View Full Version : Other Where are people buried in Tenerife?

03-10-2012, 16:40
Can anyone tell me where they bury people in Tenerife as I have driven over most of the island and have yet to see a graveyard?

03-10-2012, 16:56
There's one as you go into Adeje - many are cremated in Santa Cruz
Others in link below


03-10-2012, 17:08

there are crematoriums.... "nichos" are (i think that's how it's spelt) are where they put the coffins.... I went to a funeral once where they did this, it was awful.... apparently my future mother in law has one reserved for me in the family "nicho", but I'm donating my body to science and/or being cremated and scattered LOL

04-10-2012, 19:13

there are crematoriums.... "nichos" are (i think that's how it's spelt) are where they put the coffins.... I went to a funeral once where they did this, it was awful.... apparently my future mother in law has one reserved for me in the family "nicho", but I'm donating my body to science and/or being cremated and scattered LOL

Carefull Chiffy....................She's probs been planing on this.........for YEARS and YEARS!!!!!!!!!:wow::wow::wow::wow:

04-10-2012, 19:24
Carefull Chiffy....................She's probs been planing on this.........for YEARS and YEARS!!!!!!!!!:wow::wow::wow::wow:

yeah 20 years hahahahaha

04-10-2012, 19:28
There is Cemetery here in Puerto de la Cruz.

04-10-2012, 20:09
Every Municipality has at least one cementerio here is a picture of one of the Santa Cruz ones showing the "high rise" nichos these are rented for a fixed period of time and then the remains are removed into the central remains repository (unless you are very rich and have bought the niche for ever. http://www.flickr.com/photos/liferfe/5134997107/

04-10-2012, 20:26
they have niche in the wall for five years afterthat they are taken out and the remains are cremated and then put back in a smaller niche my husband abuela is in the one with some of her family in santa cruz very quiet place there are some graves as well

04-10-2012, 20:29
there is a cemetery in Adeje village, cant miss it driving through Adeje.

04-10-2012, 20:31
So, if you are cremated and your loved ones want to bury the urn ... how does that work out?

Tom & Sharon
04-10-2012, 20:51
I'm burying my OH at the bottom of Los Gigantes cliffs.:eyebrows:


04-10-2012, 21:14
I'm burying my OH at the bottom of Los Gigantes cliffs.:eyebrows:


OH has requested ... and I have agreed ... to put him a couple of bin liners and take him to the Punto Limpio. I have asked to be scattered from a very special viewpoint on the island. Trouble is I don't think either of these is legal.

05-10-2012, 00:52
Your OH's liver and lungs would be classed as a biohazard,no?:lol:

05-10-2012, 12:15
Your OH's liver and lungs would be classed as a biohazard,no?:lol:

I read him your post and he agrees! Perhaps quite a lot of bin bags then.

05-10-2012, 13:44
there is one in the next village down from arona in sabatina in the mountains or if coming up the road from la camallia

05-10-2012, 18:55
my OH was fascinated by the graveyards in England when he first came over, he'd go around taking photos LOL

06-10-2012, 19:16
I got lost one time and I ended up outside a type of cemetary............ pets I think!!!!!!!! down a cul de sac!!!!!!Can't remember where!!;););):D

20-10-2012, 10:09
Can anyone tell me where they bury people in Tenerife as I have driven over most of the island and have yet to see a graveyard?

They stand them up in bus shelters

20-10-2012, 10:22
Whilst on the subject, I thought that an article which I wrote last year may be of interest to some:

Bicentennial Cemetery Remembers English Poetess
The Municipal Cemetery of St. Rafael and St. Roque, in Santa Cruz, was officially opened by Juan Jose Perez Gonzalez on 7th November 1811.
Although it had in fact been used as a burial site since October of the previous year, in order to cope with the victims of the Yellow Fever Epidemic, which had swept through the city.
Over the years it has served as the final resting place for over 30,000 Santa Cruz residents as well as a large number of overseas dignitaries and foreign nationals who had either lived in the city or found them selves there when their time came.
It was used as the capitals main burial ground up until 1916 when the new much larger necropolis of Santa Lestenia was opened.
Prior to the opening of the cemetery, from the end of the fifteenth century onwards, most burials had taken place in, or around, the chapel of Santa Cruz, later elevated in status to the church of Neustra Seņora de la Concepcion. It is documented that 12,000 souls were laid to rest inside the building and a further 15,000 in its’ grounds.
Following consular requests, in 1832, a plot, within the graveyard, to bury foreign visitors, was founded. This area is set aside for non Catholics and comprises mainly British and other north European graves along with a couple of former U.S. Consuls. This area is known as “el cherche” from the English;
churchyard. Among these graves can be seen those of prominent
merchant traders of the port city such as the patriarch of the Hamilton dynasty Lewis Gellie Hamilton, b. Greenock 1796
d. Sta. Cruz 1872.
Other notable epitaphs include those of: Arthur Henry Bechervaise, Superintendent of the Spanish National Telegraph Co., d. 1898 aged 41, Benjamin Toll of Hull, Officer of The board of Trade, London (Patents Office), d. 1896, and the superbly named Humphrey Bowen Trevelan Boucher of Wiveliscombe, Somerset and later Ceylon & Guernsey. d. 1926.
In 1939 the local authority decided to close the cemetery completely and it has since fallen into disrepair due to a combination of lack of interest on the part of the various administrations and blatant acts of vandalism.
Since this time the cemetery only opens its doors for two half days per annum, namely on the 1st & 2nd of November, the 1st being All Saints Day.
This year the organizing committee paid homage to one of the British subjects buried there. This was to the Manchester born poetess Victorina Bridoux. There were recitals of her works by various orators, arias were sung and a string quartet performed Schubert.
Victorinas’ works are highly thought of in literary circles, this convent educated young lady left England at an early age, after the death of her French born father, Charles Honore Bridoux.
After spending time in Seville and her mothers’ native Cadiz she enrolled in the Irish Religious School of Gibraltar, where her mother taught languages.
On leaving school she travelled to Tenerife where she was acclaimed for her literary prowess, her works often appearing in newspapers of the day, she gave frequent charitable performances in the theatre of Santa Cruz.
She married Gregorio Dominguez, an infantry captain in 1855 by whom she had four children. Sadly a few short years later she succumbed to an outbreak of yellow fever and died in 1862.
A year after her death her poems were published in two volumes entitled Tears and Flowers – A Literary Production, as a tribute to her, by her husband, in later years, three novels written by her were also published.
Victorina Bridoux 1835- 1862.

“El Chirche” The Anglican burial area.

Tombs in the main Catholic graveyard. (N.B. Photos did not copy)

20-10-2012, 14:25
The cemetery in Puerto is down by the sea between the harbour and Punta Brava near the Castilo San Felipe.
There is a cemetery in San Miguel and doubtless many of the larger villages and towns.

24-10-2012, 22:18
Remember seeing a cemetery on the road from the Basilica in Candelaria.

25-10-2012, 19:25
The cemetery in Puerto is down by the sea between the harbour and Punta Brava near the Castilo San Felipe.
There is a cemetery in San Miguel and doubtless many of the larger villages and towns.

there is also a British cemetary in Puerto..near the one described above. I did go and have a look around it years ago,its a very old. must go and have another look next time.