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View Full Version : Anyone got an update on the dogs at Port Royale in Los Cristianos, Tenerife?

Cat Woman
29-05-2011, 23:04
Does anyone know whats happened with the Port Royal Dogs.
The last post I read on the other Forum was when Sarah had returned from the UK and the dogs had returned after missing for a few days.
Sharon. :) (formally D*ck&Di)

30-05-2011, 01:33
Hahaahaha!!! IM laughing because your former user name has been starred out as a swear word. What would the forum software make of the Famous Five books, lolol.

Sorry. Right, well, Sandy, the second one caught by our intrepid volunteers, was adopted yesterday. I went up there to do the adoption, spotted him and gave it the hard sell I must admit. Fortunately, they fell in love with him and he went out. Result.
I too would appreciate an update from the lovely Sarah. As far as I know the dog catcher has not been, and looks like is unlikely to. :(

30-05-2011, 02:50
i dont have sarahs number, just shows we were too reliant on the forum, we used it to keep in touch. Hopefully she will pop into the charity shop tomorrow and we can find out whats what...and the quest shall resume..pronto x As for the dog catcher...., remember the phantom flan flinger....well i think they are related

30-05-2011, 10:43
This is a posting that I have copied from TF page on Facebook which was made on Friday at 8.30p.m.
Doesn't mention the dogs people have been trying to catch but it is the only update I can find

for those interested in the Port royale dogs...eugenio was up there last night and got a bitch that had just given birth, he took them to Live Arico......This dog IS NOT one of the pack we are after.... .dont know any more cos FORUM NOT WORKING!!!! but at least thats a problem averted for the future months x

30-05-2011, 18:07
Yes, I saw that bitch, she is beautiful, but definately not one of our gang.

31-05-2011, 22:13
Yes, I saw that bitch, she is beautiful, but definately not one of our gang.

Hi Guys, if anyone can give me an update that would be great. I still have the 'dog catcher' and waiting to use it.



31-05-2011, 23:26
hi Mikey, not heard from Sarah, i know she came back from England and heard the dogs barking, we are waiting for her to get in touch with info x

31-05-2011, 23:55
hi Mikey, not heard from Sarah, i know she came back from England and heard the dogs barking, we are waiting for her to get in touch with info x

Fabby, I lost all contact with the site being down but we are all back again now......look forward to hearing from someone soon

Mike x

02-06-2011, 19:23
This is a posting that I have copied from TF page on Facebook which was made on Friday at 8.30p.m.
Doesn't mention the dogs people have been trying to catch but it is the only update I can find

for those interested in the Port royale dogs...eugenio was up there last night and got a bitch that had just given birth, he took them to Live Arico......This dog IS NOT one of the pack we are after.... .dont know any more cos FORUM NOT WORKING!!!! but at least thats a problem averted for the future months x

I was with Eugenio when we caught the bitch, poor little girl. Deffo not part of the port royale crew tho, am hoping Sarah will get in touch when she has news, am in shop Sarah every day !!

04-06-2011, 16:49
Hello everyone, OMG what a palava i have been having with trying to re-register with the forum, combined with now having a broken computer and having visiting family its not been easy to try and get on here. Well I have not seen them or heard them at all up on Port Royale after the first two nights after coming back of my holiday so therefore i have not been feeding them as i have no good explanation to all the not so happy residents as to why i should leave food out. However i was stood outside the shakespeare pub up next to paradise park on wednesday i think at about 11 at night, when all four came running past me looking in the bins and off they went. They all looked in not bad condition and for a moment i thought Georgia recognised me but i think thats just false hopes. lol
I really dont know what else to do or say????????????

04-06-2011, 18:35
Hi sarah, great to hear from you, was beginning to think the dog catcher had snared you:eyebrows:. I cant think of anything further you or any of us can do. Best that i can figure georgia is about 4 months old. Considering Mum had a previous litter(the two big dogs) and they were not seen prior to our wee litter being born, then i think she has come down from the hills to be near food, now her remaining pup is growing up she probably doesnt need to come to the fence anymore. Remember we saw them catch a rabbit, so she is obviously capable of catching her prey. Ask Sue or Eugenio what they think but i cant see us catching any of them now.
We and especially YOU, and your wee posse up there have done everything you can, you were there every night, we have all been clambering up that bl**dy hillside chasing them. We have ALL contacted the 'official partnership' to report, inform, ask and even beg for their help and have been fobbed off at every turn, so if these dogs do cause trouble in the future, at least we, and especially you know you have done everything you could to prevent it. The blame will lay elsewhere. Hope the new job is going well. Again, ask Eugenio or Sue if they can think of anything we can do, but i think we will need to wait till Mum, or georgia has another litter (which inevitabley they will) and when she comes off the hill we can start all over again....oh joy;)

04-06-2011, 22:35
oh Sarah , it was most certaianly them, you know Georgia - I was also told by a friend of live arico shop that he saw four dogs this morning in los cris around about the spar, all running together - methinks its our little troupe eh ??
You have done your best as have all of us when we could. We will just have to keep an ear out now for reports.. In the knowledge that the official dog catcher or refuge will certainly not be out looking for them... Hope your job is going well & see you soon .. T. x

05-06-2011, 00:26
We are just back from Los Cristianos, I thought I read about these dogs at Port Royale in one of the English papers.

05-06-2011, 01:23
Hi Brian, yes you probably did, its a sad saga, that has gone on too long. There is only so much volunteers can do, everything to gain their trust and catch them with home made traps was attempted and 3 of the pups were caught, however, the large dogs are semi wild and all attempts to gain assistance from the official partnership of the (Police, dog catcher and animal centre), who are responsible for these matters failed. Mum dog is probably pregnant again, or soon will be so its not the end of the problem im afraid

05-06-2011, 01:58
I will speak to Eugene, but I think youre right CT, the remaining pup is probably too old and "streetwise" now to be caught. We havent heard the last of the problem have we, it will not go away....
On a brighter note, Sandy (now Junior) is thriving in his new home.

