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View Full Version : Santiago del Teide dressed up to celebrate Our Lady of Pilar

Canarian Weekly
12-10-2012, 12:10
THE Municipality of Santiago del Teide last night (Thursday) began its traditional festivities in honour of Our Lady of Pilar and Santo Domingo de Guzmán. The colourful event runs all week until Friday and features a variety of activities. Last night, there was a celebration of the Eucharist, led by Pastor Don Silvestre Gorrín Rivero and sung by the Parish Choir of El Tanque.

Then followed the procession, accompanied by the Municipal Band and municipal authorities, plus a fireworks display. Then, at 11pm, the festival orchestra Arguayo Band kicked off the dancing.

Today (Friday) is the Day of Our Lady of Pilar, and at 4pm, there will be another Eucharist service, presided over by parish priest Silvestre Gorrín Rivero and sung by theSchoolofFolkloreof Santiago del Teide.

This will be followed a procession in honour of Our Lady of Pilar, accompanied by the Municipal Band and municipal authorities.

At about 6.30pm, a variety show takes place starring singers Leonardo and Ángeles, comedians Peter and Cantinflas and featuring Fran Dieli (a singer on Spanish TV’s Qué Tiempo Tan Feliz and Operación Triunfo).

The night ends with a big surprise!

Tomorrow, from 10am, is Children’s Day in the square with bouncy castles and more. At 6.pm, a Folk Festival will be staged starring Tayme and the Municipal School of Folklore of Santiago del Teide.

Then to finish off the night, there will be a giant paella waiting to be scoffed, and dancing with music from the group Sensación Gomera.

On 16th, 17th and 18th, at 4pm, the Eucharistic Triduum will be held around Our Lady the Virgin of Pilar to pray for the dead of the neighbourhood.

Who is Our Lady of Pilar?

The tradition relates that seven years after the death of Jesus, on 2nd January 40 AD, The Apostle St James the Elder, brother ofSt. John, sat tired and disappointed by the bank of theEbroRiver in what is nowZaragoza,Spain.

The people of the RomanprovinceofHispania(Spain/Iberian Peninsula) were not open and receptive to his preaching, and St James was ready to give up his efforts.

On that day the Virgin Mary, still living inPalestine, appeared to James atop a column or pillar of stone.

With encouraging words, she assured him that the people of Hispania would become Christians and that their faith would be as strong and durable as the pillar on which she stood

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