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View Full Version : Finance Spanish VAT increased on the mainland from 18% to 21%

golf birdie
11-07-2012, 14:21
VAT has risen in Spain by 3% to 21%. Comes into effect immediately.

11-07-2012, 14:25
I think you mean on the peninsular, not the Canaries.

In fact, if it has risen from 18% to 21% this is an increase of nearly 17%

11-07-2012, 14:26
Does that apply to the Canaries though..?
There goes my cheap ipad then..!

golf birdie
11-07-2012, 14:28
I think you mean on the peninsular, not the Canaries.

aye, the clue is in the word ''Spain'':lol:

11-07-2012, 14:29
No we have IGIC at lower rate -but imports all coming from mainland will be dearer.

golf birdie
11-07-2012, 14:30
No we have IGIC at lower rate -but imports all coming from mainland will be dearer.


11-07-2012, 15:24
IGIC has always been an additional tax hasn't it?
So the basic formula is: the normal price + Spanish VAT + The Canarian too lazy to my job tax (IGIC) = What you pay for everyday items

11-07-2012, 17:06
IGIC has always been an additional tax hasn't it?
So the basic formula is: the normal price + Spanish VAT + The Canarian too lazy to my job tax (IGIC) = What you pay for everyday items
No IGIC is a special tax instead of VAT in Canaries

11-07-2012, 17:11
why canīt spain charge a flat igic tax on everything? 13 years ago texas only charge 8 percent on everything and today itīs only 8 and a half igic tax. if spain keep rasing i have a feeling a roit is brewing!!!!!

11-07-2012, 17:30

No quite. Imports to the Canaries will not have Spanish Vat applied. Vat or IGIC, is only ever charged at the rate of the country to which the goods are imported.

11-07-2012, 18:26
The 'C' in IGIC stands for 'Canaries'. It only applies in the Canaries and is instead of, not as well as, the Spanish VAT.

11-07-2012, 20:09
The 'C' in IGIC stands for 'Canaries'. It only applies in the Canaries and is instead of, not as well as, the Spanish VAT.

Only being lighthearted Kirsty. But it may as well be VAT + IGIC = Canarian Price.
Most things on this island are subject to extra tax if like me you want to import something. For example if your consignment comes through a Spanish port such as Barcelona, Spain tax you. Then when it arrives here the Canarians hit you with another charge or basically "they tax you again"

Don't know why all the fuss anyway, if more people declared their black money (is that racist John Terry?) then the IGIC increase probably wouldn't be necessary. The government need to build up the pot that has been drained so much over the years by people working the system.

11-07-2012, 20:18
They could even think of collecting Road Tax yearly (as in the uk), I wonder how much that would bring in??

11-07-2012, 20:31
Canarian ways are silly that's about it. Give me a week and I'd sort the lot out

11-07-2012, 20:36
Everyone seems to be confusing the two.

In the Canaries there is no 'Spanish VAT'

Here, we have IGIC which is the same principle but levied instead of.

Scaremongerers would have yoy believe that every time an item crossed a border in the EU each country would add the equivalent of VAT...CRAP

11-07-2012, 20:50
Everyone seems to be confusing the two.

In the Canaries there is no 'Spanish VAT'

Here, we have IGIC which is the same principle but levied instead of.

Scaremongerers would have yoy believe that every time an item crossed a border in the EU each country would add the equivalent of VAT...CRAP

Hidden charges, canarians always have hidden charges that's what I'm saying. Have you never got a price for something and when it's come to paying for it suddenly the price is higher? and when you ask what this extra charge is the response is "it's normal for the canaries, nothing we can do so you have to pay it"
I have evidence of taxes being levied in both Spanish mainland (don't give me that peninsular crap) and Tenerife on one order.

11-07-2012, 20:57
Hidden charges, canarians always have hidden charges that's what I'm saying. Have you never got a price for something and when it's come to paying for it suddenly the price is higher? and when you ask what this extra charge is the response is "it's normal for the canaries, nothing we can do so you have to pay it"
I have evidence of taxes being levied in both Spanish mainland (don't give me that peninsular crap) and Tenerife on one order.

If that's the case then it can be claimed back.

Vat,Igic or whatever can only be charged once.