05-06-2011, 10:45
I will speak to Eugene, but I think youre right CT, the remaining pup is probably too old and "streetwise" now to be caught. We havent heard the last of the problem have we, it will not go away....
On a brighter note, Sandy (now Junior) is thriving in his new home.

'Even one a time makes a difference - thrilled that Sandy is settled in his new home ...

26-07-2011, 02:38
Look at Sandy now, his new name is Junior, adopted by forum member peter Perfect. What a cracker of a dog. Happy days.

26-07-2011, 11:38
Hasn't he come on lovely. But what's happened to the rest of the family? Sarah and I are both back in UK now so have no idea whats happening around that area! Sarah is quite pre-occupied with the oncoming baby just now, and has no idea at all when she'll be back in Tenerife, but says she often thinks of the dogs and wonders if they are still in same area.
I'll not be back in Tenerife until much later in the year, and of course my apartment is in Port Royale so would like to hear of anything related.

01-08-2011, 12:15
Had a call this morning, seems the dogs are now rummaging in the bins near mirador strip, and have become quite nasty :(
even the remaining pup is snarling at one of our volunteers, and a holiday maker was crying, saying she didn't know there were wild dogs in Tenerife. Police didn't seem interested. A bar owner had her ankle snapped at. Such a shame, we were so close at one time.

01-08-2011, 12:33
I seen three dogs hanging around the bins at the top of the new walkway near the mirador roundabout last week, we mentioned it to catwoman at the market the following morning. She gave us the phone number for arico, but unfortunately we left on the tuesday and didnt see the dogs anymore. The looked really scared to be honest and ran off when a car came up the bank.

01-08-2011, 18:33
what a shame, sarah will be upset to hear this news, she gave up so much time to try and catch them. I hope the people up port royale that burnt the traps set, verbally abused volunteers trying to catch them and threatened Sarah, now realise they were wrong. Their stance was the dogs would go away 'from their back yard' if we left them alone. The authorities, who's complete indiffernce was so frustrating to all connected with trying to catch the dogs, now have a bigger problem on their hands (as predicted). I wonder if they will actually do something now.......my guess is no

01-08-2011, 18:41
what a shame, sarah will be upset to hear this news, she gave up so much time to try and catch them. I hope the people up port royale that burnt the traps set, verbally abused volunteers trying to catch them and threatened Sarah, now realise they were wrong. Their stance was the dogs would go away 'from their back yard' if we left them alone. The authorities, who's complete indiffernce was so frustrating to all connected with trying to catch the dogs, now have a bigger problem on their hands (as predicted). I wonder if they will actually do something now.......my guess is no

I agree carol....The 'dog catcher' is sill available but would not really like to go near them now if they are nasty?!

01-08-2011, 18:45
Considering he wouldnt get off his backside before...and that was because of the terrain, he hadnt even seen the dogs, he most certainly wont go near them now. Swift bite on the b** is what he needs x

01-08-2011, 18:49
Considering he wouldnt get off his backside before...and that was because of the terrain, he hadnt even seen the dogs, he most certainly wont go near them now. Swift bite on the b** is what he needs x

lol....I meant the one I made, the 'grabber' type, pole with rope etc, but I also agree with you a good old bite where it hurts?!

01-08-2011, 19:25
oh right ..duhhh. Yes well at the time back yonder it was not planned to catch the bigger dogs because they (especially the big male) were unpredictable. Thats why the official 'golden triangle' were asked for help as they had the money and resources. I think these dogs would now chew and knaw their way up your dog catcher and spit in your eye, so would not reccomend it. Was thinking that it cant be long before pups start appearing, because mums there and little pup Georgia (not so little now) so its a case of .....to be continued x

24-08-2011, 02:21
Just a little update. The pup left at the refuge, with the swollen face originally, has been rehomed in Germany. We called him Ozzy Osbourne, lol. So the three we took all found homes. Such a shme for the other who is now wild. I have had no reports of the existing family for a while. :(

24-08-2011, 06:46
one of my friends thinks they may be on the waste ground opposite Vista Hermosa at night

24-08-2011, 09:39
a customer came in to shop on Monday to say when she came to the island 16 years ago, there were packs of dogs everywhere. She thought she had seen the last of that kind of thing but there is an AGGRESSIVE pack in Los Cristianos running wild. Its got to be them. I explained about our efforts and adviced her to call the police etc etc. i dont hold out much hope of them doing anything until something tragic happens, the whole 'fiasco' still annoys me.!!!!!

23-09-2011, 02:01
Well it had to happen I guess. We tried so hard even though it wasnt our call.
Three out of four pups caught and rehomed. One pup, two elder wild siblings and mother remained. And now this. Shameful.

23-09-2011, 02:24
Yes Suzy i saw it, it looks like all the dogs will be destroyed. It could have been so different if they had heeded the call for assistanceand help, we might have been able to save at least some and save the residents and tourists alot of hassle. Lazy, incompetent morons.

23-09-2011, 02:37
No one will take the blame of course.......

23-09-2011, 02:39
Playing devils advocate here and might be slagged off for this and no doubt i will be but i feel i can comment seeing as i spent my personal time trying to catch them, maybe if people had left these dogs on the hillside surviving and eating rabbits or whatever they have been doing for months to survive before anyone discovered them they would have stayed on the hillside doing what they have been doing without being disturbed and feeling the need to move away from the Baranco....

Now they are doing what they are doing as they are feeling the need to survive, which is so wrong but possibly it could have been avoided ???

23-09-2011, 02:42
Well, if someone is seriously hurt i hope they sue the authorities, lets face it there is a MASSIVE paper trail of reports and complaints about it. I feel so sorry for the dogs, its not their fault they have had to revert to their basic instinct to survive.

Added after 4 minutes:

Playing devils advocate here and might be slagged off for this and no doubt i will be but i feel i can comment seeing as i spent my personal time trying to catch them, maybe if people had left these dogs on the hillside surviving and eating rabbits or whatever they have been doing for months to survive before anyone discovered them they would have stayed on the hillside doing what they have been doing without being disturbed and feeling the need to move away from the Baranco and now they are doing what they are doing to survive, which is so wrong but could have been avoided ???

Andy, they were going into town at night before the rescue effort started, only then it was only mum and two young dogs (the first litter), they were going under the fence and down to the bins to feed. Thats when people started to report them, not when they were on the hillside Only now there are five BIG dogs, who are bolder and need more food

12-03-2012, 18:01
Here is a picture of Junior who is one year old today, one of the Port Royale pups that were rescued, he has a wonderful home.
Happy Birthday Junior xx

12-03-2012, 18:56
Here is a picture of Junior who is one year old today, one of the Port Royale pups that were rescued, he has a wonderful home.
Happy Birthday Junior xx
Thanks for the update Carole. I am back in Port Royale but going home on Wednesday. I have seen 5 dogs recently, The big brown one I think is the original mother, but not too sure as the original one had a collar and this one doesn't, and I think one of them is Georgia. I haven't seen or heard them since Friday? I don't think these dogs are attacking and snapping like some people are insuating, I think they are implying that in the hope that something will get done about it. If you try to get near them they run off, you can only feed them through the fence and they snatch greedily...which is understandable.

12-03-2012, 19:08
Thanks for the info, our reports are that Georgia, Juniors sister has had pups of her own. I wouldn't hold your breath for any official action, its been a year since the authorities have been aware of them and now there are 9 dogs in total.:angry:

Davie Thistle
12-03-2012, 19:13
Was going to hunt for this thread.
Two nights ago walking up fromthe market area
To los claveles, apart from the police
huckling a would be mugger!!

There where nine wild dogs at least
outside the reveron apts!
I got a fright and lifted D onto the wee kind of
Building in the center of the middle walkway!
The pack of dogs are still roamin the area
as of two days ago.

12-03-2012, 19:31
Was going to hunt for this thread.
Two nights ago walking up fromthe market area
To los claveles, apart from the police
huckling a would be mugger!!

There where nine wild dogs at least
outside the reveron apts!
I got a fright and lifted D onto the wee kind of
Building in the center of the middle walkway!
The pack of dogs are still roamin the area
as of two days ago.

the port royale pack are on the hillside heading to Palm Mar, they number 9 in total, but that includes some small pups. Im not from Los Cris, is the area you describe not near the hillside on the other side of town? I hope theres not a pack up there too.

12-03-2012, 21:48
[QUOTE=caroletenerife;154121]the port royale pack are on the hillside heading to Palm Mar, they number 9 in total, but that includes some small pups.
Im not from Los Cris, is the area you describe not near the hillside on the other side of town?

Thanks for further info, and for other members concern. I can't remember if I met you last year Carole? I met Astara and one or two others who were involved in the rescue along with Denny & Sarah back in May-June. I am on the top Road of Port Royale which is where the PR pack live - in the dip behind the maintenance depot. And yes, you can get to Palm Mar from there, but that route is nearer to the Los Palos golf course. The pathway to palm Mar is approached from Las Palomas beach area.
The dogs were very restless and barking continuously prior to my last sighting, but I remember last year when we were all trying to catch them, after a while they would go missing for up to a week and then re-appear.

carol & steve
12-03-2012, 22:19
Here is a picture of Junior who is one year old today, one of the Port Royale pups that were rescued, he has a wonderful home.
Happy Birthday Junior xx
How handsome is he.....happy birthday Junior.xxx

12-03-2012, 23:02
[QUOTE=caroletenerife;154121]the port royale pack are on the hillside heading to Palm Mar, they number 9 in total, but that includes some small pups.
Im not from Los Cris, is the area you describe not near the hillside on the other side of town?

Thanks for further info, and for other members concern. I can't remember if I met you last year Carole? I met Astara and one or two others who were involved in the rescue along with Denny & Sarah back in May-June. I am on the top Road of Port Royale which is where the PR pack live - in the dip behind the maintenance depot. And yes, you can get to Palm Mar from there, but that route is nearer to the Los Palos golf course. The pathway to palm Mar is approached from Las Palomas beach area.
The dogs were very restless and barking continuously prior to my last sighting, but I remember last year when we were all trying to catch them, after a while they would go missing for up to a week and then re-appear.
Yeh Starling I met you last year, i think you were due to leavethen too, I'm sure they will still be there when you return.x

13-03-2012, 21:30
Yeh Starling I met you last year, i think you were due to leavethen too, I'm sure they will still be there when you return.x

Saw three of them this morning, the brown one, which could be original mother, the small dark one which I think is Georgia, and the white and black one. All 3 took food - through the fence of course! Can't do any more this time - back to UK for a while, but I've left some food with someone ... Sshhh

PS. Did you know Sarah has got a little girl? You'll see a pict of her on Denny's Facebook (Denny Dodds)

13-03-2012, 21:33

Saw three of them this morning, the brown one, which could be original mother, the small dark one which I think is Georgia, and the white and black one. All 3 took food - through the fence of course! Can't do any more this time - back to UK for a while, but I've left some food with someone ... Sshhh
you just told the world Starling, lol, good for you. Enjoy home xxx

13-03-2012, 21:44
See previous msge Carole ....have added a note.

13-03-2012, 22:42
See previous msge Carole ....have added a note.
great news, i didnt know, all that practice chasing puppies will come in handy soon, I will have a look xxxx Shes a lovely girl, and did a good thing last year giving up hours of her time and facing the bullies up there, just trying to give those dogs a chance of a normal life x

23-05-2012, 19:54
Just back from Tenerife, we saw 3 dogs at the roundabout outside the Mongolian restaurant around 6pm with a man trying to give them water, the mum (I think) would not go near him but the 2 younger dogs would allow him pretty close. We also saw 3 dogs with 5 young pups at same roundabout on the Saturday night about 10pm. They headed up past Shambles before disappearing into the waste ground. Are these the same dogs?

