos adoptivos o en trámite de adopción: documento acreditativo de la adopción o de inicio de los trámites de adopción expedido por el organismo competente de la Comunidad Autónoma.
Acogidos: auto judicial o certificado de acogimiento expedido por el organismo competente de la Comunidad Autónoma.
Certificado de discapacidad en grado igual o superior al 65%, en su caso.
Certificado del Ayuntamiento que acredite la convivencia con el solicitante (no se exige para los hijos ni menores acogidos).
Hermanas o hermanos: Libro de familia o documento equivalente para acreditar la condición de hermana o hermano de la persona asegurada.
Pareja de hecho del titular:
Certificado de inscripción en el Registro de la Comunidad Autónoma o localidad de residencia o acreditación de la constitución de la pareja mediante escritura pública.
Ex cónyuge:
Sentencia de separación o divorcio y documento que reconozca el derecho a percibir pensión compensatoria.
Esta documentación puede presentarse en cualquier Oficina de la Seguridad Social o a través del Registro electrónico siempre que disponga de certificado digital.

This info is up to date.

23-08-2012, 13:04
I sent an email to the Social Security and this their answer:

No se si lo que quiere es incluir a su esposo con usted en la asistencia sanitaria o darle de alta con número de afiliación .
Para el primer caso de incluirlo en la tarjeta de asistencia sanitaria deberá de indicarnos.
Nombre y apellidos de la persona que acude a la cita, junto con su numero de DNI o NIE
El motivo de la cita.
Donde quiere la cita.
El centro donde quiere ser atendido. (Santa Cruz, La Laguna, Güimar, Icod, etc).
Para este servicio no está disponible el centro de Granadilla.

In my email I mentioned that we are foreigners. So, it can't be done in Granadilla.
Somebody knows what is "Alta con número de afiliación"?

Unfortunately, they didn't answer my question what documents are needed. Does anyone know if "Libro de familia" is enough or they want marriage certificate if I want to register my spouse as a dependant?

23-08-2012, 18:50
I sent an email to the Social Security and this their answer:

Somebody knows what is "Alta con número de afiliación"?


To have a "live" social security number - (ie be paying contributions, or a pensioner etc - basically having entitlement yourself before you can add someone else.

I suspect the Granadilla thing may be August only because of hols as they were doing it after the changes at the end of July - or are they talking about the email booking service?? Is that the whole email??- will try to find out for you which. Exactly what is required was in my post above yours

24-08-2012, 10:23
Is that the whole email??

Yes, that is the whole email.

24-08-2012, 13:41
I am advised that the reason dependents cannot be dealt with in Granadilla is that the staff have not received the training ! And is nothing to do with holidays as Diane thought.
Whether this will change in the foreseeable future or not remains to be seen but I would have thought that with all the cutbacks it's unlikely as if there are staff at other points on the island then to pay to train more would be pretty unlikely but there agin this is TENERIFE .