Same as if you buy something in the UK and claim VAT back if it is being brought here. (How many do this and fail to declare?)

11-07-2012, 21:05
If that's the case then it can be claimed back.

Vat,Igic or whatever can only be charged once.

Same as if you buy something in the UK and claim VAT back if it is being brought here. (How many do this and fail to declare?)

Your probably right, I do claim my VAT back from the UK but over here these extra/hidden charges are such a pain. They hold your goods to ransom and you have to go through a mountain of paperwork to get your money back, so you don't!

You're right. No one volunteers their help for free so unless you know the correct channels...... They've got you! Or rather your money

11-07-2012, 21:13
Your probably right, I do claim my VAT back from the UK but over here these extra/hidden charges are such a pain. They hold your goods to ransom and you have to go through a mountain of paperwork to get your money back, so you don't!

You're right. No one volunteers their help for free so unless you know the correct channels...... They've got you! Or rather your money

Which is why no one declares.

Same with all levels of legaldom here.

Everything is made so difficult that even the most honest of us don't bother.

This includes all walks of life which have been adequately reported (moaned about) many times before.

We all want to be 100% legal but to do that we'd all need a secretary..(((AAAAAA, penny drops....Job creation...)

Now I understand...?????

11-07-2012, 21:54
They could even think of collecting Road Tax yearly (as in the uk), I wonder how much that would bring in??

They do already , twice a year with the Hacienda taxes, €46 in July and January for a Berlingo.

11-07-2012, 22:06
They do already , twice a year with the Hacienda taxes, €46 in July and January for a Berlingo.

I know that I pay my road tax this way, but I have spoken to others, who do not pay the tax until they either sell or scrap their cars. This is apparently acceptable and no fines are issued if drivers are stopped by the police.

11-07-2012, 22:18
They do already , twice a year with the Hacienda taxes, €46 in July and January for a Berlingo.

Have you ever heard of a car being towed because the tax hasn't been paid in Tenerife? In the UK you can't take a un-taxed car on the road unless you are on the way to a MOT station for a pre-booked test. The penalty is (I think) a fine in the thousands and/or car gets sold or crushed.
They do not enforce car tax payments here. Yes they may embargo your bank account if it really gets late but they never know what will be in the kitty month to month.
Also it is my understanding that if you want to pay your tax you can only do it during certain payment windows in the year. If you miss the window you can't pay you dues.

11-07-2012, 22:36
The long and short of it is, as slodgie says, they really don't make it easy to be legal... do they?! :rolleyes:

11-07-2012, 23:09
Have you ever heard of a car being towed because the tax hasn't been paid in Tenerife? In the UK you can't take a un-taxed car on the road unless you are on the way to a MOT station for a pre-booked test. The penalty is (I think) a fine in the thousands and/or car gets sold or crushed.
They do not enforce car tax payments here. Yes they may embargo your bank account if it really gets late but they never know what will be in the kitty month to month.
Also it is my understanding that if you want to pay your tax you can only do it during certain payment windows in the year. If you miss the window you can't pay you dues.

I think you are mistaken insofar as payments of road tax are concerned. When payments due go unpaid a penalty is immediately placed against the owner, I think currently 10% pa flat. So if payment is unpaid year after year the car cannot be sold or scrapped until the payment outstanding plus the penalties accrued are dealt with. I had an old car many years ago which I gave to someone to use whilst I was in Russia. On my return I never say either again but when I went to pay some other car tax I was forced to pay the monies due on the old banger! So the system works its just that most people don,t understand how it operates.

11-07-2012, 23:12
Also, if you are stopped by the police they normally ask for proof that current year's car tax has been paid and if not, you will be fined.

11-07-2012, 23:32
Also, if you are stopped by the police they normally ask for proof that current year's car tax has been paid and if not, you will be fined.

Depends what they're fining for that day

- - - - - - - - - - merged double post - - - - - - - - - -

I think you are mistaken insofar as payments of road tax are concerned. When payments due go unpaid a penalty is immediately placed against the owner, I think currently 10% pa flat. So if payment is unpaid year after year the car cannot be sold or scrapped until the payment outstanding plus the penalties accrued are dealt with. I had an old car many years ago which I gave to someone to use whilst I was in Russia. On my return I never say either again but when I went to pay some other car tax I was forced to pay the monies due on the old banger! So the system works its just that most people don,t understand how it operates.