27-05-2012, 16:52
Just back from Tenerife, we saw 3 dogs at the roundabout outside the Mongolian restaurant around 6pm with a man trying to give them water, the mum (I think) would not go near him but the 2 younger dogs would allow him pretty close. We also saw 3 dogs with 5 young pups at same roundabout on the Saturday night about 10pm. They headed up past Shambles before disappearing into the waste ground. Are these the same dogs?

Thanks for that Brian. Yes, it sounds very much like them. I'm sure Carol & SusyQ will confirm.

27-05-2012, 22:25
i see them most nights they have great timekeeping! 4 adults, 3 pups, getting a bit aggressive towards cyclists.

28-05-2012, 02:09
It does sound like them. I have to wonder where all this will end. I guess, sadly, they will breed to such numbers as they will be destroyed somehow. It could have so easily been avoided.

29-05-2012, 13:43
They went for one of our volunteers last night (she was just walking past), it was near the Mongolian Restaurant. She was bitten on the leg, and required hospital treatment. The mum dog has given birth yet again, so the pack must be over 10 now. Ana called the police last week and the local authority no longer pick up strays!!! and they have removed the dog warden!!!

Please be careful in this area, and also warn tourists not to approach them...

29-05-2012, 15:44
Yes, it's such a shame..... It could have been avoided. I'm sorry someone got bit, they must be getting quite desperate now. Food will be in short supply so they're doing what comes naturally and searching wider territories. When I was last down there a couple of months ago, they were too scared to come near you.
All this because one wicked person dumped a heavily pregnant bitch two years ago...... So very,very Sad.

30-05-2012, 01:49
Sad is indeed the word...... It breaks my heart, the ones that LA managed to get out have turned into much loved family pets. If only the others had not been so stubborn, that will be their downfall. They will all end up dead, and its a crying shame......

30-05-2012, 12:34
one of my friends out walking with one of my dogs and was chased last night, they tried to attack the Alfie she threw her shoe at the attacker but he just ripped up the shoe and then chased her and Alfie back up the road to Vista Hermosa

30-05-2012, 12:53
I got to know a few of you guys very well over the years who do so much for the animals here in Tenerife LA K9 ect more so LA with the dogs in Los Cris who did manage to save a few which was great.

But by the sounds of it these dogs are hungry and have pups and as mentioned starting to attack people and other pets which has to put a stop to.

I would hate to think a couple walking back with a baby in a pushchair and having these dogs coming at you not a nice thought.

Only one option in this case sorry to say.

30-05-2012, 12:55
As much as I am an animal lover, (I have 9 dogs of my own) I have to agree with you YG even if they are caught the adults will never be rehomed sucessfully

30-05-2012, 21:17
I got to know a few of you guys very well over the years who do so much for the animals here in Tenerife LA K9 ect more so LA with the dogs in Los Cris who did manage to save a few which was great.

But by the sounds of it these dogs are hungry and have pups and as mentioned starting to attack people and other pets which has to put a stop to.

I would hate to think a couple walking back with a baby in a pushchair and having these dogs coming at you not a nice thought.

Only one option in this case sorry to say.

I think everyone knows that is the only option now ...but still the authorities are not even willing to do that.

Yes, it's such a shame..... It could have been avoided. I'm sorry someone got bit, they must be getting quite desperate now. Food will be in short supply so they're doing what comes naturally and searching wider territories. When I was last down there a couple of months ago, they were too scared to come near you.
All this because one wicked person dumped a heavily pregnant bitch two years ago...... So very,very Sad.

it was Geri from the shop in los cris that got bitten, but she is ok

31-05-2012, 01:34
5 adults, no pups came tearing round at 1145 tonight. They look /act in a different way now. I dunno, just more unhappy/anxious? The Mongolian Restaurant crew went team handed to the basura, clappping hands and yelling to scare them off. Its not nice, one girl clapped her hands to her head as a mutt nearly went under a car's wheels.

01-06-2012, 01:35
5 adults, no pups came tearing round at 1145 tonight. They look /act in a different way now. I dunno, just more unhappy/anxious? The Mongolian Restaurant crew went team handed to the basura, clappping hands and yelling to scare them off. Its not nice, one girl clapped her hands to her head as a mutt nearly went under a car's wheels.
They will be starving Sean..which means desperate!!! The feral cats are the same, the swallows feed the stray animals in the winter, but they all lose condition in the summer months as the weekly tourists don't get to know them like the long term visitors.

01-06-2012, 13:36
I really am gob smacked reading this thread! A member who started another thread found an injured pigeon on her balcony made a phone call and the bird was collected??? Yet these poor dogs who are now so desperate that they are attacking anyone and anything are allowed to just roam around the streets putting the general public in real danger!!! It's all totally beyond me!!!:(

01-06-2012, 16:32
5 adults, no pups came tearing round at 1145 tonight. They look /act in a different way now. I dunno, just more unhappy/anxious? The Mongolian Restaurant crew went team handed to the basura, clappping hands and yelling to scare them off. Its not nice, one girl clapped her hands to her head as a mutt nearly went under a car's wheels.

We saw them last year around the Mirador Strip and they were beginning to be a slight worry then.

It sounds as if they are getting out of hand and with bringing two kids over I am actually beginning to wonder whether to risk it!

01-06-2012, 23:17
It aint that bad , seriously!!! They appear, on their schedule, about 10pm, then again at 4 am, they bark at each other, plus the odd security guard (who love kicking them). They just seem to be more bedraggled/tense/wary...lately. Look im not a doggie person, they did attcacked a few folks who got close, but never heard of a holidaymaker with kids even noticing them. No worries Murph.

01-06-2012, 23:48
It aint that bad , seriously!!! They appear, on their schedule, about 10pm, then again at 4 am, they bark at each other, plus the odd security guard (who love kicking them). They just seem to be more bedraggled/tense/wary...lately. Look im not a doggie person, they did attcacked a few folks who got close, but never heard of a holidaymaker with kids even noticing them. No worries Murph.

Are they just attacking anyone, or people who are trying to round them up? I love dogs and wouldn't ever hurt them, also realise these animals need to be sorted out and re-domesticated - so sad that they could be abandoned in the first place and have to exist by hunting in packs.

