View Full Version : Spanish law reform for violence against women

Canarian Weekly
12-10-2012, 12:10
THE Spanish Minister for Justice Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón has today published a draft of the new Spanish Penal Code. The reform focuses on the need to guarantee the equality of women, and to reform some of the ‘conducts of violence against women’. These range from stalking and harassment to undue use of personal data. An individual stalking or harassing a woman will be punished with up to two years in prison. The new legislation is included in the new draft of the Penal Code which was approved yesterday, Thursday.

In addition the new draft includes reversible life imprisonment and safe custody. After such a sentence there will be a period when the ex-prisoner is subjected to close watch if released. How long that goes on for depends on how serious the crime was.

Passive resistance has been grouped with disobedience, for this there is a sentence of between 6 months and a year in prison.

There have also been changes to the forfeiture or confiscation sections. This section of the code includes money laundering, mistreatment of human beings, prostitution, exploitation, abuse of minors, drug trafficking, falsification, and corruption in the private sector.

The distribution of messages which incite any public order offence or alteration of public order will be punished as will public order offences and acts of violence. Any other attack against the police or other security forces will receive harsher treatment.

The draft document includes incitement to hate or violence which is could be violence because of race, religion, or origin, and ideological discrimination.

Any person who has distributing intimate images without the person’s consent is now committing a crime. This is also applied to videos and new legislation says even if the recording was made with consent, the minister said ‘The mere disclosure becomes a target of criminal reproach’, and the punishment here would be between 6 months and a year.

The seizure or interception of private letters or messages is also in the document.

And finally there will be a sentence up to 12 months if anyone deactivates an electronic device

More... (http://www.canarianweekly.com/spanish-law-reform/)