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View Full Version : Are there any over the counter sleep remedies available in Tenerife?

05-08-2012, 20:32
Hi folks,
I havent been sleeping at night and in result I end up sleeping all day. This has happened to me a few years ago and my doctor had prescribed me with a 2 week sleeping tablet prescription which sorted it out and I got back to my usual good nights rest, so I am just wondering is there anything available over the counter here or am I going to have to go back to the doctor again? Any ideas/advice appreciated.

05-08-2012, 20:51
Hi folks,
I havent been sleeping at night and in result I end up sleeping all day. This has happened to me a few years ago and my doctor had prescribed me with a 2 week sleeping tablet prescription which sorted it out and I got back to my usual good nights rest, so I am just wondering is there anything available over the counter here or am I going to have to go back to the doctor again? Any ideas/advice appreciated.

You can buy Dormidina sleeping tablets over the counter here.

05-08-2012, 20:53
Are they good?expensive? Thanks for the reply..im beginning to crack up with not seeing the light of day!

05-08-2012, 21:22
Are they good?expensive? Thanks for the reply..im beginning to crack up with not seeing the light of day!

Yes they do work and are not expensive, I think they were about 6 euros the last time I got them.:zzz:

05-08-2012, 21:38
Hi Darina ... not sure where you are ... you say you are in Ireland ... or are you in Tenerife?

The full moon was (I think) Saturday night. I often find that I can't sleep at night when there is a full moon but it should be on the wane now which will help. Camomile tea is supposed to help.

If it doesn't actually matter to you if you sleep in the daytime (i.e. if you aren't working etc.) why worry about it? A lot of Spanish have a kip in the afternoons and, since we moved here, we do too. If you add together the hours you sleep at night plus the hours you sleep in the afternoon ... would this be a normal night's sleep?

You could also try Bach Rescue Remedy.
I've given up worrying about my odd sleeping hours ...but I haven't got anything vital to do all day in the day time so that is easy to say.

penelope pitstop
05-08-2012, 22:22
If you have an Asda near you (if you are in Ireland) buy SLEEP AID over the pharmacy counter. I think they are under £2 & worked well for me.

05-08-2012, 22:26
You can buy Dormidina sleeping tablets over the counter here.

Are these very strong primrose? a friend of mine is at the end of her tether with lack of sleep but didn't get on with prescription sleeping pills from the Doctor in UK...she said she felt groggy the whole of the next day.

05-08-2012, 23:00
Are these very strong primrose? a friend of mine is at the end of her tether with lack of sleep but didn't get on with prescription sleeping pills from the Doctor in UK...she said she felt groggy the whole of the next day.

PM Sent........

05-08-2012, 23:14
I usualy use the local red wine remedie.
Works good enouf for me. :beer:

Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk 2

05-08-2012, 23:15
I take dormidina on the rare occassion that I need a catch up.... i actually only take half, as I find them pretty strong - i've never taken any other make of sleeping pills though, so nothing to compare them too... but I find them quick and effective, but no so strong that I can't get up to spend a penny in the night LOL though I do get straight back to sleep after... I do find even with half a tablet is too much if I don't want to sleep more than 7 or 8 hours, so might try and break it even smaller next time. I don't necessarily feel "groggy" but I have to keep on the move, else I just want to go sleep again :) ........

05-08-2012, 23:16
I usualy use the local red wine remedie.
Works good enouf for me. :beer:

Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk 2

My OH finds this very effective as well .... and the snoring is what keeps me awake!

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I take dormidina on the rare occassion that I need a catch up.... i actually only take half, as I find them pretty strong - i've never taken any other make of sleeping pills though, so nothing to compare them too... but I find them quick and effective, but no so strong that I can't get up to spend a penny in the night LOL though I do get straight back to sleep after... I do find even with half a tablet is too much if I don't want to sleep more than 7 or 8 hours, so might try and break it even smaller next time. I don't necessarily feel "groggy" but I have to keep on the move, else I just want to go sleep again :) ........

Are these huge horse pills, chifleta? I have a whole packet of somethingoranother bought to help me sleep and they were ginormous chalky gritty horse pills. I can't swallow anything big!:D

Sorry, I do know this is a serious thread and lack of sleep occasionally drives me close to the edge. The GP here years ago gave me zolpidem and the first night is brilliant but after that the side effects are worse than a good night's sleep.

05-08-2012, 23:37
My OH finds this very effective as well .... and the snoring is what keeps me awake!

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Are these huge horse pills, chifleta? I have a whole packet of somethingoranother bought to help me sleep and they were ginormous chalky gritty horse pills. I can't swallow anything big!:D

Sorry, I do know this is a serious thread and lack of sleep occasionally drives me close to the edge. The GP here years ago gave me zolpidem and the first night is brilliant but after that the side effects are worse than a good night's sleep.

no they're tiny, easy enough to break in half though, and very easy to swallow (i'm the "fill your mouth full of water and insert pill in mouth and throw head back fast" type of pill taker... hate taken any pills) .... but i'm going to try break one into a third next time... if you buy a packet, you'll see how complicated that may be :)

i've spent the last 3 weeks nearly losing lots of sleep (my son has a summer job and has been borrowing car as he finishes late, and he's only recently got his driving licence ... it's bloody awfully stressful for me aghhhh) - so with son getting home about 1am and OH getting up for work at 3am, it's messed me right up :(

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ps and here I am sat here again like an idiot when I should have just tried to go to sleep at 10 or 11pm :( :( sighhh.....

06-08-2012, 00:51
Unless its essential to be up during the day you should do without unnecessary medicines and let nature take its own course of action. Sleep when needed and eventually the clock will sort itself out.

06-08-2012, 12:56
Unless its essential to be up during the day you should do without unnecessary medicines and let nature take its own course of action. Sleep when needed and eventually the clock will sort itself out.

I just noticed the time you posted Timmy! you should have been bye byes!!!:snore:

06-08-2012, 13:01
Thanks so much guys for all the replies, I really do appreciate it.. I would rather be awake during the day, my sleeping pattern at the moment is getting to sleep after 6a.m. and not being able to wake until late afternoon. I am actually cracking up, I forced myself out of bed today at 10 a.m. and have went and bought dormadina, so hopefully if I cant fall asleep naturally tonight I will try these. I have tried camomile tea already but not bachs rescue remedy as I find it never worked for me. Also, I am in Tenerife I must change it!

06-08-2012, 13:30
Thanks so much guys for all the replies, I really do appreciate it.. I would rather be awake during the day, my sleeping pattern at the moment is getting to sleep after 6a.m. and not being able to wake until late afternoon. I am actually cracking up, I forced myself out of bed today at 10 a.m. and have went and bought dormadina, so hopefully if I cant fall asleep naturally tonight I will try these. I have tried camomile tea already but not bachs rescue remedy as I find it never worked for me. Also, I am in Tenerife I must change it!

Are you actually lying in bed awake for 6 hours? That would drive me barking mad instantly.

I have a different problem which is I go to sleep :snore: and then I wake right up at any time from 3 until 5 and am wide awake. I get up and read usually or play patience. After 2 hours of that I go back to bed and get back to sleep about 6 and wake up at 8 feeling shattered. Back to bed in the afternoon for a zizz and wake up feeling dreadful. The nights I sleep through I feel fine.

Which reminds me I tried Valerian once but the pills were huge ... must see if I can find it in a tea or in drops. And am going to try this dormina stuff, too.

06-08-2012, 14:19
I could do with pills to wake me up! I have to rely on my cat but she's a sleepy head like me!

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Thanks so much guys for all the replies, I really do appreciate it.. I would rather be awake during the day, my sleeping pattern at the moment is getting to sleep after 6a.m. and not being able to wake until late afternoon. I am actually cracking up, I forced myself out of bed today at 10 a.m. and have went and bought dormadina, so hopefully if I cant fall asleep naturally tonight I will try these. I have tried camomile tea already but not bachs rescue remedy as I find it never worked for me. Also, I am in Tenerife I must change it!

Good luck Darina! I have a friend in UK who has suffered insomnia for years! it must be very debilitating!

Tom & Sharon
06-08-2012, 16:14
Try reading through the illegal lettings thread. Start at page 1 and see how far through it you get before you're yawning your head off.

Should send you straight off, no probs!

06-08-2012, 19:47
Yes I end up staying awake for hours, I even convince myself that i'll fall asleep soon im that tired waiting to fall asleep..it is horrible though, impossible to get up during the day worse if I have to be up!So fingers crossed the dormadina works and I'll let you all know tomorrow!