02-06-2012, 12:53
Not seen anyone approach them just stories on here of them attacking people. The staff at the Mongolian put out their rubbish in a group now, heard then chatting about "perros peligrosos " and clapping their hands to warn them off so they must be posing a threat.

golf birdie
02-06-2012, 13:30
any pack of dogs left to run wild will be a problem. Maybe not so much to a fully grown adult but a child or youngster by themselfs would be an easy target. I have seen this pack and if something is not done soon there could well be an unhappy ending. The bars and restaurants in the area need to take this to the very top people at the town hall and get it sorted ASAP.

02-06-2012, 15:07
They refuse to get involved, as do the cops, who sat and watched them the other night. Its will end badly indeed.

02-06-2012, 16:22
The only answer now is a tranquilser gun. This apparently needs a special license and the area evacuating obviously. The area where they spend their days is vast, I know, I was one of the mad ones who tramped round the cliff edge looking for them last year. Its very difficult, but by ignoring the problem Arona are making it worse as the pack is growing and becoming more desperate. The problem is not going to go away by itself. It could have been dealt with last year, we got 3 pups out so the pack was at it smallest number then. But catching the older, wilder ones was impossible for us with such limited resources. Arona needs to get its hand in its pocket, and pay a specialised team to come and tranquilise the animals. Then of course, they have the problem of what to do with up to 10 wild, unsocialised dogs. They can legally put them to sleep of course, but that would make bad publicity since so many are now aware of them. I for one continue to watch the story with interest.

02-06-2012, 16:26
Well I am probably going to get some negative feedback from what I am about to say, but it is how I feel and I AM a dog lover, adopted two since being here in October 2011, brought my Chocolate Lab with me too.
I have seen this pack, at least I am assuming it is the same one, on a regular basis around 8.30am walking along the hill behind my house, this is the hill which divides Los Cristianos with Guaza. They number about 10 but that is all I can see as they are so far away. I have only once seen them on the streets, around the rubbish bins near Taylors Lounge. This was at about 10pm, there were many holidaymakers, locals, children and workers around, the dogs were barking, scavenging in the bins and generally being very aggressive - no one approached them. 2 Police cars drove past whilst this happened.
Having read the attempts to rescue them last year and the success with the puppies caught, it would be nice to think that more could be done to re-home, re-domesticate and give these unfortunate doggies a better life, alas I don't think this is going to happen and I believe that the best outcome, given the situation as it is, is to employ a vet with the agreement of the local enforcement agencies and dart them all - this may take sometime as they will scatter once the first is down. They could then be collected, taken to a suitable place for assessment, those that are young enough and not yet completely wild, could possibly be re-homed, but those that are wild/old/handleable, should be humanely euthanised to put them out of their misery.
Living a life like this for any animal is what makes them like they are - fighting for food and water, constant battles in the pack, reproduction etc., it is not their fault but they are the ones who will be blamed should someone get seriously hurt or worse still killed.
This is my belief, if there was more that could be done to catch them I would be the first in line to help, I rescued, along with friends, 6 dogs recently and for my trouble had my arm gnawed at by the mother once I caught her - so I do understand that if possible catching and re-homing would be great - I believe though that the end is nigh for these poor dogs.
I understand a lot has been done to try to get the authorities involved, maybe this needs to be stepped up, I am willing to help out with this - lets do something before another litter comes along, before someone gets seriously hurt, before someone gets killed.

02-06-2012, 16:32
Great post Sharon. If there are some younger ones yes, they will be ok. The ones we took out have made fantastic pets. But the older ones, no way. Ive seen them.
Can we maybe petition Arona? I cant believe they are ignoring an accident waiting to happen. My heart breaks for the dogs. Mans ultimate betrayal. Domesticate then dog then turn your back on it. :(

02-06-2012, 16:45
So Suzi do you want me to get onto putting a form together - have someone who can translate it for me.
Then I can deliver to all the bars etc in the area, the apartments etc - surely they cant ignore the problem then.
Do you know if darting them is an option - do you know a vet who would get involved?
Maybe some of the money we are raising from our fashion shows can go towards any costs involved???
Let me know

02-06-2012, 17:58
I will ask Eugenio Sharon, and come back to you :)

02-06-2012, 20:52
Geri from the los cris charity shop was bitten last week, whilst out for an evening stroll. She was lucky, as it was just one bite, but still had to have tetanus & antibiotics. She said it was very scarey as they all just ran at her, & the larger white dog attacked.. The irony is that poor Geri sat with myself & many others night after night last summer trying to catch some of the original pack. We managed to get two pups out, who were rehomed & made wonderful pets. Since then the mother dog ( boxer x) has given birth at least twice!!! Its shameful that both residents & tourists alike have called the police, arona council & the "dog catcher" who wouldnt come out after 6pm when the dogs appeared!!!! It is a downright disgrace. Geri has been to the guardia & made an official complaint a few days ago...

03-06-2012, 03:56
Astara thanks for the update, could we just confirm, as we do not want to scare the many tourists that read this, that "Geri" on her stroll, may have tried to interact when she got bittten? IE there is no reason for tourists to be scared to visit Los Cristianos, and stand very little chance of a bite?

03-06-2012, 11:17
I would like to know what the residents around the area think! They should all get together and storm the Council offices! get the papers involved too!

08-06-2012, 22:17
Astara thanks for the update, could we just confirm, as we do not want to scare the many tourists that read this, that "Geri" on her stroll, may have tried to interact when she got bittten? IE there is no reason for tourists to be scared to visit Los Cristianos, and stand very little chance of a bite?

To confirm, Geri was merely walking along by mongolian restaurant, when she saw the dog pack coming, she did everything correctly, stood still to wait for them to pass. Froze on the spot, she said, then the pack leader a large white dog rushed at her & bit her on the leg. I have also been told that a week later a lady was walking her small dog in same area when the pack rushed at them, she had to take off her shoes & throw them at the dogs, to get away!!!
Yes there ius reason to be scared if you are in that area with small children in particular, as the bite to her leg was the same height as a child in a pram would be!!!
She has reported it to police & i believe it is in both spanish newspapers & canarian weekly, this week.

