View Full Version : Periodic table of airlines

20-09-2012, 20:02
I don’t usually read the Binter mag but today I did and found a link to this site which I found interesting becuase it's truly unbelievable:


But like they always say, you can prove anything with statistics. Well at least the periodic table looks nice.

20-09-2012, 20:35
You can see the table better here doncarlos. Pretty clever...

20-09-2012, 20:42
Not sure the angle you're taking with this thread doncarlos. Binter is a good airline but it's difficult to see a comparison with only 15 reviews compared to Luftansa who have had 923 and all English reviews.

Still, table does look nice!

20-09-2012, 21:23
I just find it absolutely amazing that anyone would take this survey seriously (especially given some of the sample sizes) and yet many (supposedly reputable) organisations publish these results claiming that these numbers are indicative of global rankings.

20-09-2012, 21:53
I just find it absolutely amazing that anyone would take this survey seriously (especially given some of the sample sizes) and yet many (supposedly reputable) organisations publish these results claiming that these numbers are indicative of global rankings.

ahhh thanks for your angle, I completely agree. I want to know what the other 2 cats preferred!

20-09-2012, 22:31
ahhh thanks for your angle, I completely agree. I want to know what the other 2 cats preferred!

Freshly bbq-d chicken, I expect.

A few years ago Binter was claiming to be Airline of the Year and had this painted on their planes. I expect they were airline of the year in the Canary Islands but it didn't say that.

Anyone remember Palmair (RIP) from Bournemouth which used to win awards for customer satisfaction .. which was obviously extremely high ... but which had about 3 planes? I'm not knocking them, but it is a question of how the statistics are compiled.

20-09-2012, 22:48
Freshly bbq-d chicken, I expect.

A few years ago Binter was claiming to be Airline of the Year and had this painted on their planes. I expect they were airline of the year in the Canary Islands but it didn't say that.

Anyone remember Palmair (RIP) from Bournemouth which used to win awards for customer satisfaction .. which was obviously extremely high ... but which had about 3 planes? I'm not knocking them, but it is a question of how the statistics are compiled.

Palmair and Bath Travel I remember

20-09-2012, 22:49
Palmair and Bath Travel I remember

I'm sure they would be in that table had they not withdrawn from the market.

21-09-2012, 02:38
As always the problem with these type of reports for any company is the fact millions of people maybe happy with a service every year but just don't bother to do reviews saying they were happy, it generally is those who had a problem that go onto the internet to moan about it and write a review saying how awful a company is on as many sites as they can find.

Therefore you may find 100 reviews on a site saying how terrible a company is, yet the other million customers who thought it was good just don't to say anything.

I was actually reading the reviews on Siam Park out of interest on trip advisor the other day, it was good to see the majority thought the park was really good, but as per there were still a few hundred saying worst place ever and lying through their teeth saying there are only 6 slides in the whole place and they would never go back to Tenerife again! Large pinch of salt needed with all review sites it seems!

26-09-2012, 15:04
.... Large pinch of salt needed with all review sites it seems!

I agree, but it's useful to get some sort of take on something, even though the wingers are always the most vocal! They remind me of that TV programme, was it Airline? ....where you get some drunk, arrives late, lost his passport and moaned at the airline for not letting him on board!

28-09-2012, 11:22
I think it's fair to say the bad reviews on Aurela Airlines who Monarch had been using recently were probably quite true!

Always amusing watching airline when the late passenger turns up and blames everybody but themselves when they are told they are too late to travel, then say they will never fly this airline again... only to then catch the next flight out with them!