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View Full Version : How do I retrieve mumbers from a damaged SIM card?

28-05-2012, 19:17
I know its a silly question but I have had the same phone and SIM for a while.

Last year we got a cuddly rescue dog who has turned into a 25 kilo Hoover who has eaten my phone and SIM.

Having saved all my contacts both to phone and SIM over the years I have now lost the lot.

Any advice.?

28-05-2012, 19:56
I recently heard an advert which I vaguely remember.

It said something about data retrieval from the Company, (O2 Vodaphone etc).

I dont know which type of Phone it refers to sorry.

Not much I'm afraid, but I hope it's of help..

28-05-2012, 22:21
Just got to ask this :) Did the SIM card survive its journey through the dog and out its rear end ?, If so it may just be possible to retrieve the data off it.

28-05-2012, 22:26
Your mobile phone has now deleted history,I would suggest starting afresh with a new phone.

28-05-2012, 22:27
Just got to ask this :) Did the SIM card survive its journey through the dog and out its rear end ?, If so it may just be possible to retrieve the data off it.

No. It wasn't swallowed, just chewed.

Already tried it in my wife's mobile...

I wish now, after reading your post, he had just swallowed it...:idea:

28-05-2012, 22:38
If the data area is damaged then it is very unlikely that you can recover any data without sending it to a forensic lab, which is very expensive. I donīt know what a SIM card would cost, but forensic recovery of data from hard drives averages 400gbp, the price advertised is less, but that is what is eventually charged. I have had 3 occasions to use this type of service for clients.

28-05-2012, 22:43
If the data area is damaged then it is very unlikely that you can recover any data without sending it to a forensic lab, which is very expensive. I donīt know what a SIM card would cost, but forensic recovery of data from hard drives averages 400gbp, the price advertised is less, but that is what is eventually charged. I have had 3 occasions to use this type of service for clients.

Thanks, TT. Spose I'll have to start again.

OH is still nagging me as to why I didn't write all my contacts down.

My arrogant reply was 'technology'.

You can guess who is in charge for a bit...:duh:

28-05-2012, 22:48
I don't suppose you ever connected the phone to your computer and maybe backed up your contacts there?

The undisputed queen of de-nial

28-05-2012, 22:52
I don't suppose you ever connected the phone to your computer and maybe backed up your contacts there?

The undisputed queen of de-nial

You suppose correct.

I'll close this thread now as it has been proved to me that that this thread was completely foolhardy. Bloody dog.

28-05-2012, 22:56
Too late this time, but it is possible to dump the contents of a phone sim to a PC as a backup. When you get your new phone give me a buzz and Iīll go through the process with you.

I'm slightly relieved it didn't actually pass through your dog intact, just in case it was me you asked to retrieve the data:pray: phew!:Deek2::run: