View Full Version : International Tourism Day

Canarian Weekly
05-10-2012, 12:50
The CIT Sur tourism organisation, in collaboration with the Tourism departments of the eight southern municipalities, airport authority AENA and Tenerife Tourism, were in attendance at the south’sReinaSofiaAirportto welcome tourists as they arrived on International Tourism Day. Over 9,000 holiday makers were greeted in the arrivals area of the airport by officials who gathered at a stand offering local fare, information and folk music.

Dignitaries included the Tenerife Cabildo’s Minister of Tourism, Arona’s Mayor, Tourism Councillor’s from Adeje, Arico, Arona, Granadilla and San Miguel, the Airport Director, Members of the Board of CIT and representatives of different business associations.

Also there to welcome their fellow countrymen were the British, Austrian and Dutch Consuls.

AENA staff and its director, Oscar Martinez, were praised by all present for their help in making the day a resounding success.

More... (http://www.canarianweekly.com/international-tourism-day/)