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05-11-2012, 21:16
i just donīt understand with titsa bus anymore?? last week i caught the bus 111 from los cristanos to santa cruz to catch tenerife footbaal. with bono card it cost 4.80 euros los cristanos to santa cruz. but on the way back itīs 5.60 euros same bus 111. so it cost another 0.80 back to los cristanos from santa cruz? last week i didnīt mind that much. but yesterday same thing got proof from my bono card in the pic. i ask the driver yesterday why it cost more from santa cruz to los cristanos and cheap vice versa. he was kinda snappy at me saying that the price. i wasnīt the only one there was another person catch the same bus and ask the same thing. and again bus driver saying that the way it is. boy the guy was so upset saving monday (today ) ask las americas the problem. even today i wrote titsa on facebook showing them the proof this morning and still have not reply to me. so thatīs pretty good cheap rate on the bus and when you come back we charge you another 0.80 cents more!!! same bus 111. wow!!! ripping people off not bad huh!!!


Vortex Wake
05-11-2012, 22:19
Ģ2.80 to do a 2.5 mile bus trip in the UK - you don't know how good you have it with Titsa

05-11-2012, 22:44
I have exactly the same story from north to sur more expensive than sur to north......why???? No idea,must ask next time,wierd no!!!!!

05-11-2012, 22:50
iīm going to ask the bus station in los cristanos tomorrow bout it. i still waiting a reply from titsa since this morning!!

05-11-2012, 22:56
Henry ever since you have had that ingrowing toenail all you have done is moan! :whistle: :D:fpull:

05-11-2012, 23:04
Hi, perhaps it depends on the fare stage and which stop you get on. Your return journey may be priced to the centre or end of the line. Whereas the outward journey is part way, even if it is only a couple of stops.

05-11-2012, 23:30
Henry ever since you have had that ingrowing toenail all you have done is moan! :whistle: :D:fpull:

no i donīt moan aj!! just like to know why the extra 0.80 cent diffenct in the bus ride. like i said another young guy said the same thing so i wasnīt the only one!!!

06-11-2012, 00:23
Henry.....show him your bono card that proves that you paid a certain price from Cristianos because the driver understands the code on the bono.If he still charges more tell him to call the police as you refuse to pay more on the return journey.....by this time there will be a huge queue behind you and the **** might give up on this well known scam.

Good Luck G

PS.It's totally irrelevant to talk about prices in any other country.....bus prices here have increased much faster than wages in the last five years.That 80cents is a possible meal?

06-11-2012, 12:25
TITSA fares are higher at night. I don't know when the higher fares cut in, whether it's all evening or only "madrugada" (the middle of the night). That could explain the extra 80 cents.

Fares are also higher if you are going to or from the airport. The surcharge is €1 or €2 depending on the length of your journey.

TITSA does seem to be squeezed for cash. I see that Bono cards are no longer accepted on the Teide bus. You now have to pay cash at the full price on that service. The driver puts a cloth bag over the Bono machine.

06-11-2012, 13:33
According to Titsa tariff page the fare is €5.60 both ways?

Did you get a bus immediately before getting 111 and perhaps a trasbordo reduction?


06-11-2012, 13:54
By using the link provided by junglejim we can decode your Bono ticket and solve the mystery!

Go to junglejim's link and select the 111 bus. Click on "Parada de Origen" and you will see a list of locations starting with Santa Cruz, which is location 01. Continue to count the locations downwards (02 is Calletilas, 03 is Candelaria, etc). Eventually you will get to San Miguel 10 and Los Cristianos 11.

Now look at the last four digits on each row of your Bono. These tell you the locations of the beginning and end of the fare for your journey.

On the way to Santa Cruz your code is 1001. This means your fare covered a journey from location 10 (San Miguel) to location 01 (Santa Cruz).

On the way back, your code is 0111. This means your fare covered a journey from location 01 (Santa Cruz) to location 11 (Los Cristianos).

So you actually paid less than the correct fare on the way out, and the correct fare on the way back!

06-11-2012, 14:05
And I thought I was an Anorak ! Well done Ribuck!

