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View Full Version : Warning - Another Hotmail phishing scam

04-09-2012, 11:59
I have recently had several concerned clients contact me where they have received an email purportedly from Hotmail, saying they have exceeded their send/receive quota and their account will be suspended unless they verify their account details by clicking on a link.

This is a phishing scam, Please ignore it. If you follow the instructions your account will be compromised and will likely be used to send spam messages to all your contacts. You may also lose access to it completely unless you can complete the security procedure to get it back.

Malteser Monkey
04-09-2012, 12:11
I had one like this in my Spam box (nothing to do with Sarnies Kingbaker) saying that my Ebay Paypal account was limited and to click on the link bla bla, I presume it was cobblers ??

04-09-2012, 12:50
Yes it will have been another phishing scam, there are so many around now, I get at least 10 a week into my spam folder from (supposedly) all the different banks I dont have accounts with, telling me my account is suspended unless i follow their link. Enough people must fall for it though for it to be worthwhile them doing it.