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View Full Version : "Firefox was not found on this server" error

20-07-2012, 16:16
I thought I'd read here on some Firefox problems and this text is answering a question posded by someone to a magaine. The reader uses Windows 7 and it had lost it's Home page, which was blank except for a message that read "Not found. The requested IRL/Firefox was not found on this server."

The answer to correct the situation was: "This is a Firefox bug that has only recently surfaced....When you launch Firefox it is set to visit http://start.mozilla.org.firefox which has been the browser's default home page for many years. However, Mozilla has recently replaced this website address (or URL) with a different one: the default home page URL is now http://start.mozilla.org. The trouble is many browers are still set to point to hppt://start.mozilla.org/firefox and while this retired URL should redirect to the new home page address...it doesn't.

Similarly, a fix has yet to be issued though its been reported. You can follow it's progress at Bugzilla. Mozilla's bug-reporting page at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=758910 .

Fortunately, it is a very easy problem to fix yourself by setting the new home page URL. To do this first click the Firefox menu, choose Options and then select the General tab. In the Startup section type the preferred URL (http://start.mozilla.org) into the Home Page field and make sure that "Show my home page" is selected from the 'When Firefox starts' dropdown menu above. Click OK, restart Firefox and you'll be back where you were.

20-07-2012, 17:11
Yeah, but I want Google as my home page. I'm using Firefox and have it set to Google and it works fine.:)

20-07-2012, 17:55
Mine too HM!

21-07-2012, 02:03
I have used Firefox since it first reared it's head. My home page has always been Yahoo and have never had a problem.