09-06-2012, 00:17
To confirm, Geri was merely walking along by mongolian restaurant, when she saw the dog pack coming, she did everything correctly, stood still to wait for them to pass. Froze on the spot, she said, then the pack leader a large white dog rushed at her & bit her on the leg. I have also been told that a week later a lady was walking her small dog in same area when the pack rushed at them, she had to take off her shoes & throw them at the dogs, to get away!!!
Yes there ius reason to be scared if you are in that area with small children in particular, as the bite to her leg was the same height as a child in a pram would be!!!
She has reported it to police & i believe it is in both spanish newspapers & canarian weekly, this week.

Good lets hope something is done NOW about this before someone gets really hurt.

Red Devil
09-06-2012, 08:09
It would be good if the misleading title of this thread could be altered as it is giving a bit of a false impression.

These dogs were originally seen on the baranca at the rear of Port Royale, not roaming through the complex like it sounds! - since then they have moved around and are anywhere in the Oasis del Sur area, the Mongolian restaurant and Taylors where they have been seen recently are at El Mirador and Victoria Court 2 is even further down the road - the common theme seems to be that all these places can be reached from the surrounding hillside as they back on to it.
Residents on Graciosa and Parque Tropical have also been affected and the dogs have certainly been seen higher over the hill towards Guaza.

All the bins seem to be emptied by the council during the day now rather than overnight so are left out of the rubbish huts for longer and must be an attraction for these poor dogs.

Also there is constant pressure being put on the authorities by people in the area, from Port Royale residents and committee in particular right from the start and its pretty sad all round that it couldnt have been nipped in the bud then.

09-06-2012, 10:23
There is an update on another forum, and i can confirm it too. There are now just 3 dogs doing the rounds as the puppies have vanished and the police trapped and took away 3 adult dogs, after someone got bitten and made a denuncia. Correct too, Port Royale a bit misleading, we call them the Guaza Mountain dogs!

09-06-2012, 12:32
Unless they are all male or female they need to trap the 3 remaining dogs before they breed again! Hope it gets sorted soon!

01-07-2012, 13:43
someone has started a new thread regarding this, so as I made a suggestion on there, I thought i'd copy and paste it here too, as I really think someone that is local and knows all the ins and outs regarding it, should maybe give the following a go:

"It might be worth sending Buenos Dias Canarias a message through their facebook page!!! they do tend to act on stuff like that, take it from me, I knows you knows http://www.facebook.com/pages/Buenos...83511701698966

If someone that knows about all the dogs or is involved in trying to get some authority to do something about it (or someone on the other thread) they could send to Buenos Dias Canarias photos and information/dates of when ayuntamiento or police have been contacted over the last year or so, obviously without success... give them a few days and they are pretty good about replying. If you want me to type something up in Spanish, I don't mind translating whatever you want (my grammar isn't brilliant, but they'll understand) just send me a PM......... worth a try !!! "

04-07-2012, 21:26
These dogs are still very much in evidence and growing in number too as far as I can tell. I was standing outside The Swan bar (opposite Christian Sur apartments) on Avenida Amsterdam on the night of the Euro2012 final when 7 of the pack came haring down the road from the direction of the Reveron roundabout. They were running right down the centre of the road and with all the cars sounding their horns due to Spain's success in the football etc, it was a miracle none of them was hit.
I have also seen 4/5 of them together several times while walking my own dog around 7.30am in the morning - this was near the Heights. On one ocasion there were 2 puppies with them and the mother was very aggressive (naturally). I simply stood still - fortunately, my own dog was on a lead at the time - and they slowly moved off. I am a dog owner of years standing but i was quite frightened by this. I am very concerned about the dogs but i am also concerned about people's safety with this ongoing problem.

04-07-2012, 23:12
I think the time has come for some action again.
I know a lot of work went in last year to try to remove as many as possible off the hill but obviously it was too much to hope that they had all been caught.
I did make the suggestion that we petition the Police and Town Hall (not sure how things work over here but have heard they are responsible). We need to get the adult dogs sedated and then humainly euthanised - there is no other option for them they have been wild for too long to be rehabilitated. The puppies need to be rounded up - maybe using sedation to do it with as little stress for them as possible - then they need to be found good homes (they cant go to any of the refuges as they need to be rehabilitated as soon as possible).
This needs to be done before anyone gets seriously hurt!
Can someone advise on what the process is as obviously calling the Police has not worked?
Is there a vet who would be willing to get involved?
A strategy for fostering the puppies needs to be in place before they are rounded up.
This has to be like a military operation or the adults will get frightened off and we wont see them again for a while - maybe with even more puppies!!!! Or worse still someone could get hurt in the process.
I know there are those who will disagree with me and say that all the dogs need to be given a chance of rehabilitation but I think that is just causing both the dogs and whoever is looking after them more stress than is needed - these dogs live wild and will react to any human contact negatively as their primal instincts have been developed.

04-07-2012, 23:30
I absolutely agree. i am an animal lover but the dogs are already suffering - the ones I saw were pitifully thin and they must be soooo thirsty! there are no handy puddles to drink from like in the UK. They are fighting for their very survival already. I could not imagine the adult dogs could ever be rehabilitated. I spoke to a Spanish friend about this and she rang the non emergency police number and was advised there had been other reports. She said the council did send someone - ONE person who could obviously do nothing... words fail me

04-07-2012, 23:33
I think the time has come for some action again.
I know a lot of work went in last year to try to remove as many as possible off the hill but obviously it was too much to hope that they had all been caught.
I did make the suggestion that we petition the Police and Town Hall (not sure how things work over here but have heard they are responsible). We need to get the adult dogs sedated and then humainly euthanised - there is no other option for them they have been wild for too long to be rehabilitated. The puppies need to be rounded up - maybe using sedation to do it with as little stress for them as possible - then they need to be found good homes (they cant go to any of the refuges as they need to be rehabilitated as soon as possible).
This needs to be done before anyone gets seriously hurt!
Can someone advise on what the process is as obviously calling the Police has not worked?
Is there a vet who would be willing to get involved?
A strategy for fostering the puppies needs to be in place before they are rounded up.
This has to be like a military operation or the adults will get frightened off and we wont see them again for a while - maybe with even more puppies!!!! Or worse still someone could get hurt in the process.
I know there are those who will disagree with me and say that all the dogs need to be given a chance of rehabilitation but I think that is just causing both the dogs and whoever is looking after them more stress than is needed - these dogs live wild and will react to any human contact negatively as their primal instincts have been developed.

I don't know if you read my post on previous page? personally I think there may be more chance of Buenos Dias Canarias morning news programme getting things moving than the police, by the sounds of it police have been contacted to no avail... and I don't mind translating what you want saying to them if whoever sends them a message doesn't speak Spanish (mine isn't perfect but they understood my last message to them).. i've stuck the link up for their facebook page, and they do tend to answer PMs pretty quick and they're normally quite positive... like i said, worth a try :)

04-07-2012, 23:37
I have a friend who is also a dog lover who is Canarian who would be able to translate anything perfectly for us so nothing gets lost in translation.
Maybe those of us who are interested in getting the process started need to meet up to discuss our strategy.
I live at the top of the hill and hear the dogs at night and see them early in the morning often walking along the footpath on the rock.

04-07-2012, 23:42
At risk of being a bit controversial, I will add that although i would hate for tourists to be 'put off' as a previous posting said, maybe this aspect of it MIGHT make the council sit up and take notice?? I am aware of at least one family who decided to go to Los Americas for their hols instead of this part of Los Cris precisely because they have small children and were concerned - and I don't blame them.

04-07-2012, 23:43
I have a friend who is also a dog lover who is Canarian who would be able to translate anything perfectly for us so nothing gets lost in translation.
Maybe those of us who are interested in getting the process started need to meet up to discuss our strategy.
I live at the top of the hill and hear the dogs at night and see them early in the morning often walking along the footpath on the rock.

I don't actually live in that area, but did contact B.D.Canarias the other week about another matter, with photos etc, and they published it on their tv programme AND contacted the council.... so go for it Shazedens :) :goodluck:

04-07-2012, 23:45
What a good idea - I would be willing to attend any such meeting. I am willing to contact the Tenerife Weekly etc and ask them to run something to get people to come to a meeting etc ( I am an ex journalist so that might help lol) we would have to have a suitable place lined up, but that shouldn't be too difficult. One of the bars would be ideal, during the day time? Any thoughts?

05-07-2012, 00:02
I am sure one of the bars who have the dogs roaming outside would be fine with us holding a meeting.
If you were able to contact the papers Marita7 that would be fab and contacting BD Canarias before the meeting might be a good idea too and they may then attend too.
Does anyone know personally anyone who has either been attacked or in fear of the pack? If so we need to get their stories. And the one of the family who went to PDLA instead of LC, it is all ammunition!!!!
We need to move on this as quick as we can.

05-07-2012, 06:47
I was down in Los Cris in June last year and was one of the group of dedicated people who helped with catching the puppies, it was a hard task as we were harassed a number of times by some of the Spanish residents who live in Port Royale. They couldn't understand the fact that we were trying to remove the problem not encourage it as they seemed to think.
Good Luck with all your efforts, Please try your best - as we did did for these poor dogs. I'm sorry I am not down there now to give assistance and support.

21-12-2012, 12:23
Looks like a sad - if somewhat inevitable - end to the saga


The Tenerife Cabildo has confirmed media reports that local huntsmen have been given the go-ahead to use their guns to kill the feral dogs, which live in the Guaza Mountain area and regularly descend on Los Cristianos to forage for food, often attacking passers-by. The problems caused by the dogs have made headlines here and in other countries for at least a year. The Cabildo says that police have been unable to catch the dogs but will continue with their efforts and the shootings are a "last resort". Animal welfare groups on the island have criticised the decision.

21-12-2012, 12:49
Looks like a sad - if somewhat inevitable - end to the saga


The Tenerife Cabildo has confirmed media reports that local huntsmen have been given the go-ahead to use their guns to kill the feral dogs, which live in the Guaza Mountain area and regularly descend on Los Cristianos to forage for food, often attacking passers-by. The problems caused by the dogs have made headlines here and in other countries for at least a year. The Cabildo says that police have been unable to catch the dogs but will continue with their efforts and the shootings are a "last resort". Animal welfare groups on the island have criticised the decision.

It is really sad but these animals cannot be rehomed and will cost a lot to keep in any sort of refuge! there are people starving out there who also have to forage for food a hard decision but I believe a necessary one.:sorry:

22-12-2012, 15:35
Confusion Reigns - as usual!


22-12-2012, 15:42
Confusion Reigns - as usual!


Yep! the poor dogs will probably still be wandering the streets this time next year! probably multiplied in numbers too! :(

22-12-2012, 20:46
Yep! the poor dogs will probably still be wandering the streets this time next year! probably multiplied in numbers too! :(

Actually they wont be, I took 6 puppies from there this summer and they have all been rehomed now, as have at least 3 others, they are not wild dogs they are dumped dogs and there is a HUGE difference. Those dogs just need people to take on a big dog, and sadly people here in Tenerife are anti big dogs, which is a shame. Actually the spanish love their big dogs, its just the english that have the phobia!!!!

23-12-2012, 09:41
Actually they wont be, I took 6 puppies from there this summer and they have all been rehomed now, as have at least 3 others, they are not wild dogs they are dumped dogs and there is a HUGE difference. Those dogs just need people to take on a big dog, and sadly people here in Tenerife are anti big dogs, which is a shame. Actually the spanish love their big dogs, its just the english that have the phobia!!!!

Not sure if its anti big dogs, more like the majority of people live in rented accommodation predominantly apartments in this area.

Not really ideal for any dog let alone a big one.

23-12-2012, 11:56
Too many people get a dog for their own selfish reasons without really considering the Dog's needs! IMO it's not right that a dog be left for hours on end on it's own without company in a confined area!

