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View Full Version : How do I change of address on my NIE & Social Security paperwork?

09-06-2012, 22:36
I lived here a year and when I first arrived I was staying with a friend. I used their address when applying for my NIE, Residencia & social security paperwork. I now rent my own place.

What do I need to do to change my address on these forms? do I have to re-apply or is there some sort of change of address form?

As yet I haven't registered with a doctor but wil get round to that at some point but would like my address details changed before registering.

Any help will be much appreciated.

Added after 1 55 minutes:

I also would like to know how to go about getting my certificado de empadamienta (excuse spelling).

10-06-2012, 08:08
For Adeje , getting on The Padron(Empadramiento) is straight forward - photocopy of passport ,photocopy proof of your address (rental agreement or pertinent part of Escritura), Photo copy of Certificado de Registrado (green) - go into Ayuntamiento Building - there is an electronic ticket machine as you get into reception ,select for Padron take ticket and await turn - screen will show your ticket number and which desk to go to - the person will process your documents (cost €3) - most speak fairly good English.