View Full Version : Current weather in North Tenerife reported by forum members - November 2012

01-11-2012, 10:54
Here it is Thursday November 1st and we had another quiet night in Puerto de la Cruz.

This morning there are abundant grey clouds moving quickly across the sky.

Temperature at 9:45 am is 25° and humidity is just a little above normal at 68%.

Looks like we will have some more showers but there has been no sign of the high wind.

Aemet is forecasting that wind now for just up in the higher areas of La Orotava and Vilaflor and rain down here over today and tomorrow.

Here's the view a while ago of the sky around my house and the satellite image of some colourful weather still approaching from the west.




Take your umbrella just in case! :)

Canarybird http://www.pbase.com/canarybird/image/65726805.jpg

03-11-2012, 11:10
Here's a screenshot from the webcam of the SONG telescope up on Teide, taken just a few minutes ago. Some cloud!


Malteser Monkey
03-11-2012, 12:17
Here's a screenshot from the webcam of the SONG telescope up on Teide, taken just a few minutes ago. Some cloud!


That's not a cloud that Aliens !:wow::D

Morning CB has it stopped raining yet and are the cats alright ?

03-11-2012, 12:45
Morning MM....no rain so far this morning.....just some interesting cloud formations with patches of blue sky.

Yes...one cat now sleeping on her pillow outside on the patio and the other one here on her perch on my desk! The rascal somehow pulled off her collar yesterday (loses them all the time) but I found it rain-soaked in the garden this morning.
Darn things aren't cheap when they have the safety quick-release closure. But as she climbs around the garden I wouldn't buy them without this feature.


Malteser Monkey
03-11-2012, 12:56
Ohh bless ! have a good day CB ! thanks for the pics - where would we be without you

sun out here too now tho' it's freezing outside

04-11-2012, 13:57
Good afternoon from Puerto de la Cruz on Sunday November 4, 2012.

(Just two days until the elections in USA....I'll be up all night watching the results!)

It's a very balmy 27°C here as we still have those lovely southwest winds coming up from the tropics but the wind direction will be changing by Tuesday and Wednesday when heavy rain and even thunder is forecast for the island, mainly in the north.

The wind will be coming from the northeast and the temperatures will go down a few degrees with nights that should be refreshingly cooler.

The sky is presently partially cloudy, partially blue.

Humidity on my shady garden window is at 58%, a few degrees below normal.

Looking at different forecasting sites, I'd say the outlook for the next days could be as follows:

Monday - sun and cloud with possible showers; wind from west and 27°C

Tuesday - some heavy rain, maybe thunder; wind from northeast and 24°C

Wednesday - some heavy rain again (orange alert) with possible thunder; wind from northeast and 22°C

Thursday - sun and showers; wind from east and 24°C

Views from my garden and from the Bodegas Monje webcam in El Sauzal around noon.




And Minnie who knows what to do best on a warm day.


It's a good day for drying clothes outdoors. I have my washer working while this warm air lasts.

Have a good Sunday!

Canarybird http://www.pbase.com/canarybird/image/65726805.jpg

Malteser Monkey
04-11-2012, 15:27
ahh minnie so cute !

We are all obsessed on here by washing aren't we - well shows we're a clean lot:washingmachine::washingline:

06-11-2012, 12:32
It's now Tuesday 11:30 am in Puerto de la Cruz where it's raining, as was predicted.

We had some sunny spells earlier but there were heavy clouds so it did look like that rain was going to come.

Outdoor temperature still warm at 24.5°C.

The orange alert is on for the north coast of Tenerife, along with a storm and wind warning.

Oh well, the clothes are dry now and the cats are back inside. ;)

Oooh....just heard some thunder. That was also predicted but I didn't believe it!



07-11-2012, 19:41
That was some rain wasnt it! And the thunder and lightening made quite a show.

It poured all night and most of today....heavily.....and parts of my lawn were under water from the heavy flood of water.

The air has cooled off quite considerably and that will continue along with clouds in the next days.

Tomorrow the wind will be from the north and there may be some sun along with the cloud.

It's now 6:30 pm Wednesday and finally the sun has dared to show up just a little in time to make a sunset.


We don't have to water the garden for the rest of the week. :)

Canarybird http://www.pbase.com/canarybird/image/65726805.jpg

tracy hampshire
07-11-2012, 21:35
same here in icod, rained all night & day, braved it into town this morning, but the street outsid my house was like a river, walking down the water was rushing past me ankle deep,looking u:)p at the mountains we had the beautiful sight of the water running down like waterfalls, still getting some showers now at 20.30, every spare tub & bucket in our yard full of water, saving it for the next dry spell xx :)

07-11-2012, 21:56
same here in icod, rained all night & day, braved it into town this morning, but the street outsid my house was like a river, walking down the water was rushing past me ankle deep,looking u:)p at the mountains we had the beautiful sight of the water running down like waterfalls, still getting some showers now at 20.30, every spare tub & bucket in our yard full of water, saving it for the next dry spell xx :) well tracy it nice here at callao , bring us snow back from uk pls:flatcap::feret::feret:

tracy hampshire
08-11-2012, 07:28
well tracy it nice here at callao , bring us snow back from uk pls:flatcap::feret::feret: will try to fit a sprinkling for the top of the rock in my bag, feeling cold just thinking about going back :flatcap:

08-11-2012, 12:05
Good Morning!

It's now Thursday, November 8, and the weather is still changeable in Puerto de la Cruz although it appears that we won't be having any more heavy rain in the coming days.

After we had that brief sunset yesterday, it began to pour again and it rained all through the night, at times with force. There has been damage throughout the islands with barrancos gushing torrents of water, walls collapsing and roads becoming inundated. I watched TV Canarias last night and heard that Plaza del Charco is a disaster zone and shops down there have been flooded with merchandise floating in knee-deep water, and sewers backing up. Puerto de la Cruz received 83 liters per m².

Some of the damage can be seen at the beginning of this news clip from RTVE Canarias:


This morning we had a little sunshower just before 9:00 am with a few small patches of blue but the sky is now heavily overcast and the air is much cooler than it has been.


Temperature at 11:00 am is 19.5°C.

The outlook is for some sunshine tomorrow, clouding over with sun and cloud over the weekend.

Canarybird :)

11-11-2012, 12:37
Sunday, November 11, 2012...Puerto de la Cruz

11:35 am....

We've had some grey skies with flashes of sunshine this morning, but it's been pouring rain for the past half hour.

Temperature is 21°C.

Looks like the rain will continue for a while as the sky is totally overcast. Oh well...:cheeky:

13-11-2012, 18:54
Had a look at the webcam at Song telescope and at http://bodegasmonje.dyndns.org:1240/record/current.jpg and one looks clear and the other view looks really cloudy. Is the Song telescope live ?

13-11-2012, 20:00
The Song telescope webcam is live but it is up above the cloud level, so it can be sunny up there above the sea of clouds that covers the Orotava Valley.

27-11-2012, 12:55
Hi, What is the weather like in Peurto Del La Cruz at the moment? We are heading there in two weeks for xmas, normally go to the south of the island. Should it be warm there at xmas? Getting worried now that we should have booked the south instead.eek2:

27-11-2012, 13:03
Sorry to say it has been very rainy over the last couple of weeks, but hopefully will brighten for Christamas.

Those that live in the South may say the same as a friend was down there for a week a couple of weeks back and had rain everyday there.

Just keep fingers crossed that it will change, we now have had enough rain to make up the 6 months we had none at all

27-11-2012, 13:08
Hi, What is the weather like in Peurto Del La Cruz at the moment? We are heading there in two weeks for xmas, normally go to the south of the island. Should it be warm there at xmas? Getting worried now that we should have booked the south instead.eek2:

Hello Bern, I know you have already had a reply but here (http://www.tenerifeforum.org/tenerife-forum/showthread.php?21625-Current-weather-in-North-Tenerife-reported-by-forum-members-November-2012/page2) is the Weather in North Tenerife thread.

27-11-2012, 20:20
It's now Tuesday, November 27th and after all the thick grey clouds and pouring rain we've been having I was startled to see a bright golden light shining in the eastern sky this evening shortly after 6 pm. I figured it must be a newly installed streetlamp.

Other than that I can't figure out what it could be! Had to run out with my camera to catch it before it disappeared.


Oh....too bad ......it disappeared behind thick cloud.

27-11-2012, 21:08
Had a look at the webcam at Song telescope and at http://bodegasmonje.dyndns.org:1240/record/current.jpg and one looks clear and the other view looks really cloudy. Is the Song telescope live ?

omg i've just had a Homer Simpson moment ":doh::doh:" ... it's 8pm and I clicked on your link hahahahahahahahaa DOHHHH!

- - - - - - - - - - merged double post - - - - - - - - - -

hoping those clouds move away by Thursday through to Saturday please :)

mummy dear
03-12-2012, 23:06
Hi can u tell me what it is normally like at the end of january please

03-12-2012, 23:09
You may need a cardy or a jacket at night but it is still warm enough for shorts during the day.

mummy dear
03-12-2012, 23:33
Well thats sounds good , and thank you for answering so quickly