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View Full Version : Teenager raped in Las Americas, Tenerife

16-06-2011, 20:10
"A young Frenchman has been arrested on suspicion of raping a teenager from the South Wales Valleys while she was on holiday in Tenerife.

The woman, from the Merthyr Tydfil area, was found wandering in a dazed condition and wearing only her bra by the crew of a local police patrol car at 3am on Tuesday on a beach at Playa de las Americas, on the island's south coast.

She told the officers she had been attacked by two Frenchmen whom she had accompanied to the Playa de Troya beach after they offered her drugs.

But, she said, they gave her something to drink and she quickly lost consciousness. When she came round she had been raped by one of them. She tried to run away, but could not summon-up the energy.

But the officers found she still had the identity card of one of her alleged attackers in her hand. He had used it to cut a line of cocaine, it was reported. Police are still hunting a second man in connection with the attack.

The case was handed over to the National Police who traced the 22 year old owner of the id card to a property at nearby Costa del Silencio and arrested him. His companion was still being sought.

The girl from Wales, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was given medical treatment at the scene and later admitted to a local clinic."

Source - Wales online .co.uk

I have cut & pasted the article as if I provided a link I think the post would have needed moderating before it appeared.

with cheese
16-06-2011, 21:03
Very sad and no one deserves to be treated this way but if you are going to mix in that type of circle it is going to happen.
Where were the girls parents at the age alleged.
If youngsters are doing drugs they are usually quite street wise already so she should have also known a drink would be laced with a rape drug.
Poor girl, but a warning to others, mix with **** you get **** back.

16-06-2011, 21:50
Very sad and no one deserves to be treated this way but if you are going to mix in that type of circle it is going to happen.
Where were the girls parents at the age alleged.
If youngsters are doing drugs they are usually quite street wise already so she should have also known a drink would be laced with a rape drug.
Poor girl, but a warning to others, mix with **** you get **** back.

Exactly. Very sensible post

17-06-2011, 00:51
My first controversial post.

How the hell can you blame the girl for being raped? She was a girl out having fun and 2 monsters attacked her. Have some sympathy

Sorry if that upsets but its how I feel

17-06-2011, 00:59
I have cut & pasted the article as if I provided a link I think the post would have needed moderating before it appeared.[/B]

Nothing is moderated when a verified link is supplied.

This is why we always ask contributors to either quote their source or post a link to verify a proveable comment

17-06-2011, 01:04
Not British then? Sorry.... Stellas in control.

17-06-2011, 01:16
This is tragic and I hope widely reported in the UK as a wake up call to kids coming on holiday. Noone asks to be raped but these youngsters who want to have 'fun' need to be aware the dangers. They need to take care of each other in a foreign country and accept that if they engage in drug use from an unknown source with 'strangers', something like this, or worse can and does happen. This poor girl will have to live with what has happened, and I hope the man or men are punished, however i'm sure when she is older and wiser she will be horrified how stupid she was to have put herself in that position

17-06-2011, 02:55
wheres her parents.. she is 22 yrs old??! and regardless of whether she takes drugs or not she should not know they are laced with date rape drugs? should all girls that are chatted up in pubs and offered drinks know they are laced with these drugs(aware they could be yes, but how should you know) ?? .. for all you know she had never taken drugs in her life and jst thought she wud try it when on holiday (not condoning it)... irresponible behaviour yes (like most young ppl at that age, infact any age on holiday) but no one asks to be attacked, the girl will have to live with the fact she was too trusting and irresponible which lead to the situation, but the the situation is still sad that the poor girl was violated. she didnt ask for it.....u said she mixed with**** so expect *** back... they could of been the perfect men up untill the night in question, romancing her, maybe she was gullable. Sorry I just found your post a bit callous!

17-06-2011, 12:56
The girl not 22, the guy was, she's a teenager. Terrible what happened but i found it odd she said

*But, she said, they gave her something to drink and she quickly lost consciousness. When she came round she had been raped by one of them*

If she was unconscious how does she know it was only one. Also the card

*But the officers found she still had the identity card of one of her alleged attackers in her hand. He had used it to cut a line of cocaine, it was reported.*

I know nothing about taking drugs.. but if He cut a line of cocaine surely he would have the card no need for her to have it.

17-06-2011, 14:53
I had read this in a local paper and can only feel sorry for her. It is a real pity that you come on holiday hope to have a good time and bad things happen.

17-06-2011, 15:26
The way I read With cheese´s post was he was warning girls not judging them. Play with fire and you´re bound to get burnt! I can actually remember my Father making similar warnings to me as a teenager.:confused:

with cheese
17-06-2011, 20:14
wheres her parents.. she is 22 yrs old??! and regardless of whether she takes drugs or not she should not know they are laced with date rape drugs? should all girls that are chatted up in pubs and offered drinks know they are laced with these drugs(aware they could be yes, but how should you know) ?? .. for all you know she had never taken drugs in her life and jst thought she wud try it when on holiday (not condoning it)... irresponible behaviour yes (like most young ppl at that age, infact any age on holiday) but no one asks to be attacked, the girl will have to live with the fact she was too trusting and irresponible which lead to the situation, but the the situation is still sad that the poor girl was violated. she didnt ask for it.....u said she mixed with**** so expect *** back... they could of been the perfect men up untill the night in question, romancing her, maybe she was gullable. Sorry I just found your post a bit callous!

Suzy bear, one thing I am not is callous when it concerns the welfare of another.
There is nowhere in the post that states the girls age but it does say her identity has been withheld for legal reasons.
As this was an offence in Spanish territory it would probably mean she is a minor.
I did say it was very sad she had been raped and indeed it is.
I also still believe if you want to use illegal drugs, especially class 1 then you are mixing with trouble immediately.
If it had read a girl was arrested for using cocaine on the beach and then having sex, you would probably have said serves her right for being a druggy.
It is very common knowledge in the clubbing circles and especially in the drug user circles that you do not take a drink from others, especially if you are female with 2 blokes.
Why would a young lady also be going on to a beach at that time of night with 2 strangers?
Yes rape is totally wrong and out of order, but you would not try out your skateboard on the tf1.

17-06-2011, 21:30
Suzy bear, one thing I am not is callous when it concerns the welfare of another.
There is nowhere in the post that states the girls age but it does say her identity has been withheld for legal reasons.
As this was an offence in Spanish territory it would probably mean she is a minor.
I did say it was very sad she had been raped and indeed it is.
I also still believe if you want to use illegal drugs, especially class 1 then you are mixing with trouble immediately.
If it had read a girl was arrested for using cocaine on the beach and then having sex, you would probably have said serves her right for being a druggy.
It is very common knowledge in the clubbing circles and especially in the drug user circles that you do not take a drink from others, especially if you are female with 2 blokes.
Why would a young lady also be going on to a beach at that time of night with 2 strangers?
Yes rape is totally wrong and out of order, but you would not try out your skateboard on the tf1.

Sorry but I'm with with Cheese on this one, if that makes sense ;). Why the hell would a girl, regardless of her age even go to a beach with two blokes she doesn't know from Adam in a place she is not familiar with to take drugs whether it was the first time of taking them or not. OK she didn't deserve to get raped but does anyone? In situations like this if it is made that easy then people are going to act on it.

with cheese
17-06-2011, 21:39
Chop their blox off when caught but let's also remember at this point we only have her word for it.
SCENARIO No 2. She is off her trolley on drugs and strolls back into town half naked, after being left by the blokes when they have got what they were after. The police stop her and she tells them she has been raped and drugged to stop herself getting in to trouble.
Not saying this is what has happened and in some ways it would be the best scenario, because at least she hasn't been raped. This is of course very possible and quite a regular event these days.
Before the "male point of view" comments start, please believe most of my time is spent protecting vulnerable people. Open mind needed.

17-06-2011, 21:42
i used to work in veronicas and starco, the state some of the girls (and boys) got into was scary, more than once i pulled one into the bar to get her away from the unsavouries that hang about. They often couldnt even speak let alone tell me where they were staying so i could get them a taxi....easy prey for those that would take advantage, and vultures will always be there in the backgound, no matter where you are in the world.

with cheese
17-06-2011, 21:48
Sad state of affairs, but we live in a drug fuelled world with no respect or morals being aught because half the parents don't care.

17-06-2011, 21:58
Lots of talk of rape, her words, drugged up, was she dragged on to the beach ?, sounds like them 2 lads are done up like kippers, before it even gets to court, loose talk ? she was asking for it, and got it, If she wasnt up for it, you would hear her screaming im sure, but none of us was there, so its all blah blah, Some women are trouble, with a capital T

17-06-2011, 22:24
Not even gonna comment on that

17-06-2011, 22:34
Can't blame her for getting raped at all and you can't say "she was up for it and got it".....

But! If you're a girl and you find a drug dealer and he needs to take his mate with you to the beach AND he gives you something to drink then there should be alarm Bells ringing.

You can't Blame her for what happened buy she was obviously naive. These guys should be put away for a long time, obviously scum. Lesson is don't go anywhere with people you don't know and don't do drugs kids!

17-06-2011, 22:48
Not even gonna comment on that

Why, because in your mind she WAS raped, Says who, Her who is off her head, Typical female reaction, hope there isnt 12 of you on the jury,

17-06-2011, 23:20
Obviously forensics will need to prove it. There are false rape claims .

Added after 4 minutes:

And if they said "surprise" then it doesn't count

17-06-2011, 23:26
Forensics ?, Im not saying they didnt give her one, wont be any bruising because she said she passed out, so all the tests wont prove anything, 2 against 1, she dosnt have a prayer,

with cheese
17-06-2011, 23:30
should all be done for using drugs no matter what.

18-06-2011, 01:01
should all be done for using drugs no matter what.

She dint actually get to use any did she? Apart from the spiked drink ?

18-06-2011, 08:03
Why, because in your mind she WAS raped, Says who, Her who is off her head, Typical female reaction, hope there isnt 12 of you on the jury,

No. I DONT know and neither do you. So until there is evidence maybe you should keep your horrible opinions to yourself.

18-06-2011, 09:16
No. I DONT know and neither do you. So until there is evidence maybe you should keep your horrible opinions to yourself.

Dont rise to it, or lower yourself, whatever. When working in bars I often came across toothless bitter little old men with a chip on their shoulders about women. Getting into an arguement here would be akin to debating with a Jeremy Kyle guest.

18-06-2011, 09:24
No. I DONT know and neither do you. So until there is evidence maybe you should keep your horrible opinions to yourself.

Perhaps heed your own advice !! where is your evidence for post 4# of the thread???

Tom & Sharon
18-06-2011, 09:52
Not getting into the was she/not raped argument, because nobody knows.

I just think that if she went onto a lonely beach at night, with 2 older men she didn't know, with the intent of taking cocaine, then took a drink off them she's lucky she's not dead - never mind raped.

Do they not have TV's in South Wales?

18-06-2011, 10:12
Suzy bear, one thing I am not is callous when it concerns the welfare of another.
There is nowhere in the post that states the girls age but it does say her identity has been withheld for legal reasons.
As this was an offence in Spanish territory it would probably mean she is a minor.
I did say it was very sad she had been raped and indeed it is.
I also still believe if you want to use illegal drugs, especially class 1 then you are mixing with trouble immediately.
If it had read a girl was arrested for using cocaine on the beach and then having sex, you would probably have said serves her right for being a druggy.
It is very common knowledge in the clubbing circles and especially in the drug user circles that you do not take a drink from others, especially if you are female with 2 blokes.
Why would a young lady also be going on to a beach at that time of night with 2 strangers?
Yes rape is totally wrong and out of order, but you would not try out your skateboard on the tf1.
according to spanish news she is 19

18-06-2011, 11:32
according to spanish news she is 19

So not a child but an adult by law. In this case she should have had a lot more sense

with cheese
18-06-2011, 13:31
Dont rise to it, or lower yourself, whatever. When working in bars I often came across toothless bitter little old men with a chip on their shoulders about women. Getting into an arguement here would be akin to debating with a Jeremy Kyle guest.

Did you see many women doing drugs and just offering everthing to blokes why you were there or were they narrow minded and living on a remote Island off the coast of Bristol.
wake up it is a valid argument, no one knows but the girl is lucky to still be alive. Don't go shark fishing in Bra and Knickers.

18-06-2011, 14:47
Did you see many women doing drugs and just offering everthing to blokes why you were there or were they narrow minded and living on a remote Island off the coast of Bristol.
wake up it is a valid argument, no one knows but the girl is lucky to still be alive. Don't go shark fishing in Bra and Knickers.

Dont rise to it, obviously a bitter little old women, who thinks druggie women should be able to go to the beach with 2 blokes and nothing will happen, unbelievable, the 2 men raped her and thats that, Give her compensation and a shoulder to cry on, lock up the 2 guy's and tatto rapist on there foreheads, Sounds like a dyke view to me,

18-06-2011, 15:29
Drugs again seems they are at root of many situations .I myself have a daughter 19 year old and if theres one thing I have always warned her about its drugs and always keep hold of your drink ,I think thats why so many drink alcopops now .I hope the truth comes out about what really happened here and the guilty party is dealt with,but I do agree if you keep that sort of company there will always be problems surrounding them.Also just a thought WHERE WERE HER FRIENDS ,also another thing I told my daughter always stay together never leave anywhere alone especially on holiday.

18-06-2011, 17:25
Not getting into the was she/not raped argument, because nobody knows.

Exactly Sharon only those involved know so know point in people falling out about it here.

I just think that if she went onto a lonely beach at night, with 2 older men she didn't know, with the intent of taking cocaine, then took a drink off them she's lucky she's not dead - never mind raped.

Do they not have TV's in South Wales?

I totally agree. What an absolutely stupid thing to do. That said I am not unsympathetic towards her.

18-06-2011, 17:30
Perhaps heed your own advice !! where is your evidence for post 4# of the thread???

Yes, you are right. Apologies for that. I have been thinking about this today and it must be horrible to be accused of something so bad if you are innocent

Added after 4 minutes:

Exactly Sharon only those involved know so know point in people falling out about it here.

I totally agree. What an absolutely stupid thing to do. That said I am not unsympathetic towards her.

We all do stupid things when we are that age but luckly for most of us we escape without harm

DJ Dangerous
18-06-2011, 17:59
Let's hope that the ID card genuinely did belong to one of them, as opposed to being one that one of them took from a stolen wallet or something...

18-06-2011, 19:45
SITUATION (for the slightly older members )......1960's 1970's the ladies would always take their hand bags to the dance floor and dance round them as even in those days there were theives about ,did you take your drinks onto a dance floor NO ,it was firstly not allowed and there wasnt this type of drug doing the rounds at that time .
Now to me if she has been "Date Raped" this could have happened to anyone ,slipping a drug into anyones drink i would imagine is quite easy ,and if this is the way it happened these guys have gone out with pure intent to commit this act .And whether or not her intention was to buy Cocaine surely she cant be held responsible for what was slipped into her drink .Apparently it takes a while to act ,she may have agreed to buying Cocaine sometime before this drug was adminstered so again it was their intent .
Should any of us be judging her until all facts are evident ,imo i dont think so .So please lets give a little sympathy to her ,her family .her friends .......after all it could have so easily been one of our own ..............

Now not having a go at Tracy ,just something over the years in running Bars ,pubs,night clubs here in the UK .We had Doormen /door supervisors or badly named Bouncers (!!!) If at any time they saw or indeed as manager i saw a girl/lady was over the top in drink ,they were always escorted out to the nearest licenced taxi and sent home (ok some may get out a few minutes later ,but at least we had tried to do the right thing )....if either myself or the door staff saw a girl lady worse for drink in the area even if not a customer the same action was taken .And in all the years ,only one taxi driver came back asking for payment as the person had not paid ,which we stood .And all the local drivers new this .So Tracy did act in a correct manner though as a barmaid i do wonder where the owners /manager /door staff where on the night she mentions ? Rehtorical question .............

