View Full Version : A NASA satellite photo of today's calima in Tenerife

25-06-2012, 15:21
I love this website, check out our lovely Islands - i've just seen a picture on the news of Lanzarote, it was orange... anyways, this is the NASA up-to-date satellite piccie of the Canaries for those of you that are interested :)

http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/imagery/single.cgi?image=AtlanticOcean.A2012176.1405.2km.j pg

which started here a day or so previous:


25-06-2012, 15:54

I hope the above link takes you to a photo at sunrise this morning...

25-06-2012, 15:56

I hope the above link takes you to a photo at sunrise this morning...

Still looks very dusty out there! It should be gone by Wednesday...THEY say!:wink2:

25-06-2012, 17:04
Hope so Suej... I was quite surprised our gym instructor managed to do our step class this morning, as she's asthmatic... mind you, she did skip a couple of the songs/routines THANK GOODNESS :pray:

25-06-2012, 17:55
My Pilates class was difficult this morning rolleyes2:

25-06-2012, 18:15
My Pilates class was difficult this morning rolleyes2:

LOL ... I always chortle to myself when the Brits use the gym I go to (as they do Les Mills classes) and they say "where's the air-con¿?" .... I just look up at the wall at the three rusty fans trying to blow a bit of air out hahahaha :) then open the doors a bit wider...

25-06-2012, 20:42
On the Welsh weather forecast tonight he said we are to have rain Wednesdayhere in Wales,but it would be 44 c in Tenerife on the same day.

26-06-2012, 01:31
This Calima's been a corker.

From where I live in Las Chafiras I can usually tell how bad it is going to be by how far out to sea we can see towards the horizon.

Today we couldn't even see the sea.

26-06-2012, 12:35
On the Welsh weather forecast tonight he said we are to have rain Wednesdayhere in Wales,but it would be 44 c in Tenerife on the same day.

hope it doesn't get up to 44ºC, most of us haven't got air-con .............. :(

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This Calima's been a corker.

From where I live in Las Chafiras I can usually tell how bad it is going to be by how far out to sea we can see towards the horizon.

Today we couldn't even see the sea.

I live in Fraile, normally I go up on roof to have a look at Teide... we could only just see Montaña Guaza this morning ...

26-06-2012, 22:36
Saw the forecast on the BBC red button was saying 40's for a couple of days...

it's now saying 45 tomorrow with light rain - then coming down in temp - take care out there.

26-06-2012, 23:43
Another Brit in El Fraile, I thought i was the only one!!


27-06-2012, 13:51
Saw the forecast on the BBC red button was saying 40's for a couple of days...

it's now saying 45 tomorrow with light rain - then coming down in temp - take care out there.

it's not got up to the 40's here on the coast, but wouldn't be surprised if it was hotter up the hill.... luckily we seem to have a fairly nice breeze (when it decides to blow) and not the usual tumble dryer type heat that normally comes along with the calima .... it was about 29ºC earlier, so not too bad...

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Another Brit in El Fraile, I thought i was the only one!!


we're the clever ones :whistle::D i've been living in the village for 16 years :D

27-06-2012, 14:01
It was definitely cooler down in the South yesterday! we went to Santa Cruz, wasn't too bad in the area of the Meridian Carrefour but when we went on to Leroy Merlins is was scorching we saw temps on the roadside thermometers of 38º but within the 50 minutes or so it took to return to the South it lowered to around 28º a big difference! :sunshine:

27-06-2012, 19:31
coming from Tijoco Bajo this morning at 8.45am..from Los Menores we couldn,t see Las Americas or Roque Del Conde .. Las Chafiras at 3.30 this afternoon temperature in the car was 34.5 which gradually reduced 8 degrees by the time i got to Fañabe Plaza...26.5....

28-06-2012, 01:24

I hope the above link takes you to a photo at sunrise this morning...I did a double take on Monday morning while on my early moning walk through Los Cristianos.......the rising sun looked like the moon and the sea and sky merged into one. We stayed on Parque 111 and from there Palm Mar was invisible! We never saw a plane either...spooky!!

28-06-2012, 01:38
45C in the car at lunchtime yesterday. Evil..

Malteser Monkey
28-06-2012, 09:37
45C in the car at lunchtime yesterday. Evil..

you gotta remember to turn the heating off Slodgie:whistle::D

28-06-2012, 10:02
46º yesterday in Escalona!!!!!!!!!!!

28-06-2012, 21:32
I could see Guaza mountain AND just about Roque del Conde from the roof this morning..... fingers crossed it's blowing away coz i'm bored of it now LOL