06-11-2012, 14:10
i just donīt understand with titsa bus anymore?? last week i caught the bus 111 from los cristanos to santa cruz to catch tenerife footbaal. with bono card it cost 4.80 euros los cristanos to santa cruz. but on the way back itīs 5.60 euros same bus 111. so it cost another 0.80 back to los cristanos from santa cruz? last week i didnīt mind that much. but yesterday same thing got proof from my bono card in the pic. i ask the driver yesterday why it cost more from santa cruz to los cristanos and cheap vice versa. he was kinda snappy at me saying that the price. i wasnīt the only one there was another person catch the same bus and ask the same thing. and again bus driver saying that the way it is. boy the guy was so upset saving monday (today ) ask las americas the problem. even today i wrote titsa on facebook showing them the proof this morning and still have not reply to me. so thatīs pretty good cheap rate on the bus and when you come back we charge you another 0.80 cents more!!! same bus 111. wow!!! ripping people off not bad huh!!!


LOL now come on Henry, we both know that TITSA only reply to their facebook page when you give them a slight compliment, but when you're complaining they say "we'll look into it" but never do....... I'm still waiting for an answer to a query over 3 months ago, written in Spanish .... they said give us more details, so I did, and they didn't get back to me .... you've seen how many complaints there are on there ...........

I do have to agree (grrrr) with Vortex Wake though, the prices here are pretty great compared to UK, though saying that, price/quality of service is crap - especially the drivers, the majority drive like lunatics, are rude, ignorant and could do with a lesson in how to treat their customers - even if you're not happy with your job, you must still treat the customers politely and be helpfull, after all, they're paying your wages....

Saying all that, i do agree that it's strange how the same trip can cost two different prices, and they just ignore you when you complain. Some of the comments on their facebook page are hilarious though :)

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According to Titsa tariff page the fare is €5.60 both ways?

Did you get a bus immediately before getting 111 and perhaps a trasbordo reduction?


thanks, never seen this before, it's very handy :)

06-11-2012, 16:04
By using the link provided by junglejim we can decode your Bono ticket and solve the mystery!

Go to junglejim's link and select the 111 bus. Click on "Parada de Origen" and you will see a list of locations starting with Santa Cruz, which is location 01. Continue to count the locations downwards (02 is Calletilas, 03 is Candelaria, etc). Eventually you will get to San Miguel 10 and Los Cristianos 11.

Now look at the last four digits on each row of your Bono. These tell you the locations of the beginning and end of the fare for your journey.

On the way to Santa Cruz your code is 1001. This means your fare covered a journey from location 10 (San Miguel) to location 01 (Santa Cruz).

On the way back, your code is 0111. This means your fare covered a journey from location 01 (Santa Cruz) to location 11 (Los Cristianos).

So you actually paid less than the correct fare on the way out, and the correct fare on the way back!

thanks but when i brought the bono in los cristanos i catch the bus 111 from los cristnaos and the driver understood me and punch his little board and came 4.80 euros. and after watching c.d.tenerife football and having lunch with my aunt. i catch the bus 111 and told him los cristanos and bam!! 5.80 euros. i ask the driver on the spot. whay a allmost extra euro he said it the machine. i wasnīt the only one there was a young guy complenting as well of the same thing. he was madding then me. he said he was going to las americas bus station the next day and ask why? i donīt know if he did do that but man he was upset. so far this happen to me twice allready. last week and this pass sunday.

and i got a reply from titsa today on facebook. saying it chould be the driver fault if i go to las americas they refund my money diffenct. naa!! not worth it

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According to Titsa tariff page the fare is €5.60 both ways?

Did you get a bus immediately before getting 111 and perhaps a trasbordo reduction?


i had catch the bus 467 but i pay in cash because i didnīt had no more bonos. and when i got to los cristanos i went to the paper shop at the apolo center and got me a new bono bus junglejim. and when 111 came i use it going to santa cruz

10-11-2012, 07:42
Good price really considering the distance ...

10-11-2012, 20:58
We have travelled from los cristianos to La Chafiras using a bono card and on a few occassions on the return journey we have not been charged, the bono card is stamped but the cost is 0000.

Not complaining though.

10-11-2012, 21:31
That is part of the benefit of Bono -if you travel back within a certain time (usually 2 hrs) on some routes , it is free .
There is a PDF you can download on www.Titsa.com site that lists the routes and times .

10-11-2012, 22:11
it now cost 0.10 cent when you change buses on your bono card

10-11-2012, 22:33
Yes that changed in July henry along with all the other alterations as TITSA are losing money big time !

11-11-2012, 14:37
The journey from Los Cris to Santa Cruz is 5.60€ has been for months. I do this return journey 5 days a week and there is never any variation.
Transbordando y is name for making a connection the charge for this varies where you are going and what you do. For example if on arrival in Santa Cruz it's raining I catch the tranvia. There is no charge for this.
Someone I go up with catches the bus to La Laguna and 9/10 times he pays nothing. If the journey is long and he misses his connection he the has to start again as he falls out of the time allowed by TITSA for journeys.
Another I travel with goes on go Tegueste and pays a small extra charge for this but not 10 cents

11-11-2012, 17:01
I got a Transbordando on a journey last year where my Bono card was charged €0.03, which can't be right.

I thought no more of it until the card ran out and I had to pay the balance of my next fare in cash. The driver was very put out that his machine said I had to pay €1.13. He kept saying something in Spanish which seemed to mean "It doesn't make sense"!

13-11-2012, 15:04
well not bad titsa ripping off people again!!! no wondor we in a crisis!! thatīs right charge more that way people donīt know!!! i just send a facebook message saying to titsa not bad 3 weeks now you guys ripping me off and others as well. just like today again!!! i catch 450 bus from los cristanos to guaza off and on. and i know it cost 1.20 on the bono pass. but today at 13:11pm i catch 450 from los cristanos to back home in guaza and they charge me 1.65 euros? i ask the bus driver the price went up again?? he reply no why? i show him the bono and said it now cost 1.65 euros from cristanos to guaza. he reply yes, WOW!! ALLMOST EVERYTIME I CATCH THE BUS THE PRICE GOING UP AND UP!! but he said you can files a complaint form in las americas!! i dinīt want to spend another 1.15 euros to las americas to complent. that why waste another 1.15 euros. man!! i be surprized if they going to charge the whole 15 euros to go to los cristanos to santa cruz? if this keeps up then i sure it will be 15 euros to go to santa cruz!! even in the picture you see bus 450 charge 1.65 euros from los cristanos to guaza. and it suppose to be 1.20 euros!! like i said no wondor we in a crisis. even 2 people caught the bus to guaza and they complent and like allways the driver keep blaming the machine.

13-11-2012, 16:05
This time I agree with you, Henry. The fare from Los Cristianos to Guaza with a Bono should have been €1.20.

You were charged to travel from Los Cristianos to San Isidro. This is normally €1.70, but the asterisk on your ticket indicates that you received a €0.05 reduction because of your earlier journey on the 467.

13-11-2012, 16:51
before you know it might be 5 euros from los cristanos to guaza..... man!! in austin texas i donīt know now but when i was back home they charge 0.50 and they give you a tranfer ticket which is good for 2 hours. you can catch any bus in texas in those two hours free.. after two hours then it be another 0.50 cents

Vortex Wake
13-11-2012, 17:03
If you got a job Henry - you could buy a mophead.


Moped ;)

13-11-2012, 17:36
Henry, look on the bright side.

I reckon you could walk from Los Cristianos to Guaza in under an hour. Then you would save €1.65. But if the TITSA driver charged you the correct fare, you would save only €1.20 by walking.

13-11-2012, 19:36
guaza to los cristanos by walking takes a hour and 20 mins. i know because i use to walk to work at arona gran hotel. start at 6am an i leave at 4am from home. the first bus was at 6am

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guaza to los cristanos by walking takes a hour and 20 mins. i know because i use to walk to work at arona gran hotel. start at 6am an i leave at 4am from home. the first bus was at 6am

13-11-2012, 20:03
Bicycle could be a solution?

13-11-2012, 20:52
Click your heels Henry and you could be in Kansas with Dorothy for Hee Haw !

You could complain on line -

21-11-2012, 07:43
I caught the 111 from the Airport to the Intercambidor on Monday and was charged 9€ each, Bono's were not available at the airport, is this a permanent thng ?..

21-11-2012, 12:26
There is a shop that sells Bonos but it closes around 18:00- early I believe.


28-11-2012, 09:12
Just as a matter of interest how much is it to watch Tenerife at home.?

28-11-2012, 09:32
Just as a matter of interest how much is it to watch Tenerife at home.?
Welcome to forum !
You' re on the wrong thread ,but here you go

30-11-2012, 10:00
Didnt notice the last time I looked. I was double checking times and price of 111 from airport on a Sunday, and its coming up vuelta, a return. When did that change.

30-11-2012, 10:43
There is a shop that sells Bonos but it closes around 18:00- early I believe.


I found the shop that sells the Bono and the lady implied that they didn't sell them anymore, the airport information also said that Bonos were no longer available. This may be a tactic to charge tourist's the full fare, as also it is no longer possible to use a bono on route 342 to Tiede, although not a rip off. Tenerife seems to want the visitor to pay more....

30-11-2012, 11:45
I found the shop that sells the Bono and the lady implied that they didn't sell them anymore, the airport information also said that Bonos were no longer available. This may be a tactic to charge tourist's the full fare, as also it is no longer possible to use a bono on route 342 to Tiede, although not a rip off. Tenerife seems to want the visitor to pay more....
I always buy a Bono when going back in case I need it - valid for1 year .
Seems strange they stop selling them !

30-11-2012, 15:15
I found the shop that sells the Bono and the lady implied that they didn't sell them anymore, the airport information also said that Bonos were no longer available. This may be a tactic to charge tourist's the full fare, as also it is no longer possible to use a bono on route 342 to Tiede, although not a rip off. Tenerife seems to want the visitor to pay more....

Skeggy. Just spoke to the lady in La Alpizpa, and she confirmed bonos are still available in the shop 15 20 and 30 euros. Who ever you spoke to is telling porkies. Had to find out as I arrive Sunday, and it would save me the trek from arrivals.

30-11-2012, 18:04
Skeggy. Just spoke to the lady in La Alpizpa, and she confirmed bonos are still available in the shop 15 20 and 30 euros. Who ever you spoke to is telling porkies. Had to find out as I arrive Sunday, and it would save me the trek from arrivals.

Good for you Bob, but I only conveyed my experience, Good Luck and Thank You,
I'll see if I can get one when go home on the 18th. ready for our return....

30-11-2012, 19:45
Just buy one anywhere they are all the same.

30-11-2012, 19:57
Just buy one anywhere they are all the same.
It's for those people who are arriving on the Island and don't have one -you canīt get one before then .

30-11-2012, 20:21
It's for those people who are arriving on the Island and don't have one -you canīt get one before then .

As Skeggy was returning home on the 18th I assumed he was in Tenerife not in the UK.

30-11-2012, 20:46
I have received a reply from Titsa on Facebook that Bonos are on sale in shop in airport as before

01-12-2012, 01:14
I have received a reply from Titsa on Facebook that Bonos are on sale in shop in airport as before

I arrived on the 19th November I asked a young lady airside where I could buy a bono and she told me that they were not available, she was an airport employee, thinking that she had got it wrong I asked another Airport employee once through baggage she said that none were available I found the shop near departures that sells them the lady sat outside with a notice in the window saying no bono's available she must have meant sold out. I will of course not wait to buy one at the airport on my return to the UK on the 18th December. I paid full price of 9euros each to Santa Cruz, which I consider very reasonable, and purchased my Bono's at the Intercambiador as I will on my return.
I am glad that you have sorted it out Jim and Bob, good luck on your good value Titsa journeys.:surrender:

02-01-2013, 15:25
how much is fare from tfs to san eugenio

02-01-2013, 20:32
At them prices its still quite cheap.

03-01-2013, 08:07
how much is fare from tfs to san eugenio
€2.70 with Bono - change bus at bus station, 1 stop transfer is free or 10cents.

Finca Farmer
19-05-2013, 21:15
Just a quick FYI but I bought a bono last year when we were out, we arrived 2nd May and that's when I bought the bono. Expecting it to be valid for a year I brought it with me this time, we arrived on 30th April. It wouldn't work in the bono machine on the bus. The driver just kept shrugging and I don't remember what the message on the machine said. Just as well I'd bought another one anyway as I knew we'd need it, going to Puerto for the first week then back round to Costa Adeje. So watch out!

19-05-2013, 21:30
Try going from England to Wales on the motorway and you pay Ģ5 toll, but on the way back its free???

Perhaps they dont want you to leave Santa Cruz, like they dont want you to leave England.
Just a thought.

20-05-2013, 08:47
Just a quick FYI but I bought a bono last year when we were out, we arrived 2nd May and that's when I bought the bono. Expecting it to be valid for a year I brought it with me this time, we arrived on 30th April. It wouldn't work in the bono machine on the bus. The driver just kept shrugging and I don't remember what the message on the machine said. Just as well I'd bought another one anyway as I knew we'd need it, going to Puerto for the first week then back round to Costa Adeje. So watch out!

I would have said since 2009 it has no longer been valid over a year. In the old days you used to be able to revalidare them but no longer. You could have gone the next day and changed it

20-05-2013, 11:45
Wish they would put a service in to Torviscas Alto; the road up past the Toby Jug, plus the one to Paradise Court,, past Aqualand and up to Exit 29, Laguna Park 2 , Windsor Park and more, Las Mimosas, Paradise Club/La Costa,up here in Roque Del Conde, so many apartments with no service, everyone talks about it. a private operator could make a killing with a mini bus service. (no pun intended if they tried!).

20-05-2013, 12:00
a private operator could make a killing with a mini bus service

I wonder how one can get permission to run a bus service.

The bus service from La Laguna to La Esperanza seems to be privately run, and they even use the La Laguna Titsa bus station.

But it must be very difficult, as Titsa seems to have very little competition when it comes to scheduled services.

20-05-2013, 16:06
I wonder how one can get permission to run a bus service.

The bus service from La Laguna to La Esperanza seems to be privately run, and they even use the La Laguna Titsa bus station.

But it must be very difficult, as Titsa seems to have very little competition when it comes to scheduled services.

Perhaps he's related to the Mayor:cheeky:


20-05-2013, 16:16
Just been to Taganana from Santa Cruz 64 cents, well over 12 miles how can that be a rip off ?.............At home Ģ2 for a 5 mile trip.......

20-05-2013, 16:23
Just been to Taganana from Santa Cruz 64 cents, well over 12 miles how can that be a rip off ?.............At home Ģ2 for a 5 mile trip.......

Its not! its very good value.


20-05-2013, 16:34
man i see titsa is at it again!! many times with the bono card from guaza to las americas was 1.115 euros now itīs 1.20 euros!!! come on now!!! before you know it they might charge los cristanos to las americas 5 euros the way this is going!!!

Finca Farmer
20-05-2013, 18:30
I would have said since 2009 it has no longer been valid over a year. In the old days you used to be able to revalidare them but no longer. You could have gone the next day and changed it

It wasn't over a year, it was 2 days short of a year. That was why I mentioned it. I bought it on 2/5/12 and tried to use it on 30/4/13.

20-05-2013, 19:28
I had Bonos from last November one unused others with bits on, at the Intercambidor recently they changed the unused ones and put the bits on another, very pleasantly.

21-05-2013, 09:39
I had Bonos from last November one unused others with bits on, at the Intercambidor recently they changed the unused ones and put the bits on another, very pleasantly.

What's Intercambidor :confused: and more importantly where is it? :confused:

21-05-2013, 09:49
What's Intercambidor :confused: and more importantly where is it? :confused:

The Intercambiador ( Interchange ) is the Bus Station in Santa Cruz or La Laguna, in Santa Cruz the Bono Office is on the lower floor, from where the local buses depart and arrive...... They will change or update old bonos at PLA bus station. They will change or update older bonos no longer valid at the PDLA bus station.

23-05-2013, 08:30
It wasn't over a year, it was 2 days short of a year. That was why I mentioned it. I bought it on 2/5/12 and tried to use it on 30/4/13.

My recollection is they only work 3 months and then need updating
Which is why I said you could have gone the next day to the main bus station in PDLA to convert this

23-05-2013, 10:29
My recollection is they only work 3 months and then need updating
Which is why I said you could have gone the next day to the main bus station in PDLA to convert this
The Bonos are normally valid for 1 year .

23-05-2013, 11:25
In February I used a Bono that was 11 months old, and it worked fine. Even after 12 months, I think you can take the old Bono to the PDLA bus station or to the Santa Cruz Intercambiador and they will transfer the balance to a new card.