Missing the point completely. My point is they don't know when they will be paid. I'm fully aware that you can't sell/scrap a car without paying your tax but you can still get in it and drive it without tax can't you?

11-07-2012, 23:36
I think you are mistaken insofar as payments of road tax are concerned. When payments due go unpaid a penalty is immediately placed against the owner, I think currently 10% pa flat. So if payment is unpaid year after year the car cannot be sold or scrapped until the payment outstanding plus the penalties accrued are dealt with. I had an old car many years ago which I gave to someone to use whilst I was in Russia. On my return I never say either again but when I went to pay some other car tax I was forced to pay the monies due on the old banger! So the system works its just that most people don,t understand how it operates.

You forgot to mention that the debt stays with the car..Someone buys it and inherits the debt.

Unfair I know but when in Rome.....

12-07-2012, 00:14
if spain keep rasing i have a feeling a roit is brewing!!!!!

I hope not Henry. That would be very sad and unproductive. It looked very ugly in Madrid yesterday although the cause was different.

We all have to 'tighten our belts' drastically I think but with so much unemployment and therefore citizens having little money, higher prices will not help Spain if people cannot buy. I hope some of the borrowed money will give work to builders and construction workers to finish abandoned projects and get Spain looking an attractive and reliable prospect again to foreign buyers, for homes, tourism and industry.

12-07-2012, 08:17
I hope not Henry. That would be very sad and unproductive. It looked very ugly in Madrid yesterday although the cause was different.

We all have to 'tighten our belts' drastically I think but with so much unemployment and therefore citizens having little money, higher prices will not help Spain if people cannot buy. I hope some of the borrowed money will give work to builders and construction workers to finish abandoned projects and get Spain looking an attractive and reliable prospect again to foreign buyers, for homes, tourism and industry.
I think you will find that the money is only to prop up the banks and is not "earmarked" for infrastucture and growth - the same issue applies in UK where the "Quantitative Easing" money given to banks to help small businesses and other projects has hardly been used other than to keep backs afloat - thank god for the Ultra-wet summer so far , as we could have unrest similiar to last year - the farce of the Olympics may still have an effect !

12-07-2012, 08:38
With regards to Road tax for car, I had to prove I had paid mine before the ITV . I had to show my paid Insurance and proof of paying the tax. So unless you are driving without an up to date ITV then it will be paid.

12-07-2012, 16:37
With regards to Road tax for car, I had to prove I had paid mine before the ITV . I had to show my paid Insurance and proof of paying the tax. So unless you are driving without an up to date ITV then it will be paid.

I've never been asked to prove that my tax payments are up to date at the ITV testing station prior to getting my pass certificate and sticker. So I don't know what you are on about there.

And Henry I wouldn't worry about the Spanish rioting anytime soon, they are not a violent nation and would much rather have a snooze than throw a petrol bomb.
I don't even know why they have an army, as whenever the allied forces go to war all the Spanish do is look after the kitchens. "I'm a cooker not a fighter" Pedro E Spana

12-07-2012, 16:45
I've never been asked to prove that my tax payments are up to date at the ITV testing station prior to getting my pass certificate and sticker.

Me, neither.
Only ever had to show the Ficha Tecnica.

12-07-2012, 16:50
I think you will find that the money is only to prop up the banks and is not "earmarked" for infrastucture and growth - the same issue applies in UK where the "Quantitative Easing" money given to banks to help small businesses and other projects has hardly been used other than to keep backs afloat - thank god for the Ultra-wet summer so far , as we could have unrest similiar to last year - the farce of the Olympics may still have an effect !

The fire is just waiting for the spark. Last year it was the police killing of Mark Duggan that sparked the riots.

It was years of frustration that just needed an excuse to explode.

Such as LA riots sparked by the police officers that beat Rodney King walking free from court. IMHO this why OJ Simpson was found not guilty of murdering his ex wife and her lover as had he been found guilty LA would've exploded again.

It's not the weather

12-07-2012, 16:54
Me, neither.
Only ever had to show the Ficha Tecnica.
Agreed Car docs and proof of insurance - here is the information in English from the ITV testing company http://www.applusiteuve.com/en/documentacion-itv