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View Full Version : Other Is anyone going up to the casting at the Hotel Taburiente in Santa Cruz?

01-05-2012, 09:57
My kids have been asked to attend the casting on Friday at 7.45pm at the Hotel Taburiente in Santa Cruz. I have to work then, so my other half was going to take them up, but he doesn't drive, so was going to do it on the bus. It's around 25€ for the 3 of them to go to Santa Cruz and back, so normally we wouldn't bother, but they're really looking forward to it.

So, I was thinking if anyone else is going up from the south and has room in their car for 2 kids and their father, maybe he could do a car share and pay towards the petrol... because it would be cheaper for both parties and also a lot less hassle at that time on a Friday!!!

If anyone's going and has room, reply to the thread and I'll send you a PM to arrange something :)

Ta! :D

03-05-2012, 11:51
I take it that's a no then...! OK. :)

03-05-2012, 16:41