View Full Version : Current Weather in North Tenerife reported by forum members - June 2012

Malteser Monkey
19-06-2012, 10:22
BLimey no weather in the north for a long time ?:D

22-06-2012, 01:53
Just noticed, as I've not been on much.

I have restarted the south thread and hopefully Canarybird will start a new north thread. :bowdown:

22-06-2012, 11:45
I'll see what I can do Slodge....as I'm just back after a short holiday up in Europe and arrived home with a terrible cold and flu last night.
Still able to read the forum though.:)

Malteser Monkey
22-06-2012, 12:30
Nice to see you back dear !

25-06-2012, 19:06
Hope you feel better soon Canarybird

28-06-2012, 19:45
Looking forward to hearing from you again Canarybird. We have all missed the weather reports and the lovely photos of your Sunday walks.
Take care.

28-06-2012, 22:57
Hope you feel better soon!! Take care.