18-06-2011, 20:15
SITUATION (for the slightly older members )......1960's 1970's the ladies would always take their hand bags to the dance floor and dance round them as even in those days there were theives about ,did you take your drinks onto a dance floor NO ,it was firstly not allowed and there wasnt this type of drug doing the rounds at that time .
Now to me if she has been "Date Raped" this could have happened to anyone ,slipping a drug into anyones drink i would imagine is quite easy ,and if this is the way it happened these guys have gone out with pure intent to commit this act .And whether or not her intention was to buy Cocaine surely she cant be held responsible for what was slipped into her drink .Apparently it takes a while to act ,she may have agreed to buying Cocaine sometime before this drug was adminstered so again it was their intent .
Should any of us be judging her until all facts are evident ,imo i dont think so .So please lets give a little sympathy to her ,her family .her friends .......after all it could have so easily been one of our own ..............

Now not having a go at Tracy ,just something over the years in running Bars ,pubs,night clubs here in the UK .We had Doormen /door supervisors or badly named Bouncers (!!!) If at any time they saw or indeed as manager i saw a girl/lady was over the top in drink ,they were always escorted out to the nearest licenced taxi and sent home (ok some may get out a few minutes later ,but at least we had tried to do the right thing )....if either myself or the door staff saw a girl lady worse for drink in the area even if not a customer the same action was taken .And in all the years ,only one taxi driver came back asking for payment as the person had not paid ,which we stood .And all the local drivers new this .So Tracy did act in a correct manner though as a barmaid i do wonder where the owners /manager /door staff where on the night she mentions ? Rehtorical question .............

Totally agree with what you have said OLNF regarding bouncers back in the day. But one question is, if the girl had her drink spiked where were her mates and why were they not looking out for her? Believe it or not my eldest son who was about 23 at the time had his drink spiked in a bar back in the UK a couple of years ago, thankfully his mates where aware that he was not behaving 'normally' after having had only a couple of drinks. They actually took him to A & E where he spent two days because the after effects made him so ill. It was also reported to the club they were in and they were told that it is common practice now for blokes to be drugged in the hope that they will go outside because of feeling unwell where they are then relieved of their wallet/phones. My daughter also had her drink spiked out here a couple of New Years eves ago. Again she had not had that much to drink and thankfully my other son and her mates were with her so phoned us to pick her up because they said they didn't know what was wrong but it definately wasn't too much drink.

So you are right to say that it can happen to anybody and it does, but if you can't rely on your mates to look out for you then what hope is there

18-06-2011, 20:31
Do you call that type of person mates ,friends i certainly wouldnt .I think that the best advice anyone can give to groups going out is one amongst the party should be a father figure and not drink but still enjoy themselves ,thus watching over the others .I know my lads and friends work this way .Even at new year one becomes a nominated driver .
But until all the relivant info comes out who's not to say here friends werent drugged but did not get the unwanted attention ,maybe not so much administered that way slowed down in thoughts ,but not made unconcious ,apparently the drug affects different people in different ways ,as i read in your post .BTW it must have been a terrible time for you and yours .
The thing is though she may well have learnt her lesson ,she will also now know the true meaning of Mates /friends but what a terrible way to learn

18-06-2011, 20:39
You're right, they can't really be called friends. Like your son and his friends my son and his friends do exactly the same, always have a designated driver who doesn't drink, but even then I suppose there is always going to be an occasion where they all want to drink so get cabs.

We don't know the full story on the girl yet, maybe she was here with her parents and was out with some people she met here, who are obviously not going to be looking out for her in the same sense. As much as I hope she wasn't raped I also hope that she isn't lying to cover up her sex and drug taking on the beach with her parents perhaps???

