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View Full Version : How long does it take for a moderator to approve a post?

08-10-2012, 18:49
Hello. I am new to the forum and tried to participate in a thread yesterday, but when i submitted my reply a message appeared saying that it will have to be approved by a moderator first. This was over 24hrs ago, i was just wondering if it usually took that long or if it was a problem with my computer? Thanks

08-10-2012, 18:59
Probably because it was a first post -: there'll be one along soon !:knight:

08-10-2012, 19:13
As You managed to start a Thread, I suggest You put it down to experience and carry on, Hopefully....

08-10-2012, 20:10
Hello. I am new to the forum and tried to participate in a thread yesterday, but when i submitted my reply a message appeared saying that it will have to be approved by a moderator first. This was over 24hrs ago, i was just wondering if it usually took that long or if it was a problem with my computer? ThanksThis is the only post or thread of yours I can find. Posts are only ever auto moderated if they do not conform with T&Cs, so if you didn't read them and then posted something that wasn't allowed, then this would cause it to be auto moderated. If a moderator then saw this when checking the automoderated posts, it would have been deleted.

I suggest you have a read through the T&Cs and make sure you didn't post something that wasn't allowed, then try and repost your reply :)

09-10-2012, 01:14
In response to your original question, it can take seconds or hours depending if a mod is on line or not.

You have to remember that we all have lives as well and this job is unpaid and voluntary.

If any of a new members first 10 posts includes a link it is automodded, as an anti spam measure, until it is spotted by a mod and allowed.

This is normally done within minutes as long is there is one of us on line to read it.

09-10-2012, 16:14
Thanks for your help everybody, ive had a thorough read at the rules now and realised what i had done. Slodgedad i very much aprreciate the great job that you and all mods do, thanks :c2: