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View Full Version : Health Need directions to Candelaria hospital ultrasound department

06-08-2012, 23:01
Hi everyone!
May be someone knows where in Candelaria hospital ultrasound for pregnant women is done? I know there are several buildings and having a "cita" there for "eco selectiva", I do not know where to go.
Thank you.

07-08-2012, 00:45
Both buildings have a reception where you can ask

07-08-2012, 01:26
The new building is where most examinations are carried out.

07-08-2012, 02:26
Friends of mine drove from Los Cris to Candelaria, then back again , and got a taxi (90 euros), because they couldnt fathom the turnoff from the motorway (stressed with bloodloss). So if the O.P. is looking for step by step directions, someone please advise (i will of course duly nick them, incase- God forbid i need them myself!).

07-08-2012, 03:48
Sean. As oft before I give clear instructions on how to get to this hospital but, I reckon the op knows and wanted to know which part of the hospital she had to go to! So, in case I am wrong, here goes, again!
TF! all the way PAST Carriefor! Stay on autopista. The next turning is the main entrance to SC and the beach and harbour area. DO NOT TAKE THIS TURNING EITHER. About 500 mtrs. later there is yet another turning. It is very quick, short and needs to be taken carefully. You come up to a give way and then you go round the roundabout. Most of the traffic will be going this way. You now proceed uphill with and Industrial Estate on both sides. You want to be on the left hand side and after 1 km you join another small roundabout and you cross a small bridge leaving the roundabout and again you are going slightly uphill passing the large Shell station on the left. After the petrol station take the very next left at traffic lights. Again (keep calm not far now) you are going uphill on a busy road and 1 km the hospital is on your left. Now here is where most go wrong (if they have reached this far!) - parking. If the patient is fit and very able then go to the top of this hill, round the roundabout with trams flying about and come back down hill. Now if the patient is infirm let him/her off as the entrances to both parts are here (well within a couple of hundred mtrs.). Go down hill passing the entire hospital area. Keep on the right hand side and the very first opening you want to go hard, hard right(almost coming back onyourself) and this entire area is public parking. Pretend to the guys who are going to look after yer car for 10 bob that you will settle up when you come back. You can then either walk back up the way you came or climb a set of stairs which will take you nearer the hospital.
After looking for an hour I now find the exit from TF1 is exit no. 2 ! So, there you have it. Good luck. Print this out and have someone read it to you as you start you exit from TF1.

ps. I go up 3 times a month, minimum so please, don,t come on here telling me you know a quicker way, 'cause you don,t!

07-08-2012, 10:40
Thank you, Seanocelt for asking this question :hello:v
and Timmylish for thorough explanations. I did not expect such fast answers to my question and I am grateful to http://www.tenerifeforum.org having so kind-hearted members :c2:

07-08-2012, 11:14
Concise Sir Tim , thanking you!

07-08-2012, 11:39
Above the door it says "Escuela de Enfermeria" 99.999999% sure that's what is says.

Stood looking at the hospital there is a small entrance road at the left hand side. It has a security hut at the top of it and you won't be able drive down it (UNLESS DROPPING OFF)

Go down here and the road bends to the right, main entrance to the hospital is on your right but the building you want is on the left.

1st or 2nd floor I forget which but there is an info desk as you enter.

07-08-2012, 18:47
Sean. As oft before I give clear instructions on how to get to this hospital but, I reckon the op knows and wanted to know which part of the hospital she had to go to! So, in case I am wrong, here goes, again!
TF! all the way PAST Carriefor! Stay on autopista. The next turning is the main entrance to SC and the beach and harbour area. DO NOT TAKE THIS TURNING EITHER. About 500 mtrs. later there is yet another turning. It is very quick, short and needs to be taken carefully. You come up to a give way and then you go round the roundabout. Most of the traffic will be going this way. You now proceed uphill with and Industrial Estate on both sides. You want to be on the left hand side and after 1 km you join another small roundabout and you cross a small bridge leaving the roundabout and again you are going slightly uphill passing the large Shell station on the left. After the petrol station take the very next left at traffic lights. Again (keep calm not far now) you are going uphill on a busy road and 1 km the hospital is on your left. Now here is where most go wrong (if they have reached this far!) - parking. If the patient is fit and very able then go to the top of this hill, round the roundabout with trams flying about and come back down hill. Now if the patient is infirm let him/her off as the entrances to both parts are here (well within a couple of hundred mtrs.). Go down hill passing the entire hospital area. Keep on the right hand side and the very first opening you want to go hard, hard right(almost coming back onyourself) and this entire area is public parking. Pretend to the guys who are going to look after yer car for 10 bob that you will settle up when you come back. You can then either walk back up the way you came or climb a set of stairs which will take you nearer the hospital.
After looking for an hour I now find the exit from TF1 is exit no. 2 ! So, there you have it. Good luck. Print this out and have someone read it to you as you start you exit from TF1.

ps. I go up 3 times a month, minimum so please, don,t come on here telling me you know a quicker way, 'cause you don,t!

Spot on timmylish, and I should know as this coming Friday I will be up there for the 37th time since June 15 !!

07-08-2012, 19:03
Yes, you are totally right, it mentions "Escuela de Enfermeria" and 2-nd floor on my. Thank you for clarifications, I will be totally armed with all directions I have now ))

Above the door it says "Escuela de Enfermeria" 99.999999% sure that's what is says.

Stood looking at the hospital there is a small entrance road at the left hand side. It has a security hut at the top of it and you won't be able drive down it (UNLESS DROPPING OFF)

Go down here and the road bends to the right, main entrance to the hospital is on your right but the building you want is on the left.

1st or 2nd floor I forget which but there is an info desk as you enter.