18-06-2011, 21:08
Do you call that type of person mates ,friends i certainly wouldnt .I think that the best advice anyone can give to groups going out is one amongst the party should be a father figure and not drink but still enjoy themselves ,thus watching over the others .

i do get what your saying and yes "friends" should look out for eachother when holidaying together BUT why should 1person alone take the responsability of multiple friends on a night out they are there to enjoy themselves too not be the nanny for the holiday... going away with your friends with no parents generally means doing what you want without being watched by the "authority figure" so 2 speak..

ive been on 2 girls holidays and after saving up for the holiday and paying for it i would not be the one offering not to drink and watch the rest of them doing it and any young/teenage person on here would probably if they were honest agree with that.

with cheese
18-06-2011, 21:30
i do get what your saying and yes "friends" should look out for eachother when holidaying together BUT why should 1person alone take the responsability of multiple friends on a night out they are there to enjoy themselves too not be the nanny for the holiday... going away with your friends with no parents generally means doing what you want without being watched by the "authority figure" so 2 speak..

ive been on 2 girls holidays and after saving up for the holiday and paying for it i would not be the one offering not to drink and watch the rest of them doing it and any young/teenage person on here would probably if they were honest agree with that.

But would you actively go to the beach with 2 strange guys, whether to buy or not to buy, cocaine.

18-06-2011, 21:58
Maybe she went hoping To get high and maybe a three way, doesn't mean it's ok to drug and rape her.

with cheese
18-06-2011, 22:16
If you take that risk of getting high and spit roasted, you take the risk of getting raped, aids or dead. The risk is not a small risk.
Also if she was going for the reason of getting high and laid is it not the same result but with a different method, drugs and raped. not nice no, shouldn't happen no, but don't put coal on the fire if you want it to go out.

18-06-2011, 22:37
I do feel for the girl. i friend of mine 16 at the time was also raped down there by regulars we knew on the party scene - worst part she was a virgin - today shes completely broken as a person completey differnt circumstances that i dont want to go into however this girl was of an age you would think she should know better... whether you are naive or not surely its common sense NOT to go anywhere you dont know with 2men you dont know....you wouldnt do it in the area your from so why do it on holiday??
fair enough if it was just 1 guy maybe she thought she had pulled but dont alarm bells ring when u see its just you and 2 of the opposite sex???

did she deserve it? NOT for 1 second Couldnt she have prevented it? OFCOURSE!
Its easy for us to all sit here and comment on the subject but we dont know the whole facts so its opinion based only..
lets just be happy they have caught the 1 of the guys who did and can prove for her sake he did.

with cheese
18-06-2011, 22:41
I do feel for the girl. i friend of mine 16 at the time was also raped down there by regulars we knew on the party scene - worst part she was a virgin - today shes completely broken as a person completey differnt circumstances that i dont want to go into however this girl was of an age you would think she should know better... whether you are naive or not surely its common sense NOT to go anywhere you dont know with 2men you dont know....you wouldnt do it in the area your from so why do it on holiday??
fair enough if it was just 1 guy maybe she thought she had pulled but dont alarm bells ring when u see its just you and 2 of the opposite sex???

did she deserve it? NOT for 1 second Couldnt she have prevented it? OFCOURSE!
Its easy for us to all sit here and comment on the subject but we dont know the whole facts so its opinion based only..
lets just be happy they have caught the 1 of the guys who did and can prove for her sake he did.
Good point, but would it not be better all round if it was found she was telling Porkies. No guys charged, she hasn't been raped, just had sex and they all get a fine for doing drugs.

18-06-2011, 22:57
Good point, but would it not be better all round if it was found she was telling Porkies. No guys charged, she hasn't been raped, just had sex and they all get a fine for doing drugs.

if shes lyin then ofcourse - maybe she realised she was sleepin with a guy for drugs felt ashamed - cried rape to cover her tracks its poss bit extreme 2 take clothes off and be found by people & must have been a good actress to have ppl believer her & take her to hospital..

my honest opinion there is truth to it - maybe rape is abit harsh but i think there maybe some force involved - spiked drink maybe not but i do think if they did it then they should be punished for it...
i girl doesnt have the right to be a "dicktease" just because shes pretty or gets her what she wants & a bloke doesnt have the right to "take" what he wants & treat the girl that way because he thinks shell b ok with it.

with cheese
18-06-2011, 23:01
Don't disagree just saying better off all round if that is the scenario. Better to have no rape at all.

18-06-2011, 23:02
if shes lyin then ofcourse - maybe she realised she was sleepin with a guy for drugs felt ashamed - cried rape to cover her tracks its poss bit extreme 2 take clothes off and be found by people & must have been a good actress to have ppl believer her & take her to hospital..

my honest opinion there is truth to it - maybe rape is abit harsh but i think there maybe some force involved - spiked drink maybe not but i do think if they did it then they should be punished for it...
i girl doesnt have the right to be a "dicktease" just because shes pretty or gets her what she wants & a bloke doesnt have the right to "take" what he wants & treat the girl that way because he thinks shell b ok with it.

Until people realize the absolute danger of spiked drinks they cannot comment.

I started a thread on the old Forum about when my daughter was spiked and luckily for her there were friends nearby.

There for the grace of God go I, and more importantly, her.

with cheese
18-06-2011, 23:11
Spiked drinks are a sad thing and can and are done by waiters and friends. We were in a bar in Greece and an English bar steward tried to spike a soft drink of our daughter and foster daughter and these were soft drinks.
Fortunately the powder put in did not dissolve properly and my wife noticed it. I called Phil Mitchell the barman(he looked like him) over and said he had a choice. He could tell me what it was and have a good hiding or I can get the Police.
He said neither but was bright red. I ask him again if he had spiked the drink and he said it was some crystals to flavour the drink.
I didn't drink any more that night, just watched the girls and he fell over on the way home as I told some guys in a bar later.

18-06-2011, 23:20
OLNF mentions difference between now and 60s and 70s but there isn't much. Went to a private party in mid 1970s and someone spiked my drink obviously not realising I was with responsible boyfriend who rescued me and took me to mutual friend who was nursing sister who took me to A and E and I recovered safely. Very grateful to both of them. Is there a difference between bar and private party - may be in law but ......

ali marshall
18-06-2011, 23:43
Intill all the facts come out ,which wont be intill it goes to court i think it is wrong to judge anyone here.May be this girl was being charmed by one of these men and asked her to go for a walk alone the beach,she may have been offered drugs then and she may have been drunk and not straight in the mind to accept.

The other bloke may of came along later if something was planned with his friend.

Or maybe she was very drunk and went to the beach with them to get drugs,like i said no one knows.

One thing i will mention maybe she did the right or wrong thing,if she was raped it will take years to get over.
16 years ago i was walking home on a main road and a man got hold of me,he had a knife against my back,lucky for me i saw him approaching me ,he spoke to me and i felt the knife against my back and lept forward and ran like forest gump.I had pair of jeans on and a jacket ,wasnt tarted up or drunk.This was only about 10.30 at night.

1 Month later the police came to me as they wanted me to go over that night if i could remebr anything,Reason being the same man had got another girl in same place and dragged her onto the school field and raped her by knife point.

After 16 years i still do not have my confidence back,for over a year soon as it got dark i had my parents pick me up and i slept with my mum as i was so scared.I could not walk down th street with out being nervous and looking behind myself.

To this day i can still get nervous.All i am saying do not judge anything till the whole story comes out and belive me if this girl was attacked it will take a long time for the girl to get over,if she wasnt thinking at the time or not ,them few minutes will take years to get over.

19-06-2011, 01:15
Did you see many women doing drugs and just offering everthing to blokes why you were there or were they narrow minded and living on a remote Island off the coast of Bristol.
wake up it is a valid argument, no one knows but the girl is lucky to still be alive. Don't go shark fishing in Bra and Knickers.


Added after 7 minutes:

Dont rise to it, obviously a bitter little old women, who thinks druggie women should be able to go to the beach with 2 blokes and nothing will happen, unbelievable, the 2 men raped her and thats that, Give her compensation and a shoulder to cry on, lock up the 2 guy's and tatto rapist on there foreheads, Sounds like a dyke view to me,
Proved my point 'BIG CHIP' :D:D

19-06-2011, 08:09
i do get what your saying and yes "friends" should look out for eachother when holidaying together BUT why should 1person alone take the responsability of multiple friends on a night out they are there to enjoy themselves too not be the nanny for the holiday... going away with your friends with no parents generally means doing what you want without being watched by the "authority figure" so 2 speak..

ive been on 2 girls holidays and after saving up for the holiday and paying for it i would not be the one offering not to drink and watch the rest of them doing it and any young/teenage person on here would probably if they were honest agree with that.

