View Full Version : Restaurants Restaurante Martini, Varadero, Puerto Santiago

14-10-2012, 16:57
went early to this newly opened restaurant as a foursome and watched a spectacular sunset while enjoying cold beers and the ladies had cocktails

i think the restaurant used to be called sauce but the wife insists it was called sauco and she is never wrong

we each had a starter, two hot and two cold, which were all delicious with very good presentation, would particularly recommend the wifes choice of a prawn and advocado salad, but think next time we will opt for a selection of tapas to share.

we chose a bottle of ´vino tinto´ from the wine list, celeste i think was the name but it was the recommendation of the waiter and jolly good it was too.

however the highlight is definitely the main courses, i chose pork fillet in a port sauce which was excellent, the ladies both chose fish and were very complimentary and my mate chose a fillet of beef served with a sauce which he said just melted in his mouth. it was also very nice to see an unusual selection of fresh vegetables

none of us could manage a sweet but apparently the owners wife makes all the desserts.

the service is efficient and friendly and we were informed that they are starting this week to do a traditional sunday lunch as well - we will definitely be trying this

i have to say the restaurant was extremely busy and i can see why, excellent food, stunning views, reasonable prices and very good service

overall i can only recommend this restaurant for all to try- opposite hotel varadero at the entrance to puerto santiago

14-10-2012, 22:43
Thanks for the review, may give it a try :) Do you have a google map link of the location? we could add it to the forum places map (https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=202110563704789941117.00045b571c8d6eef90e7 c&msa=0).

15-10-2012, 11:27
This restaurant is run by Emilio, the guy who, up until recently, ran The Azafran restaurant in urb San Francisco.

It replaces restaurant SAUCO which has moved to Alcalá.

Both places are now "pinned" on the map which KirstyJay refers to and which is in my signature.

15-10-2012, 11:53
This restaurant is run by Emilio, the guy who, up until recently, ran The Azafran restaurant in urb San Francisco.Ah! I think he's the father of one of TheBloke's ex students. Always liked Azafran, so it's on the todo list now :)