View Full Version : What opinions do you have of the green on blue killings in Afghanistan?

30-10-2012, 23:31
what do forum members think of the green on blue killings in afganistan? i know what i think, the war was pointless, we only went to war because of the yanks, it is political, and i am sick of hearing of our brave boys and girls losing their lives to a people that have no value for life:( maybe it is a knee jerk reaction after finding out tonight that another 2 brave soldiers have been shot by some bloody afgan **** head dressed as a policeman, why don't we just pull out and let them just kill themselves:(

30-10-2012, 23:39
But then they'll come over to Britain for the handouts...

30-10-2012, 23:53
But then they'll come over to Britain for the handouts...this small island is the hub of the rest of the world, we are without doubt the most sought after haven in the universe, we are easy to get into be it legal or illegal and i honestly think that we will break under the strain of people coming from european countrys around us, even though i disagree with alex salmond wanting an indipendant scotland i can fully understand why anyone would want to distant themselves from the imminent mess that we are going to find ourselves in within the next 20 years:(

31-10-2012, 00:17
Could well be true. Even if we did we would still be obligated no doubt, Theres no point of Scotland leaving anyway, some people are so deluded. If things are rubbish for them now, what makes them think being isolated will make it better. We have the best of both, Security of being the UK and enough control over certain things.