06-08-2012, 21:29
Yes I end up staying awake for hours, I even convince myself that i'll fall asleep soon im that tired waiting to fall asleep..it is horrible though, impossible to get up during the day worse if I have to be up!So fingers crossed the dormadina works and I'll let you all know tomorrow!

just take half though... else, with the amount of catch up you need, you'll sleep for two days non-stop :) hope they work for you... i'm just about to get off the computer and try go to bed early... my son due home at 1am and OH due to get up for work at 3am ... wonder if i'll sleep through it...... hmmmm maybe a malibu and cola zero might help.... or two .... or three!

07-08-2012, 01:24
I just noticed the time you posted Timmy! you should have been bye byes!!!:snore:

Because of the amount of morphine which I have to take at various times of the day and night I cannot really control sleep patterns so do a lot of my internet stuff in the early hours of the morning, like just now! I get up in the mornign to take the dogs out, then usually go back to bed for an hour or so, into a deep sleep. The major problem which I have is that most appointments, doctors/hospitals etc etc are mainly early morning which, as you can understand, cause me extreme pain and sleep deprivation so, if its Santa Cruz I have to go to its essential that I have someone with me for driving and actually keeping me awake!

07-08-2012, 11:46
Because of the amount of morphine which I have to take at various times of the day and night I cannot really control sleep patterns so do a lot of my internet stuff in the early hours of the morning, like just now! I get up in the mornign to take the dogs out, then usually go back to bed for an hour or so, into a deep sleep. The major problem which I have is that most appointments, doctors/hospitals etc etc are mainly early morning which, as you can understand, cause me extreme pain and sleep deprivation so, if its Santa Cruz I have to go to its essential that I have someone with me for driving and actually keeping me awake!

Only a little joke Timmy! I cannot imagine what it is like not to get adequate rest! :hello:

07-08-2012, 16:11
First night over and I got sleep!! I took one dormidina tablet and it worked, however I did wake a few times during the night I didnt mind because I easily nodded off again!big smile on my face today!the wonders of a good nights rest!

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

07-08-2012, 16:32
First night over and I got sleep!! I took one dormidina tablet and it worked, however I did wake a few times during the night I didnt mind because I easily nodded off again!big smile on my face today!the wonders of a good nights rest!

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

I am so pleased for you Darina! My friend in the UK has found that she can buy the exact equivalent 190 tabs for £8.49 on Amazon. they are called Doxylamine Succinate. same ingredients and same mg!

10-08-2012, 13:32
You might also want to try something natural like Valerian which is very relaxing and gets me off to sleep if I need it. Ask for Valeriana in any health shop or pharmacy that sells herbal remedies.

mike in chayofa
10-08-2012, 17:43
I am so pleased for you Darina! My friend in the UK has found that she can buy the exact equivalent 190 tabs for £8.49 on Amazon. they are called Doxylamine Succinate. same ingredients and same mg!

Thanks for that. I have just oredered some.

I seem to remember that they are 7.50€ +/- for 16 tablets in the farmacia.

This is a huge saving.

Valeriana make me really ill. I tried them once and they just don't agree with me

10-08-2012, 17:50
First night over and I got sleep!! I took one dormidina tablet and it worked, however I did wake a few times during the night I didnt mind because I easily nodded off again!big smile on my face today!the wonders of a good nights rest!

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

awww glad it worked for you... I took half the other night, a gym friend said to take it 10 hours before you want to wake up LOL so I took it at 7pm just in case, went to bed at 9.30-10pm, slept till 4am, then up a couple of times after that, but that's pretty standard for me and got out of bed at 7.30am, but could have prolly slept a bit more to tell the truth... like you said, it's easy enough to go back to sleep - i'm going to take another half tonight, as OH and son are both at home, so i'm just gonna go bed early.... just getting one nights good sleep definately helped my mental state LOL

10-08-2012, 19:39
Some time ago We had a Thread on here about wether You are a Night Person or a Day Person.

Its worth trying to work out What sleep patterns suit You best.

The one that suits Me best is when on Holiday.
Up at 8 (Too early and Siesta from 5 to 7 pm then Up till around 1 am.

Not really practical here, which means I love Tenerife Holidays a bit more because of it.

So work out HOW Much suits You best, then ADD WHEN too.

Should help in the long term