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View Full Version : What is your story when buying your apartment in Tenerife?

14-08-2012, 11:15
Having recently finished uni after 3 emotionally challenging yet wonderful years (brag brag) the idea of purchasing an apartment in Tenerife seem a little (not a lot) more attainable in the future. With so many fond memories of Tenerife and the option for securing a nest egg, I was just wondering how people came to purchase over there, what there story was for doing so and whether it was plain sailing or included a lot of bollards hehe? Call me nosy yes but other peoples stories interest me and may give me some food for thought or at least a chuckle or two perhaps...... :eyebrows:

14-08-2012, 14:02
I came over here 20 years ago, tempted by a Canarian waiter .... he was visiting me in sunny UK and said "come to Tenerife with me" and I said "ok" LOL.... I literally had NO MONEY, so it was a big risk if things didn't work out. Luckily they did.

We bought our place 13 years ago (well still paying for it obviously) - the bank undervalued it so we had to pay double the normal deposit (plus notary fees, taxes etc), so we had a mortgage and a five year private loan, struggled for 5 years as our loan was bigger repayment than our mortgage... but now we're laughing with our tiny mortgage repayments. Although for us the purchase process was easy, he's Spanish, and it was off the plan property, so the builder sorted all the necessary paperwork, we just turned up with deposit and fees etc etc ...... nowadays you won't get a deal like that, if anyone gets a mortgage that's less than 500 euros a month, I'd think them lucky ... to buy something you need probably (correct me if i'm wrong all my friendly forum mates) approx. 20 to 30k sat in your bank before really considering buying something - unless some crazy bank values the property at 120% like they were doing over the last 10 years (hence the dire situation now).....

Congrats on getting through 3 years of Uni, I think anyone that can study for that long and that much are braver than me LOL I hate studying....

14-08-2012, 14:40
Aww sounds like it worked out well :) thanks for sharing :)

Uni was worth it but I'm saying that now its over lol