I hope the situation is resolved with those poor animals at Port Royale!eek2:

23-12-2012, 15:58
...they are not wild dogs they are dumped dogs and there is a HUGE difference....

I was under the impression from having seen them when over there and from this and other threads, they were breeding on the mountain, didn't realise they were abandoned......even more sad if anything!

23-12-2012, 21:19
as an Observer I seem to remember K9 used to help in this kind of situation.

until Outsiders caused changes to that Organisation.

Perhaps the Same Outsiders should help sort this out, as They are so concerned

Where are They./ Surely a Dog is for life, and in My Opinion if Action isnt taken by Any Organisation

YOU will have done MORE HARM than good.

23-12-2012, 22:56
as an Observer I seem to remember K9 used to help in this kind of situation.

until Outsiders caused changes to that Organisation.

Perhaps the Same Outsiders should help sort this out, as They are so concerned

Where are They./ Surely a Dog is for life, and in My Opinion if Action isnt taken by Any Organisation

YOU will have done MORE HARM than good.

I think you mean Live Arico don't you Warbs? The people that shout the loudest do the least Hon!

24-12-2012, 20:20
I think you mean Live Arico don't you Warbs? The people that shout the loudest do the least Hon!

I stand corrected, Suej

Strangely quiet innit.?

27-12-2012, 00:30
Hi, Live Arico has paid for the vaccinations, defleaing and worming for all the pups caught and rehomed from the hillside, and will continue to assist the group that are working to resolve this. There is a pregnant female up there at the moment, so efforts will be made to capture those pups. Im unsure if the lady who is the main organiser is on the forum, but i know there are plans to try and catch the adults, and at very least have them neutered

27-12-2012, 11:44
Question:- what is the legal stance on neutering & vaccinating apparently wild or abandoned dogs and cats?

27-12-2012, 16:31
There is a pregnant female up there at the moment, so efforts will be made to capture those pups. Im unsure if the lady who is the main organiser is on the forum, but i know there are plans to try and catch the adults, and at very least have them neutered

This may sound like a daft question, but wouldn't it be better to catch the pregnant female before she has the pups - (one dog instead of 6 or 7 to be caught)? Do the authorities know about the pregnant one by the way?

They clearly don't have to be shot and killed - just shot with a tranquilliser gun.

27-12-2012, 22:45
Question:- what is the legal stance on neutering & vaccinating apparently wild or abandoned dogs and cats?
Hi, for the legal stuff I would need to ask Cats Welfare who is helping in this situation, I know she has a licence for Trap Neuter release. x

- - - - - - - - - - merged double post - - - - - - - - - -

This may sound like a daft question, but wouldn't it be better to catch the pregnant female before she has the pups - (one dog instead of 6 or 7 to be caught)? Do the authorities know about the pregnant one by the way?

They clearly don't have to be shot and killed - just shot with a tranquilliser gun.

I know they have been tying to trap them. traps have been built and they do try.but the dogs are not daft, (unfortunately). On the tranquiliser issue, we tried that last year, but something to do with the mountain being a protected area, they would need police presence if a vet had a tranquiliser gun....and despite many requests...that just didnt happen. Unsure if the authorities know or care whether they are pregnant or not, 19 pups have been rescued from the hillside in a couple of months ....so they are bound to

28-12-2012, 23:45
if anyone would like to keep up to date with the situation with the dogs on the hillside, please check here
If that doesnt work, just search Action for wild dogs in Los Cristianos on facebook.
There are only two pups left that need forever homes, if you would be interested or know someone who may be, please contact the facebook page, thanks.

02-01-2013, 21:28
if anyone would like to keep up to date with the situation with the dogs on the hillside, please check here
If that doesnt work, just search Action for wild dogs in Los Cristianos on facebook.
There are only two pups left that need forever homes, if you would be interested or know someone who may be, please contact the facebook page, thanks.

Are the two Pups still with You Carol.?

06-01-2013, 15:17
Are the two Pups still with You Carol.?

No, they are with foster families, i think there is only one now

18-02-2013, 15:10
And the irony of all of this is that this problem has been caused by humans, these dogs are abandoned pets!

Is does appear that the dogs roaming in populated areas is now ceased due to them being fed on a daily basis by volunteers! But that doesn’t stop the barking in the middle of the night and neither does it stop owners of male dogs in apartments close to the mountain letting their dogs loose on the mountain and potentially causing several more pregnancies with the female dogs there!

03-01-2015, 21:23
Have just returned to Port Royale, very sorry to see 4 pups on the Guaza mountain land. Does no one care about these animals? It would be easy to feed them a mild seditive in some meat and then catch them as they come up to the wire fence. I have spoken to a resident and she said they howl through the night. At least one is a bitch and she is lovely, but there will probably be more pups before long. Arona council should be ashamed, ther is no excuse. The dogs are not vicious just 4 sad little pups. Any ideas please.

03-01-2015, 21:45

There is a Thread from some time ago about the same subject.

The Dogs appear to be there most of the time.

I seem to remember when the Authorities were compelled to take action, but don't remember seeing the Outcome.

03-01-2015, 21:53
There have been no dogs for a couple of years, this appears to be a new pack as the pups look about 3 or 4 months old.

03-01-2015, 22:05
There have been no dogs for a couple of years, this appears to be a new pack as the pups look about 3 or 4 months old.

I have merged your thread with an existing one on the same subject. You may find the information you are looking ofr if you read through some of the previous posts. :)

24-08-2015, 13:50
Hi, I haven't checked the situation regarding help for the dogs at the side of Port Royale and Royal Palm for a couple of years, but there is currently a small white puppy on the barranca at the side of Calle Santa Rosa - near where the entrance to what used to be Rosies Cantina is. This little thing has been crying at night for a while, but this morning it has sat at the side of the road and cried/howled all morning. It keeps plucking up courage to wander along the road for a little bit, but then it goes back and sits at the edge of the barranca. Obviously missing it' mum. Does anyone still try to collect the puppies or not?