Your post proves a valid point ,why cant you enjoy yourselves without a drink /drugs or whatever ,if you think about it its very sad .To take the responsiblity is nothing like being a mum or dad its really about accepting responsibilty of friendship surely .So are you saying if in a simalar situation to what this girl is saying happened and she was a friend you would not feel guilt or remorse ,just for one night without a drink /drugs ,i dont think you are but ............
My lads havent always been in there 30s ,they too have been teenagers ,yes they have drunk to excess but they have always had one "father figure"if thats what you want to call it .They have enjoyed many holidays on there own ,thialand ,mexico,canary islands ,spain ,france as well as weekends in the larger cities of the UK .And really thank fully never been caught up in any trouble .I am not saying this is all down to "Father Figure " but it must help towards .......

Cainearies ,i understand your story though a different senario .My point is that as a pub/club/night club owner ,manager ,door staff (and very slightly bar staff ) you should not only be offering a great atmosphere ,serve good drinks /food ,excellent music and entertainment but you should also be offering a place of SAFTEY ,on both arriving being in and leaving And of course an Active Police Force ,helps .The host of your private party was the person responsible for the guests there .

Of course though we all have thoughts and therories its all Supposition .And until the truth is out we can only debate which imo is a good thing it may prevent a son /daughter /friend from suffering the same fate wether they are the accused or the accuser ........

19-06-2011, 20:01
Your post proves a valid point ,why cant you enjoy yourselves without a drink /drugs or whatever ,if you think about it its very sad .To take the responsiblity is nothing like being a mum or dad its really about accepting responsibilty of friendship surely .So are you saying if in a simalar situation to what this girl is saying happened and she was a friend you would not feel guilt or remorse ,just for one night without a drink /drugs ,i dont think you are but ............
My lads havent always been in there 30s ,they too have been teenagers ,yes they have drunk to excess but they have always had one "father figure"if thats what you want to call it .They have enjoyed many holidays on there own ,thialand ,mexico,canary islands ,spain ,france as well as weekends in the larger cities of the UK .And really thank fully never been caught up in any trouble .I am not saying this is all down to "Father Figure " but it must help towards .......

ofcourse a true friend would feel bad and question themselves on why they didnt just stick together?? how are they going to explain to her/their own parents why they werent there 2 help her.... and yes i am 1 of those people who would feel sorry 4 her and being a friend i wouldnt probably never stop saying sorry 4 not being there but should the friends be the ones feeling guilty?? maybe they told her not to go maybe they themselves had found themselves holiday romance and didnt want to go off 2 the beach... all these things can be questioned..

I have lived on this island 19 years from 14 i was going down town un beknown to my parents and yes i was in with the "wrong crowd" i did things at an age i now know was stupid and careless BUT it has made me streetwise & the person i am today, it has made me aware of situations she has found herself in, its also made me aware of the seedy blokes down town, the spikin of drinks, bag thiefs etc

20-06-2011, 09:24
Well if this young lady was raped at least now she will be STREET WISE !!!??? What a way to learn

20-06-2011, 09:54
Every cloud ....

with cheese
20-06-2011, 14:00
ofcourse a true friend would feel bad and question themselves on why they didnt just stick together?? how are they going to explain to her/their own parents why they werent there 2 help her.... and yes i am 1 of those people who would feel sorry 4 her and being a friend i wouldnt probably never stop saying sorry 4 not being there but should the friends be the ones feeling guilty?? maybe they told her not to go maybe they themselves had found themselves holiday romance and didnt want to go off 2 the beach... all these things can be questioned..

I have lived on this island 19 years from 14 i was going down town un beknown to my parents and yes i was in with the "wrong crowd" i did things at an age i now know was stupid and careless BUT it has made me streetwise & the person i am today, it has made me aware of situations she has found herself in, its also made me aware of the seedy blokes down town, the spikin of drinks, bag thiefs etc
How many bags have you managed to get, lol

20-06-2011, 15:49
lol... Get me 2 the hospital quick my sides have split from laughing so much..... :crazy: